Bug in Sky poker software
Hi everyone yesterday is the 1st time ive had this problem. I was playin in the 5.50 rebuy tournament along with 1 other sit n go at the time i was not able to type my raise size in when i clicked on it and went to delete the number already in the box it would only let me put a 4 figure number in! So this morning i was…
NEW guest Presenter- channel 865 tonight
Poor Anna has hurt her back so will not be on the show tonight BUT we have a new guest Presenter! Blonde, Slim, funny, stunning, chatty, well- known and charasmatic........what a treat! Watch from 7pm tonight to see who our guest Presenter is and make sure you give plenty of support!
Suggestion: Survivor "Step-Up" a Level
The difficulty in playing Survivor is committing to a full programme of events through the week. This acts to exclude a number of willing participants. Wouldn't it be good to have the option of buying you way up to the next level without the need to play. By this, someone could confidently enter Survivor at the beginning…
Ive gotta....
Ive got a brand new combine arvester and ill give you the..............
Suggestion: Thursday Night Survivor
The Survivor game is great if you can play every night of the week. However, if you are like me, I play only on certain evenings. I have paid the higher entrance fee on a few occasions to play in the final. All this led me to think how good it would be to have a similar game played on the same night of the week throughout…
Analyse My Play
Hi all, I'm playing on Mastercash Table 7 25p/50p right now. The hour long session will be featured in Sunday night's show as Carlo spends an hour dissecting my play. If you'd like to be on that table which will get an hour of TV time, get over there now! (6pm-7pm)
10996 points in my bank (over 2 years) and I am about to get another 450 - I'd love to be able to ca
I don't get any cash for points any more - and I am amazed that people can play enough poker to get some. i find it really frustrating - not motivating - to have that little icon mocking me telling me that i need to spend another 100 quid or so to get four quid back. I normally don't criticise Sky's policies but I do think…
Check this out!!!
hello all
hi my name is chris and i started here on monday started off well and almost won a seat to the spt but fell just shy on my 1st tourny but after that it was all down hilland was about £100 down by last night.started today off well though and have made around £50 back so going the right way at last,just hope i stay that way…
This is me! Show people who they are playing against!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPA0RDLkrXA&feature=youtu.be It is Ok to laugh at my accent I dont mind! :D
Extra, extra- read all about it! Part 2 of my new blog!
zzzzzzzzzzz sleepy time! :) Nice one Ricardo, good read
happy 40th
happy birthday grave your starting your life now. i know youve been on a long losing streak, but now your luck will change. lets hope the RnG feels that you deserve to win. from dad (blud reid) and mum (mum )
Just one.... When will cash for points be paid??... Ok...a serious one...Do you know how many of each format yet ie. how many PLO8?
Horrible Night
just had such a tough night down bout 6 buy ins after such a good run but will take a good bit of time 2moro look over my hands and plays and see what went wrong there were a few coolers but still dont like fact im throwing chips into the middle so often as to lose 6bi in a night :( sad times any advice from more…
Your Top 5 Analysts
Hi all Who do you reckon are your top 5 analysts on Sky? Here's my list: 1) Stuart Rutter - the best by far in my opinion.2) Scotty77 - seemed a bit shaky to start but improved really fast. Excellent now.3) Tikay - obviously knows his onions and an all round good egg.4) Carlo - good analyst and very amusing as well.5)…
well lol
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetimbo57Small blind £0.25£0.25£49.25TREV28Big blind £0.50£0.75£101.29 Your hole cards78 127RIBEROTFold WATERTAXICall £0.50£1.25£140.35bolly580Fold digger281Call £0.50£1.75£70.20timbo57Fold TREV28Check Flop A58 TREV28Check WATERTAXICheck digger281Check Turn Q TREV28Check…
team super6?
how do you join the team super6 events??
i love this weather and love sitting in garden not good for playing poker tho cant see anything lol
i love this weather and love sitting in garden not good for playing poker tho cant see anything lol
New Player freeroll 730 pm
Hi everyone i am a new player to sky poker and i registered for the 7.30 pm tonight. The table is not appearing when i login and i cannot find it in the lobby in running tournaments?
Forum DTD Monday 26/3/2012- THIS WEEK'S WINNER IS RANCID (THS)
im in please, lee100 team51
Priority club 3+ Month Multiplier
so i will have made into the 'Priority Club' this month (yay!), now as i used to be a more regular member will just get the enhanced C4P rate str8 away, or does it have to have been 3 Months-in-a-row to get the enhanced multiplier?
Channel 865 in Northern Ireland
Hi i am trying to find channel 865 on sky digital but it says channel not available. Is this because i am from Northern Ireland?
Not the live show thread :(
Sadly, I won't be able to come host the show tonight, was looking forward to coming in. I have completely thrown my back out... how? I hear you ask. Well.... by typing. Yes that's right, sat at my desk, typing an email has just left me unable to move much, hence why I am STLLl stuck at my desk typing :) So... as I can't be…
500 millionth hand?
Just wondering if Sky Poker will be celebrating this hand with some kind of promotion? There are loads of other great promotions going on, so there might not be time for it, but having just played the 471503504 th hand i thought that it cant be that long till the landmark 500,000,000th This is where Machka predicts the…
viva las vegas
maybe i'm missing a thread somewhere but who qualified last night?
Can someone help...
Sounds naff but ae there ways of putting in say 2.2 xBB in as a bet or some exact amount? I thought i saw John Hartigan do it the other night.
cash players help me please
hi hope the title doesnt lead you off the beaten track i was sat on a 25p 50p cash table other day heads up both me and op sat with full buy in which i lose no probs there so i stand up and so does op with 96 quid in front of him then he sits straight back down only with 50 in front of him. when i try this it says i have…
Im so excited and i just cant hide it, you know, you know i think i like it WHOOOOYAAAAYYYYY :) COME ON TEAM NINJA PLONKERS FTW greghogg you goin down down to china town....
Hey Salad, don't forget you're in the Thews @ Ten tonight. Tikay's also put me in for organising the HU comp. And both our names are in the lobby now
DYM Laddering
Good luck matey :)