Could I suggest in future. The top 2 from each night should go through to the final + the 2 best scores overall that have not quallified also go through! Thats my suggestion that hopefully would keep the numbers up a bit for the second legs. Ps personly I would like it to start with 5,000 chips and 10 minute blinds.
In order to keep the numbers up, the easiest way would be to have a guarantee on it. Say £100/£200, get more runners in the first place, plus more would play second leg as there's a guarantee...
not many numbers tonight so 16th in the 1st game dnt think i can qualify all the top 6 have registered in tonights game and only 9 players in it im not 1 to moan but this is a waste of time me entering well waste of £2.50
It's always good to try something new, and I hope it works out.
My concern is that all those who don't get a decent score in the first leg have no incentive to play the second leg, since they would be only playing for half the price pool.
exactly this all the top 6 scores have entered from 1st leg n hardly no 1 else
Entered to find 8 runners with top 6 enrolled. waste of a fiver.
Good try and i am always willing to support these forum tournies but won't be doing this again, perhaps if everyone has to enroll in both at same time it may be better.
Ok peeps obvoiusly we need to tweak a few things here and there to make it work and be another successful forum comp so all ideas are welcome on going forward with this.........
so far we've had these.....
think sky should look at changing the structure a little bit to boost the numbers,33 took part tuesday which i feel only half will play thursday,those who are in with a chance of making sundays final will take about playing 2 tourneys on tuesday,one at 8.30 and the other straight after at 8.35.then the same again can then take the best 2 scores from the 4 tourneys to make the final.this would also give players a chance to qualify who can only play on one of the nights which will boost the prize pool.
Could I suggest in future. The top 2 from each night should go through to the final + the 2 best scores overall that have not quallified also go through! Thats my suggestion that hopefully would keep the numbers up a bit for the second legs. Ps personly I would like it to start with 5,000 chips and 10 minute blinds.
In order to keep the numbers up, the easiest way would be to have a guarantee on it. Say £100/£200, get more runners in the first place, plus more would play second leg as there's a guarantee...
Only my opinion..:-)
should do it like a dtd format 2 tourneys in the space of 30 mins would be better
I myself like the idea of 2 tournies per night starting pretty close to each other so 4 tournies over the 2 nights with best 2 scores to count towards the final.... it would IMO boost runners and therefore boost the FT payouts on the Sunday.
As I said tho your ideas are welcome ...................let's take this forward
Alternate the week days used but keep the sunday final. week....TUES/THURS....another week WED/FRID etc Posted by MAXALLY
Have the tourny every night mon - fri, maybe take less for the final on the saturday, best 2 scores counts, then if someone does have a bad night it wont put them of registering for another one
Obv the idea behind the Tue/Thu/Sun schedule was to possibly show some hands on 861. If that actually happens it's a good idea, but I don't think it did this week.
I would suggest to run daily 'qualifying' tournaments with a much smaller portion of the buy-in going towards the Sunday final (2.50+0.50+0.25?) and the best 2 scores counting towards qualification. That way everyone should have a chance to play at least 2 and the dailies will still be worth playing as the 'dead' money going towards Sunday is a smaller percentage of the price pool. Make coverage of the Sunday final a regular part of the TV show and this could still take off.
Seriously tho, IMO this comp has the potential to be as successful as Mondays DTD. However, to appeal to the masses the £3 fees bit needs serious "tweaking" - just make it £1!. i.e. £1:50 +£1 +.50p. That means it will appeal to the regulars & "random" folk who can only play 2/3/4 nights per week, but not neccessarily the same nights every week. SO, why not run it Tues to Sat with top 5 every night going through to final on Sunday. Players who get in Top 5 more than once get an extra 200 chips on Sunday? Or just pick next placers?
another idea i put forward to sky a while ago was,run a tourney every night monday to saturday with top top 6(final table) from each night going though to sundays final,so u would have 36 players in the final which u could pay out top 6 in in say £3+30p each night with half money payed out on night and half goes towards final.this way u would get players intrested each night to get a shot at reaching final.
another idea i put forward to sky a while ago was,run a tourney every night monday to saturday with top top 6(final table) from each night going though to sundays final,so u would have 36 players in the final which u could pay out top 6 in in say £3+30p each night with half money payed out on night and half goes towards final.this way u would get players intrested each night to get a shot at reaching final. Posted by mkgunner
Thanks a lot for your feedback on this. As we said, it's a new format and something we're more than happy to tweak.
For this week, I'm going to make the following tweaks and see how that works. As Giant811 says, it's about getting some TV coverage as well as a Community-focused format, which is why I think it will work best on Tuesday/Thursday...
Two tournaments each night - 8.30pm and 8.45pm.
£3 buy-in each - split £2-£1 with 30p in fees.
Best two results from the four legs count for the Sunday final standings.
Joe is just setting these up now for you. We're going to keep them passworded too, with the passwords for this week as follows:
Tuesday: snowmen - same password for both Tuesday tourneys
Thursday: colddeck - same password for both Thursday tourneys
They should be up in the lobby in the next hour or so.
In order to keep the numbers up, the easiest way would be to have a guarantee on it. Say £100/£200, get more runners in the first place, plus more would play second leg as there's a guarantee...
Only my opinion..:-)
First: 18/7/2011
Last: 4/12/2012
Good try and i am always willing to support these forum tournies but won't be doing this again, perhaps if everyone has to enroll in both at same time it may be better.
Only my opinion..:-)