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£11 Turbo MTT - TPTK - 50xBB deep
I prob flat ott, but he seems to have committed himself so I guess either is fine, but I've seen people do this a few times and I shove, and they fold which is annoying, but it's fine
obv youre never folding if thats what youre asking
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Very early on as it's a turbo so maybe 10 mins in and I joined in late reg too so played abuot 2 orbits but I know the villian a bit already. Aint played him loads but know he's a pretty solid straight forward player, doesn't get out of line too often but not a complete nit-fest... which is half the reason I hate how I played it but anyway...
The donkbet put me off kilter and it all went awry from there.
Well its early in a turbo and though i don't play 'em, i suppose aggression is the key. As you say the donk bet's a bit funny but i suppose you should ask yourself what sb would call with. Bb is priced in i suppose but should have something(picture cards, suited connectors, sppr etc)
You flop TPTK. After the donk i'd be tempted to min rer to bring it to heads up or win pot outright and let him see you have a hand. I've seen some bb's donk with middle pr or say 99 and feel obliged to bluff bet on turn too. The rer would make you the aggressor unless he ai's or 4 bets at which stage you can fold feeling confident of being behind, probably to trip 3's or two pair. Looking at it JT of diamonds would fit the betting imo and you'd still be ahead.
It's horrible when your best flop comes and the donk bet flies off the bat, isn't it?