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50nl thoughts against a reg
What do you do here against a reg?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebearlytherSmall blind £0.25£0.25£110.19LudacrisBig blind £0.50£0.75£84.50 Your hole cardsJK GELDYFold ...........Raise £1.50£2.25£113.59Stewart1Fold bearlytherRaise £4.75£7.00£105.44LudacrisFold ............Call £3.50£10.50£110.09Flop K28 bearlytherBet £6.00£16.50£99.44..........Raise £16.00£32.50£94.09bearlytherCall £10.00£42.50£89.44Turn 9 bearlytherCheck ...........Bet £26.50£69.00£67.59bearlytherCall £26.50£95.50£62.94River 9 bearlytherCheck ..........All-in £67.59£163.09£0.00
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Hate your play post flop. You've bassically got owned by doing all the things which people warn against when 3betting medium hands like KJ. c-bet is good but you have to have the dicipline to fold top pair to a raise otf if you are going to 3bet this hand. You need a plan post flop and you don't apear to have one any better than "I'm just going to call and see what happens...".
On the flop the villian has one of three things in my opinion. A bigger king, a set, or a spade draw (possibly Kxss). Total air is also a slim possibility. If you are calling the flop raise it's not because you think he has a bigger king or a set so he must have a bluff/semi-bluff and therefore you have committed to calling all bets, even the inevitable river shove. Since you stand to win/lose £100 on the hand this way (vs £10 if you fold to the flop raise) you have to win the hand roughly 45% of the time or more to make this a better option.
If you have reads then it's different. But just that "he's a reg" isn't enough to continue with the hands after the flop raise.
3 bet, c bet and hope oppo folds )
think your only beating barreled missed draws, debatable if the river card is a great card to fire the last bullet on though
Oppo could be just taking you to a place called "look how crafty I played AK!!"
I think it all depends on what you think about that raise sizing on the flop
I say information,if he 4 bets you then well does your opponent know you.
The flop,your opponent at this level is expecting a c-bet,from yourself,so he takes control by re- raising,
now when u flat his raise,he still has control,u check the turn,you defo give him control,not unless you think your ahead,when he bets again you flat again.
The river,you check again,and he then shoves,taking all play away from you now.
Why not re-raise the flop ?
if he calls at least you know where u are,or at least a better idea.If he then re-raises u fold.
personaly i would have liked a chk raise on the flop.
when u check the turn,and flat his bet, are you hoping to get to a showdown with the remains of your stack,hoping it goes chk,chk on river.
you check the river,ur hand is only beating a bluff in my opion,so is he bluffing ?
Your opponent has played the hand well,as he has put pressure on you on every street,where as you on the other hand have been very passive,you have not asked any questions ,so you recieved no answers.
This is a good example of the power of position,if you play out of positon,you have to take position away from your opponent and gain control of the hand,unless u have an absolute monster.
So in short i chck raise the flop, if he raises i fold,if not i then lead out the turn,if called i shut up shop.
Now you say that the opponent has the iniative,you should be trying to take away his advantage of position,and trying to win the hand.
The way it was played the only time you tried to take control and win the hand,was pre.
this way you have tried,to win the hand down the streets,at a cost effective way,as oppposed to the way it was played.
It also makes your decisions alot easier.
we all play differentley,and are willing to learn.
This is how i would have played the hand,and tried to explain my reasoning,it may be flawed,and these flawes will be explained thru posts like this,then i myself can take something away from this post.
Did u have a plan once the flop came down ?