Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Thread that wont be closed
Hi Everybody,
Just thought I'd start a thread that wouldn't be closed.
The Sky Forum Officials have been earning their overtime
My goodness the Teddy's have been flying around recently, have they not

0 ·
totally agree. they are a must.
without boring you with technical gobbledygook.... during the design and build of the community we encountered a technical glitch that we are working to fix and will re-introduce in the next community release. so you shouldn't have to wait all that long until you can 'smile' until your heart's content.
it's amazing how the smallest of things cause the biggest of headaches.
some of my posts have been taken in the wrong way and i think by using smilies people will know that its humor and not a dig!
also smilies look better than
blackfish your the biggest donk on this site !
i believe you falsify your sharkscope stats !
i believe you are actually a trainee binman !
EDIT!! great minds irishrover.........
Bosh, Job done Thread will be down within the hour
Sorry had to test the theory
delete post and block user
me thinks with does buttons you need a tiny
heil rich !
"insert humourous smiley here"
(I put a smiley in ......... just in case)
Tikay + tiny moustache = Scary
LML + tiny moustache = Nightmare
Does he know that he became an overnight celebrity on the threads?
"For just £2 pound per month, you can adopt a Blackfish and give it a better poker life, with better Sharkscope Statistics**. You will Receive regular updates and a Christmas Card".
"Blackfish1.....If you're listening to the programme, Please come and talk to us. We CAN Help."
**T`s & C`s Apply. We cannot be held responsible for patrons who are incapable of performing a basic Sharkscope Search.