After a brief hiatus, the live, five-hour Sky Poker TV experience is back on channel 861 (and Sky Sports 4 from 10pm).
And, after an extended break, I'm also back! I woke up this morning in a state of total confusion. What day is it? What time is it? Where am I? Wherever it is, it's significantly colder than the Bahamas...
Hopefully, Carlos is in a less vegetative state than me, and will be able to guide you through the following in expert fashion:
7pm - Live coverage of a £600 Timed Tournament (starting at 7.15pm)
8pm - The Poker Clinic
9pm - Rapid-fire action from the Master Cash tables
10pm - Top of the Pots
11pm - Highlights from the £15k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
And we'll have a guest in the studio, in the form of this chap:
Since we last saw him, in the wake of his UKIPT victory, Sam Razavi has had an INCREDIBLE twelve months on the tournament circuit, winning APPT/ANZPT and APT titles, and making final tables on the LAPT and WPT!
If you have something you'd like to say to Sam, a question you'd like him to answer, or a hand you'd like him to analyse, please get in touch.
The authors of the THREE best contributions (received before 9.45pm) will receive FREE entry into Sunday's Mini Primo.
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
so sam razavi and carlo in the same room i wonder what sam has instore for carlo in the prob bet he lost
Carlo has a new catchphrase horsssssssseeeeeeee me down
My question is is it ok to call flop and when the opponent barrels is it a call or fold ?
action table 31
well done on an excellent year of poker sam.
are english poker players classed as the best in the world.
carlo wheres your dress.
all the best rainman 397
Have you ever watched deal or no deal? I always wonder if a proper poker player (i.e. Carlo and Sam) was on he could never deal as the odds to go on would always be better than dealing, therefore forget the hour long show and open the box picked by the player. i.m.o. Great show
Sam seems to be always chatting/laughing & being generally a fun guy to have on your table, but does he reign it when going deep in a tourny/approaching the final table ??
Once on the FT do you ever start thinking about the big money jumps or does it never even enter your head ??
Break a leg & have a good show
Looking forward to the show
My question for Sam, in your opinion who is the best UK player in the following categories
Cash player
Online MTT
Live MTT
Player to watch in 2013
Finally a massive plus one to the comments about the Brit rails. I was playing in a tournament at the Rio this year when Chris Brammer was on the 6max ft. The atmosphere was so good and it was very amusing seeing the reaction of the players on my table who didn't really know what was going on.
Hand ref 610950047 from Master Cash
Can you tell me if its too nitty to fold this hand in this spot?
Folded as I thought my 99 wasnt the only overpair out there, but not sure if I would call or fold this spot in future.
Cheers guys
question is my call preflop ok i was going to 4 bet pre
on the turn is it ok to fold here
Questions for Sam
Q1. Which actor do you most admire or aspire to be as good as?
Q2. What's your opinion of final table deals? Personally I won't take a deal unless it was considerably in my favour. Are you of the opinion that FTs are so fea and far between that you HAVE to give it your best chance to take down the lot, or do you prefer a lower variance route?
P.S. I asked for a hand to be shown in the clinic tonight, if it gets shown, please note that I'm never folding the hand this deep, it's more about the best route to take from the turn onwards... just keep calling to keep his range as wide as possible or raise cos he already looks committed.
Hand History #609427659 (19:52 13/01/2013)
Hi again guys
I hear there is an s.p.t. in Dublin.
Are ye coming over and have ye ever played over here. Good craic even if ya get a bad beat. Bad hangovers though!!!!!!!!!!!
My question to Sam is an obvious one.
Coming off an amazing year (only two players in the entire world have had more cashes apparently) what does 2013 hold in store for Sam Razavi?
Great show so far guys, in regards to the A3d hand i usually fold to the 3bet pre but know villian is capable of 3betting worse there was hoping to push off villian on the river feeling he had a medium pair 8s-10s sort of thing but i can definatly see why checking behind would be a better play.
Would like to add the show is great tonight Sam makes the show great fun
the presenters cracking up over it was brilliant too. this is why i love poker!
great to see sam back on sky. got a few questions
Is poker these days more about quantity than quality?
what i mean is does carlo and sam believe an average player can run up great amounts of cash by multi tabling and dedicating 12 - 18 hour sessions. where as before the boom the likes of ivey brunson hellmuth etc etc had to play well and ensure they were better than the rest to make alot of cash as they really only had live games with less hands and less games.
can i also ask sam if he still has his target of 1 mill and out of the game or has he maybe even beat the target but cant leave the game?
and who i the most interesting person sam has meet on his travels at the tables?
thanks drrungood
Just on a break and am on the cusp of my best MTT on sky Poker to date. Only 191 runners I grant you, but with 21 left, - I'm 8th and the top 16 get paid, plus I've already made a profit through head prizes.
Wish me luck, - I really really want to go deep in this ( final table ideally!).
cheers guys, keep up the good work.
- PuppetJacks.
-----------Shoved with A-9. called by 8s. busted in 13th, ...which I'm happy with tbh! ----------------