morning every 1 ftd megastack 2nd £83 . 32 very long night lol ty for rail jj dale and red king and special guest star railers better half and last but not least my great mate paula thank you all and gl today
Well played last night POKEY & FLASH, I couldn't last the pace 'till the end, as I'm still recovering from a 13 hour work shift (6am-7pm) on Thursday. Feels like jet lag, lol.
Well played all some great cashes especially Chris and Flash. After spending the last few days promoting the Megastack thread that I started rather ironically I was first out last night lol. Flopped the nut trips with Ace kicker and a harmless looking 5 on the river gave my oppo a full house.
A BIG Well done to Pokey - unlucky not to take it down, but a fantastic result.
Well done also to Red, ZOED, Flash, Jac35, waller and I must also say a special well done to a family member BlueDaz who took down the £500GTD Bounty Hunter for £176.05 which I think is his best result by far on Sky Poker and I railed him till the end so appologies if I missed railing anyone else last night.
I had a awful night and got outdrawn more times than I could shake a stick at. I think i'm on one of my worst runs ever and really should have called it a night after going out of my satelite attempts earlier on in the evening.
Managed 2nd in deepy.WD to wheels and Antobe who made ft to.Big thanks for rail everyone.It was a much needed cash.Jonny still in main and waller still in rebuy ukops if anyone around. gartcosh14650001£53.01jjjach02£32.74stacksy03£20.27WHEELS716104£16.37edelmc105£13.67antobe06£11.53
just ftd in ukops main 3rd place £1080 thank you for the rail jj dale haylezred king waller paula and keith slyklist tommy d matt bates if i forgot any 1 else im sorry i am absolutely MADE UP AND CHUFFED TO BITS i will see you all on tuesday as im having a couple of days off all the best johnny
waller02016£5.460 Finished 2nd in the UKOPS rebuy (No rebuy but took the addon). Was a 3/1 dog when we went HU, did pull back level but have to say that the best player won, they had me in their pocket tbf!!! Cheers for the rail JJ,dale, Larson, red......sorry if I missed anyone!!
very well done waller last night great result off for a couple of days thank you once again for all your support and will see you all on tuesday gl to all
what a night last night for tpt, i tried to rail as many as i could and whitnessed great performances from flash jonny and waller02 not to forget jjjach.
very welldone to all was nice not to be in too many tournaments and follow what i consider to be friends although i havent met you guys yet sure i will when i go to live spt in the future.
i set my own record last night for double your money sit n go's mainly at 5.50 level i won 21 of 24 last night was very happy.
wasnt all good though as i tried to get in to main event via all ins and lost out in 7 out of 7, costing my 70 quid i think should of just bought
Gl to all TPTers playing in the UKOPS tonight. I had a go for the main but didn't make it so switching off for the night to watch a film with the missus.
Hope to log on tomorrow to see plenty of TPT final table results!!!!
just ftd in ukops main 3rd place £1080 thank you for the rail jj dale haylezred king waller paula and keith slyklist tommy d matt bates if i forgot any 1 else im sorry i am absolutely MADE UP AND CHUFFED TO BITS i will see you all on tuesday as im having a couple of days off all the best johnny Posted by FLASHJONNY
52 runners tonight and only 6 got paid.
£100 Deep Stack
spudefc189660 superjo70340 Red_King03£15.60randall0904£11.44breffnilad05£8.32tiltswtch06£7.28
Just done some checking, I've got a 38% cash rate over the last two weeks MTT & STT's.
From a BH tonight, went out 3 hands into the FT with the nut flush versus a full house, they called mewith 10 5 pre to a raise!! lol Sick
heads up now
says he will split all winnings between tpt players
wp Chris
previous post may not actually be true
Nice cashes Greggo, bluedaz, red, zoed, Larson and jonny. Plus vwd to pokey for coming 2nd in the £50 quid ukops!!
Cash from me in the Mini BH last night
as I'm still recovering from a 13 hour work shift (6am-7pm) on Thursday.
Feels like jet lag, lol.
Well done also to Red, ZOED, Flash, Jac35, waller and I must also say a special well done to a family member BlueDaz who took down the £500GTD Bounty Hunter for £176.05 which I think is his best result by far on Sky Poker and I railed him till the end so appologies if I missed railing anyone else last night.
I had a awful night and got outdrawn more times than I could shake a stick at. I think i'm on one of my worst runs ever and really should have called it a night after going out of my satelite attempts earlier on in the evening.
Best of luck to everyone playing today.
Vwd to jonny.........awesome m8, great cash!!!
Had 2 tonight, first in a £750BH
Finished 2nd in the UKOPS rebuy (No rebuy but took the addon). Was a 3/1 dog when we went HU, did pull back level but have to say that the best player won, they had me in their pocket tbf!!! Cheers for the rail JJ,dale, Larson, red......sorry if I missed anyone!!
Hope to log on tomorrow to see plenty of TPT final table results!!!!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes: VWP mate !!!!