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How many ambassadors does it take to change a light bulb?
With the unveiling as CJ as the new Sky Poker Ambassador, where does this leave Richard Orford's great great Grandad, Tikay?.
He is still listed as an 'offline' ambassador on the poker analysts page and I hope this means he will still be helping out organising the SPT's etc. I can understand why he would wish to take a step back from his on line involvement as he is probably sick of the hassle he unfortunately gets off the minority on here and elsewhere.
He was, however, always around to answer queries/problems and would of helped out hundreds of Sky Poker players on here. I for one was very grateful of this point of contact if there was ever the need to sort a problem out.
With the closure of the Ask Tikay thread, will there now be a 'Ask CJ' or 'Ask Sky Poker' thread to assist costumers?
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So whats the point????
Well, i can but dream m8.
I'm a little busy right now, so I'll try & reply properly to this over the weekend.
The short answer, the regulars will be pleased/disappointed to know (delete as appropriate), is that Charlotte's arrival as Sky Poker Ambassador does not impact in any way on what I already do.
If Charlotte can attend the occasional SPT, she will, but she has many other committments of course, especially with her work at Sky Sports.
All being well - one never knows! - I shall continue to be at the SPT's as usual in the future. I am starting to find them very physically tiring, not surprising given my age, but I get a terrific buzz from SPT's, especially meeting so many friends, & as long as the Business continues to engage me, & ask me to Host them, & I remain able, I will.
I will try & give you more background on the Charlotte appointment in a day or so, & also address the rest of your Post. ("Ask Tikay" etc). For now, no, there will not be an "Ask Charlotte" thread. I dread to think what some may ask....
I really enjoyed doing "Ask Tikay", but I have a number of important Sky Poker projects on my desk these days, & I must give them my focus. If any Community questions arise, & nobody else can assist, I will always try & reply though, & I still continue to monitor the Forum daily.
More later.
she was very good on page 3 of the sun on sunday in her lingerie the other week so from that maybe we can glean she knows her poker, wait, what?
Seems a pretty good catch for a Sky Poker Ambassador.