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Folding K high flush to 4 and 5 bet all in
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLnarinOOSmall blind £0.20£0.20£40.00ACEGOONERBig blind £0.40£0.60£40.22 Your hole cards3K MRGARYCall £0.40£1.00£23.52mikeyoneyeFold LnarinOOCall £0.20£1.20£39.80ACEGOONERCheck Flop 105A LnarinOOCheck ACEGOONERCheck MRGARYCheck Turn 6 LnarinOOBet £1.20£2.40£38.60ACEGOONERCall £1.20£3.60£39.02MRGARYCall £1.20£4.80£22.32River 8 LnarinOOBet £3.60£8.40£35.00ACEGOONERRaise £7.20£15.60£31.82MRGARYAll-in £22.32£37.92£0.00LnarinOOAll-in £35.00£72.92£0.00ACEGOONERFold LnarinOOUnmatched bet £16.28£56.64£16.28LnarinOOShow2A MRGARYShow79 MRGARYWinStraight Flush to the 9£54.84 £54.84
Sometimes I get this gut feeling that im behind and fold as here, but poker purists say I am not playing optimal poker being this nitty. Is it reasonable to assume that one of my opponents has the nut flush (and I dont mean str8!) and therefore its a snap fold or am I just being the risk averse nit, JJ keeps on going on about.
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But more importantly for you is the fact that you can make some very good notes on your two opponents because of the way that this hand was played. Their limping ranges and also the sort of boards that they need to hit before being willing to commit chips to the pot. These things are vital for when playing them again making it easier for you to sort your own ranges against them. Correct usage of this sort of information is vital when playing opponents on several occassions
i'm just saying that it's hard to remain totally unbiased when people see you folded the third best hand, the serious poker players would probably agree
I think its a standard fold as played, esp if they are 2 regs. I raise river bigger though. Turn call of pot bet is marginal imo, not sure implied odds are great here
flop checked thru
turn pot lead 2 calls
river brings in flush, action goes bet/raise/cold 3bet/shove.
You really think K hi flush is good here enough to call? Esp when at least one of villains is a reg
It wouldnt even occur to me to think "there are only 2 hands beating me in this spot".
Only thing I'd be thinking is there is a lead, raise re raise and call in front of me. Big ole sigh fold imo. River range of oppononts is beyond polarised
at this level )
good fold, can never be good here three way
We can put one player on an overplayed hand, but not both. Obv call with Ac, but - as the action plays - I never call here
The call of the full-pot bet on the turn, with 20% chance to hit is a bit questionable. I think you have to be convinced that you'll get paid big every time you hit. Maybe you were convinced, I don't know, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts.
Well unless they limp AA-78s UTG!
Where's the balance Gooner
& yes I see u BB

Which is unusual for a gooner this season!
P.S visit the clinic more, its fun round here, dudenit says fold alot, grantorino says flat call alot, and dohhhhhhh says all in alot