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1) How bad was it to get involved here?
2) What do I do now ?
Hand History #472257011 (19:05 01/02/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLEE001Small blind £0.10£0.10£77.07The_GixerBig blind £0.20£0.30£33.70 Your hole cards66 SKILL324Raise £0.80£1.10£10.6305clishambCall £0.80£1.90£9.00penguin7Call £0.80£2.70£16.06ugotsunk22Call £0.80£3.50£8.00abbottm28Fold LEE001Fold The_GixerRaise £3.00£6.50£30.70SKILL324Call £2.40£8.90£8.2305clishambCall £2.40£11.30£6.60penguin7Call £2.40£13.70£13.66ugotsunk22Fold Flop 547 The_GixerBet £10.28£23.98£20.42SKILL324All-in £8.23£32.21£0.0005clishambAll-in £6.60£38.81£0.00penguin7
0 ·
Think calling initial 80p was fine, if I am going to set mine I want to be in a 4way pot ?
Reraise looked like a squeeze, but once again with 2 callers in front of me, there is already £11.30 in pot. So its £2.40 to see a flop, knowing I have to fold if I miss the set.
If I hit the set, the implied odds are almost guaranteed with 3 opponents.
But that flop totally threw me
edit: gixer not all in, shove weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
if we call we only have £x behind - so shove
if our sd is good then we can call, but can't leave £x behind with the pot size imo
not sure 100% about the £x, but sure I am ok here
got £12-13 on flop
1x AA/KK
1x SET
If any of them have the straight then we have virtually no equity left in the hand btw.
get it in on flop
8 outs, marginal but shove />call
Will post rest of hand after tourny I am in finishes.
Some surprises out there
Sick outcome !
i think you have to fold pre flop if you know that you are not going to be able to fold that flop.
i will prob call pre flop in your spot here a lot but i will make the fold on the flop with the way the action goes.
i definitley dont play these spots nearly well enough though and would assume the correct play is to fold pre flop but to me that just feels a little dirty because we could always hit a set and sets look pretty.
at 0.10/0.20 i think you should be folding this flop most of the time because the nature of the stakes means there's such a high chance that the smaller stacked opponents hold blockers to your draw or have already setted up. also gixxer never has anything other than an over pair here.
jam flop