I played Counter-Strike (an online First Person Shooter) for a good decade or so competively with dreams of playing professionally, unfortunately that's very tough to break into and the UK eSports scene was lagging quite behind Europe and the US. Not only did I just play the game but supported a couple of Pro Swedish teams, SK-Gaming and Ninjas In Pyjamas. I'd watch demos to keep improving my own game too, similar in ways to my approach to Poker.
To say I was obssessed is an understatement, but thankfully work and real life came along and saved me!
great show so far even tho i havent watched the show in a while or played poker but im glad to be back.
my favourite computer game would be The Sims games as i like building a home and creating a family on it from people i know in real life and making it feel real is amazing
Just a quick update, another thanks for free entry to mini BH tonight, ended up pushing with 77 and being beaten by kings in 133 / 601 total runners, but managed to bag 2 bounties for £3.76 profit, not bad for a micro stakes player Great fun and might just have to enter this again.
By the way, another question for Tikay, obviously Joe Montana was one of the all time greats, but where did he get traded to? Kansas City Chiefs
Trading Places? Good film Matchday on the spectrum Bubble Bobble c64 Kick Off Amiga Super Monaco GP megadrive Posted by Jac35
yes yes and yes........classic games
A couple of games I spent hours on were Streets of Rage and Road Rash (an awesome bike racing game which involved beating the opposition riders to a pulp with various weapons).
All this talk makes me want to go and buy a Megadrive or Amiga on ebay.......great times
Hi guys, fantastic show. fortunatly for james i dont have any unintersting facts about concrete but i am writing in to say thanks to tikay & yourself james for the cash game advice earlier. Refering back to the American football which you have mentioned a few times tonight, i actually have a very little to no knowledge of the game but for some reason every year when the superbowl comes around, find myself having to watch it from beginning to end with no real idea of whats going on!!! why is this???? Great show, keep up the good work guys. Stuart
Not only did I just play the game but supported a couple of Pro Swedish teams, SK-Gaming and Ninjas In Pyjamas. I'd watch demos to keep improving my own game too, similar in ways to my approach to Poker.
To say I was obssessed is an understatement, but thankfully work and real life came along and saved me!
Great show btw!
I bet he's so street that he's not wearing any.
Just a quick update, another thanks for free entry to mini BH tonight, ended up pushing with 77 and being beaten by kings in 133 / 601 total runners, but managed to bag 2 bounties for £3.76 profit, not bad for a micro stakes player
By the way, another question for Tikay, obviously Joe Montana was one of the all time greats, but where did he get traded to?
Kansas City Chiefs
i didn't have much lucky with that and went out quickly.
A couple of games I spent hours on were Streets of Rage and Road Rash (an awesome bike racing game which involved beating the opposition riders to a pulp with various weapons).
All this talk makes me want to go and buy a Megadrive or Amiga on ebay.......great times
I'm a railway enthusiast am i news to me lol
hi james, tikay,
jackpot possibles are....
i got the books from a railway enthusiast house,he had died and i cleared his house
Did tikay never fancy going on a train driving course many of the steam railways do them
P.S Quality jacket tk :P