And if you want to get a head start before Leigh and Paul give you their thought process on the hands, here's the links to YouTube where you can watch the entire series.... Episode 1
We'd love all your thoughts on the UKPC as it plays out. Plus your questions for Ryan, Leigh and Paul- picking their brains on live poker.
And, for a bit of fun...
Tell us a short but amusing anecdote about something that happened to you or you saw happen at a live poker tournament.
Or maybe tell us about some live poker tells you picked up on a player and successfully exploited.
We'll award seats at the end of the night for Sunday night'sUKPC quarter-final satellite, for our three favourite messages of the night. I can feel a show classic coming on...
So no coverage of the Main Event tonight ? Will be watching anyway as normal Posted by 19walker88[/QUOTE
Different show tonight chaps. Mixing it up a bit.
So, no Last Longer comp and unlikely to be any main event coverage. Might be some UKPC semi satellite coverage depending on time.
Normal service will be resumed on Thursday night, but it's good to do something different every now and then...and viewers liked the last one we did. Hope you'll get something from tonight- not often you get to listen to the inner thoughts of someone who won a huge live tournament over all their key hands.
Whilst I realise you are a man of many talents, always willing to embrace change and are always at the forefront of breaking new ideas............................No Last Longer.................?
AreYou KIDDINGME!!!!!?
My Funny Poker Story.... When playing live at an SPT, I played a hand which left me in a tricky spot...oppo pot bets the river on a K high board, I shoved all-in, oppo thinks a bit then folds. The dealer shoves all the chips my way and then proceeds to deal the next hand. Whilst I am stacking my chips I noticed I still had my cards from the last hand as the dealer had shoved the chips over the top of them.
I informed the dealer that I still had them & it was a missdeal, there were sighs from the rest of the table because he had to deal again, but I turned over ACES from the previous hand and said I can play them if you like? it' was very amusing at the time.
In Response to Re: Sky Poker TV UKPC Special LIVE TONIGHT 7pm- with Rich, Ryan and guests Leigh Wiltshire and Paul Haycock ***official message thread*** :
So no coverage of the Main Event tonight ? Will be watching anyway as normal Posted by 19walker88[/QUOTE Different show tonight chaps. Mixing it up a bit. So, no Last Longer comp and unlikely to be any main event coverage. Might be some UKPC semi satellite coverage depending on time. Normal service will be resumed on Thursday night, but it's good to do something different every now and then...and viewers liked the last one we did. Hope you'll get something from tonight- not often you get to listen to the inner thoughts of someone who won a huge live tournament over all their key hands. See ya later! Posted by RICHORFORD
Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to watching
If you can squeeze in the last hour of the main then that would be great!
A question for the experts and an incident from the UKPC on day 1. I had a fellow sky regular on my right and we had been playing a while, with me the tightest player on the table. When it got folded to me in the SB and I raised after a bit of thought the BB folded. The sky regular on my right then said in a jokingly stern fashion "Ok then lets see what you are raising on for once" So I showed him my cards. As I was about to muck them I saw a pointed look from the dealer and I remembered the rules so I turned over the 4-2 thinking this won't help my tight image. A bit of banter follwed this. As people fold to my raises more than most because of my tight play, what effect would you think this would have on my image if any?
hi all great show so far I try keep this short I showed my hand by accident in a live tourney( ace queen harts) , the flop was k harts 9 harts 5 clubs .As all 9 others players saw my hand the ruling ,was to carry on .Turn card was a hart and to my surprize a player went all in knowing I had the nuts .When everyone stopped laughing I made the easiest call in the history of texas holdem
the moral of this story is always keep your cards safe and watch what going on around you unless your a numpty who thinks straight beats a flush
The floor approaches a player seated behind me at another table in the 1 seat. Apparently the player is so drunk that he can't keep up with the game at all and basically has no idea what's going on.
Floor asks the player to come with him telling him he will get him some food at the buffet. The player agrees, stands up, and projectile vomits all over the table, his chips, his neighbor's chips, and the dealer's tray. I have never seen a table clear so fast since
I was playing a live game in Bristol once, I had got to the turn vs the player sat to my left. I had absolute air and as the river card was being dealt I could hear him muttering "come on come on come on". The card came down and he then sighed and I could hear him say damn. That was the easiest river bet I've ever made. Needless to say he folded
Q Of diamondsJ Of diamonds 5 of hearts Came out. I raised and The other player called
Then came 10 of diamonds So I had a royal flush was so happy first one ever The other player went all in so I called straight away Showed my cards and my heart sanck when I noticed It wasnt A-K Diamonds it was A-K hearts Somehow I got mixed up as I only checked my cards onceHe turned over and had K-8 Diamonds I could feel the tears coming on Fair to say I check my cards atleast 5 times now
This poker story wasn't funny at the time and still isn't, so perhaps its just a poker story and not a funny poker story.
Anyway, I digress.
I was playing in my first live tourney in a casino in Manchester and I was lucky enough to get to the final table, then down to the last 4.
In this instance due to the low numbers and low buy-in, only the first 3 got paid.
I was sitting next to a guy and his girlfriend and another bloke were opposite. I happened to look at the the guy just as he have this bulging-eye look at his girlfriend and she insta-folded.
He won the pot with pocket Aces. I so wanted to call over the tournament director and tell him what had happened and demanded these 2 were disqualified. I thought that as I was a police sergeant, I would be believed.
These 2 were regs though and they finished in the money regularly apparently, so I stayed shtoom.
I was the bubble-boy and they were 1st and second.
A very bad introduction to live play, and I NEVER played there again.
hi richard ,ryan and guests.Looking forward to the show tonight chaps ,ive got a bit of a weird problem that prevents me from playing live poker .The problem i have is that when i get excited(i:e a good hand dealt to me,or winning)my emotional senses make me sneeze repeatedly ,so i think that would be a bit of a tell .just thought you might find it amusing have a good show....aaaaacccchhhheeeewwww
Hi Ricchard can you put me in the last longer please.Thanks for the mention a few weeks ago about wishing your shoe luck,but l am shoely not expecting a mention tonight .
A quick mention about Sam Trickett. After he bubbled the UKPC, I cheekily asked if he wanted to play a £10 Sng with a few of the Sky regs.....he agreed and played it in good spirits. He also got the round in after! A top player, but very humble with it too. It was good to see.
Question for the panel.
How do you keep a mental track of what is in the pot in later stages of MTT's? This is a big difference between live and on line and I am after any tips as I am playing more live now....
PS...I finished 138th! I was knocked out by the very impressive Chickemelt (Andy) who made the FT. I also, thankfully, had a % in Joesman (Neil)
Hello Richard, Ryan Leigh and Paul.. We used to play regularly at our local pub and one of my biggest accidental tells was as follows. I was one of the last to act in a multiplayer pot. The flop had just come down and it left me needing a Jack to make a monster hand. It Checked round to me and instead of saying check I said "Jack err I mean check" needless to say everyone knew what I was waiting for.. when it arrived on the river needless to say everybody else folded. Degsy1
hi last year final table GUKPT at walsal im have 66 in high jack i open raise ,one caller in bb cant rember excact cards but there was a flush drawer he checks i bet he calls flop same on turn,he checks river i check i am sure he has been flushing, i am right he has,ten high, i turn my cards over with a smile,ahhhhh i have 68, i misread my hole cards he wins with ten high sigh
Having played live poker with Apat and Sky Poker,what do you think about players that have a few too many drinks. Do you look at this as a good opportunity to get a few chips or just stay clear of this player?
Hello Richard, Ryan Leigh and Paul.. We used to play regularly at our local pub and one of my biggest accidental tells was as follows. I was one of the last to act in a multiplayer pot. The flop had just come down and it left me needing a Jack to make a monster hand. It Checked round to me and instead of saying check I said "Jack err I mean check" needless to say everyone knew what I was waiting for.. when it arrived on the river needless to say everybody else folded. Degsy1 Posted by degsy1
Talk about a Freudian slip. Made me smile degsy1, thanks
So, first Sky Poker TV special of 2015...
Sky Poker TV LIVE!
Tuesday 13th January 2015 7pm-midnight
Channel 861 or streamed from
With Richard ‘I’m still trying to look intelligent’ Orford
Ryan 'This is my happy face’ Spittles
And special guests...
Leigh Wiltshire
and Paul Haycock

And we're live from 7pm to do a whole evening watching live poker from the Sky Poker UKPC!
The last time we did this, with Channing and the Sky Poker Cash Game, you all loved it. So we're doing it again!
We'll show all the key hands and get inside the minds of two of the main protagonists, Leigh and Paul, as they battle their way through the field.
And, for a bit of fun...
Tell us a short but amusing anecdote about something that happened to you or you saw happen at a live poker tournament.
Or maybe tell us about some live poker tells you picked up on a player and successfully exploited.
We'll award seats at the end of the night for Sunday night's UKPC quarter-final satellite, for our three favourite messages of the night.
I can feel a show classic coming on...
See you tonight at 7 :-)Whilst I realise you are a man of many talents, always willing to embrace change and are always at the forefront of breaking new ideas............................No Last Longer.................?
Are You KIDDING ME!!!!!?
My Funny Poker Story....
When playing live at an SPT, I played a hand which left me in a tricky spot...oppo pot bets the river on a K high board, I shoved all-in, oppo thinks a bit then folds. The dealer shoves all the chips my way and then proceeds to deal the next hand. Whilst I am stacking my chips I noticed I still had my cards from the last hand as the dealer had shoved the chips over the top of them.
I informed the dealer that I still had them & it was a missdeal, there were sighs from the rest of the table because he had to deal again, but I turned over ACES from the previous hand and said I can play them if you like?
Have a great show guys.
But it's always better to tell her beforehand
hi all great show so far
I try keep this short

I showed my hand by accident in a live tourney( ace queen harts) , the flop was k harts 9 harts 5 clubs .As all 9 others players saw my hand the ruling ,was to carry on .Turn card was a hart and to my surprize a player went all in knowing I had the nuts .When everyone stopped laughing I made the easiest call in the history of texas holdem
the moral of this story is always keep your cards safe and watch what going on around you
unless your a numpty who thinks straight beats a flush
Floor asks the player to come with him telling him he will get him some food at the buffet. The player agrees, stands up, and projectile vomits all over the table, his chips, his neighbor's chips, and the dealer's tray. I have never seen a table clear so fast since
Anyway, I digress.
I was playing in my first live tourney in a casino in Manchester and I was lucky enough to get to the final table, then down to the last 4.
In this instance due to the low numbers and low buy-in, only the first 3 got paid.
I was sitting next to a guy and his girlfriend and another bloke were opposite. I happened to look at the the guy just as he have this bulging-eye look at his girlfriend and she insta-folded.
He won the pot with pocket Aces. I so wanted to call over the tournament director and tell him what had happened and demanded these 2 were disqualified. I thought that as I was a police sergeant, I would be believed.
These 2 were regs though and they finished in the money regularly apparently, so I stayed shtoom.
I was the bubble-boy and they were 1st and second.
A very bad introduction to live play, and I NEVER played there again.