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Late stages of last nights mini, 30 ish left and i am chip leader with >40bb.
I have been a bit quite last 2/3 orbits and villan has been raising a little too often. Villan called a 3 bet shove with A,10, but with stacks at the time it was not that bad, not seen any other show downs from villan.
first Q. Do you raise or shove pre? if raise how much?
I think villan will 4bet pre with 10,10+ and AQ+ unsure about AJ.
Flop comes King high can he hold a king? I asume he folds KQ KJ K,10 pre and 4 bets AK pre so i cant see a king in his range.
I check flop to induce AQ AJ and small pairs to shove, if i bet they all fold, thoughts?
Just wanna see if my thoughts are right or wrong, thanks all.
freechips1Small blind 1000.001000.0092996.27gwolfBig blind 2000.003000.0032086.08 Your hole cards1010 karllukeFold frizogFold LJ_Elson72Fold dav82Raise 6000.009000.0044867.50freechips1Raise 17000.0026000.0075996.27gwolfFold dav82Call 12000.0038000.0032867.50Flop 58K freechips1Check dav82All-in 32867.5070867.500.00freechips1Call 32867.50103735.0043128.77
0 ·
Can rule out 99 either, I do think a king could be in his range here but why would he not check and give u a chance to bluff turn, some ppl jam with King though aswell its difficult. He has to shove with amount invested so after his call pre we have to call it of as only 1 over
I did fistpump call after villan shove.
On the flop you check which is good because he can only call a donk lead with a king really but if you check it lets him bluff. He could easily have an ace or a flush draw now as well as the king.
Well, played. I guess that he had a hand like KJ for you to be posting the hand. Just unlucky. As with most tournement hands at this late stage the main bit of advice people can give you is "run better"
shove pre is better imo, saves these headaches and frankly depnding how light oppo call's pre -
oppo may call Q10+
Maybe just shoving Kx, scared of an ace falling
50/50 if oppo has a K, so just call - it's BH after all
I prob shove pre, you cant 3b/f anyway. If you are not shoving make it a little smaller
checking fine if you are inducing, dont mind just shoving either he wont fold much