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Okay so mainly a tournament player, do okay at them on here but am starting to play some cash as eventually this is were i want to be. Been 4-6 tabling nl20 and 30 and feel very comfortable at this leel and hope to move up the levels soon enough. Obiously as im new ish to cash il be making mistakes so may post a few hands up just to see what im doing right and wrong. The hand in question. This guy 12 tables nl20, is a huge huge nit. With this in mind is this a good or bad fold?
Looking at this hand i cant see one hand im beating that he is re raising me with unless it is a bluff. But maybe im wrong :P
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancefisherking Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £9.35 BigHawk89 Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £19.80 Your hole cards Q A bichasila Fold GFKIJKLL Fold Wacko90 Raise £0.80 £1.10 £26.05 FORDYCE Call £0.80 £1.90 £43.34 fisherking Fold BigHawk89 Call £0.60 £2.50 £19.20 Flop 10 5 Q BigHawk89 Check Wacko90 Bet £2.00 £4.50 £24.05 FORDYCE Raise £5.00 £9.50 £38.34 BigHawk89 Fold Wacko90 Fold FORDYCE Muck FORDYCE Win £6.17 £44.51 FORDYCE Return £3.00 £0.33 £47.51
But if you have him as an uber nit you kind of have to fold.
awful fold
I have no notes reads on player. You do. I think you do right to stick to your own belief until you know otherwise.
Aside from this, size of his raise is interesting.
oppo has never got worse, maybe same hand :S
gl on tables m8 and all pete
imo if oppo has TPGK - I very much doubt oppo raises flop unless oppo thinks you a no one and stacks with TP hands that stand up bad to AQ
fold and feel good about it or stick it and find out wtf is going on )
OPPO is very solid but not a nit imo
Doubt he shows up with KQ much, I think folding is prob ok, its likely a set or KJ and we are not far ahead of KJ. Without history between you air is much less likely
I personally call this, or even shove.
You are only beaten by 55,1010,QQ,Q10,Q5 or KK/AA.
From him only calling your raise from the D with the SB and BB after i would rule out KK,AA,QQ.. since you say he is a tight player he wouldnt want a 4 way pot, and he is only increasing the SB/BB's pot odds by only calling.
I would possibly even say he is re-raising 1010, because it gets out drawn by marginal hands such as QJ and he wouldnt want the blinds to get in for cheaply, which one of them did.
Due to his tight image im also ruling out Q5.. This leaves his possible range (IMO) at 55,Q10.. And again Q10 is a loose call for such a tight nit as you said? Unless suited I guess.
Furthermore, if he had made his set, doesnt he flat call your bet increasing the pot odds for the BB to call aswel? And with the intention that you will fire again on the turn? Especially when the board was so weak.
He could also have had JK and made a semi-bluff, or maybe AK giving him a gutshot and 2 overs (from his perspective).
Could he have also just had QK/QJ? Possibly suited, that is within the nits range on the button?
This could have been so much easier if you had simply closed your eyes and shoved
I personally wouldnt be folding in this position, i think that you are winning in this position more times then you are losing but im pretty new to the forums etc. so dont be hating my analysis to much guys
He can prob have 55, KJ, sometimes QT,TT and maybe AQ or air
Doubt he raises KQ,QJ
Sometimes though when someone tells you they have a hand they have it even if there are very few combos of it