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Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?

edited February 2014 in The Rail
I have been playing a lot of first person shooters recently on Xbox and wondered which side of the COD v Halo fence you came down on. I've been playing COD for the last 3-4 releases and only picked up Halo 4 about 2 months ago. I have to say, I am REALLY enjoying the more chilled Halo game play though.

Also given Battlefield 3 a go and I do enjoy it, but it's not close to the previous two IMO.

Any other console gamers out there? If so, which games are you playing at the moment?


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    edited March 2013
    Played every version of COD since the first came out years ago on PC.
    Lost patience with it after MW3, overpriced, not much change/improvement, poor online experience at times.

    I actually thought battlefield 3 was far better than COD.

    Been playing Far Cry 3 for a couple of months now, really good game, never going to be big on the multiplayer, but the campaign is really enjoyable.

    Might pick up Crysis 3, was impressed with 2. Looking forward to Bioshock Infinate.

    2 kids have put pay to my hours of online gaming!
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    edited March 2013
    i like cod games and fifa 13
     its always gd to play the ps3 after a bad session at poker lol
    or bad day at work
    i just go about shooting dudes
     im a runner and gunner style of play
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    edited March 2013
    aaghaghghgahaghagagaghaghaghgahag auto logout, not typing all that again


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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    Played every version of COD since the first came out years ago on PC. Lost patience with it after MW3, overpriced, not much change/improvement, poor online experience at times. I actually thought battlefield 3 was far better than COD. Been playing Far Cry 3 for a couple of months now, really good game, never going to be big on the multiplayer, but the campaign is really enjoyable. Might pick up Crysis 3, was impressed with 2. Looking forward to Bioshock Infinate. 2 kids have put pay to my hours of online gaming!
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    agree with what you are saying, where the hell did far cry come from ??? what a great game! at a bargain price aswell

    beware crysis 3 has a short campaign, and lousy mutiplayer! 

    metal gear revengence is a great game, but is also short and not worth the full starting price!

    Best game of 2012 is likely borderlands 2 or x com ...far cry 3 is close (for console that is) IMO

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    edited March 2013

    Shining Force and Shining Force II on the Mega Drive.

    Old school ftw.

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    edited March 2013
    asteroids on amstrad is the best!
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    edited March 2013
    Asteroids was immense. Nothing beats Pac Man for old school gaming though.

    As for Crysis 3, I jumped straight into multiplayer and really enjoyed it. Thought MW3 was a whole heap better than Black Ops 2 as well, which was majorly disappointing...
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    edited March 2013
    Consoles are toys, real men play on proper PCs. Skyrim ftw atm
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    Consoles are toys, real men play on proper PCs. Skyrim ftw atm
    Posted by Giant811
    Eventually, perhaps.

    Once they've got over all the crashes / need to update this driver to version x.y.z, that driver to version z.x.y, different video card etc etc ;-)

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    edited March 2013
    IM back playing Gears of War 3 awaiting the release of judgement. 

    Playing little bits of Skyrim and Command and Conquer aswell. 
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    edited March 2013
    skyrim on the xbox is awesome especially now that the dragonborn expansion is out.
    on the pc i like the diablo series, although number 3 was seriously flawed when it came out.
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    edited March 2013
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    skyrim on the xbox is awesome especially now that the dragonborn expansion is out. on the pc i like the diablo series, although number 3 was seriously flawed when it came out.
    Posted by lozgo
    Diablo 2 one of the best games I've ever played. I have to agree about D3, although they've patched it a couple of times since release and it's already a miles better game.
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    Posted by Sky_Sam

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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment? : Leeeeeeeeroy!
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Haha yeah, no matter who I tell I play WoW, EVERYONE seems to know about that. 

    Weird how that vid/phrase has so much love and there is so much hate for WoW. *COUGH Sky_Joe COUGH*
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    edited March 2013
    Only WoW vid i know was machinima done a pee take video with a song called "shes to fat for me" 

    Always wanted to try WoW but will probably wait until Elder Scrolls online before trying that kind of game. 

    Lazgo glad you recommend the Dragonborn DLC had no internet when it came out so was reluctant to get it. Might just invest now. 
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    edited March 2013
    I,m not a gamer myself although a cpl of mates are so after trying fifa13 i got a bit hooked and am now even thinking about getting an xbox (although if i do that i,ll have no time for poker as its so addictive)  just for that 1 game.

    also payed a cl of driving games recently . I,m not sure what its called but you can drive to the casino if you want and play in a poker tournament against other players- Just wish all poker games were off that standard

    The F1 games are a bit complicated but theres another good one out there - forze 4 - or something like that is pretty good
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    edited March 2013
    MP33 - think that game is Test Drive Unlimited 2, been meaning to borrow it off my brother and try it out thanks for the reminder lol

    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    Lazgo glad you recommend the Dragonborn DLC had no internet when it came out so was reluctant to get it. Might just invest now. 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Its def the best dlc there has been, the best thing about it when u can completly change your perk skill trees, so if u built a mage u can easily rebuild them as a sneak thief or melee warrior :)

    Microsoft are soon releasing the new updated FULL HOUSE PRO WSOP on xbox live, apparently it will be FREE!
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    edited March 2013
    I have made the leap from consoles to PC. Quite honestly its blown my mind! Playing Simcity at the mo.......cra**y launch, but good game despite the bad press
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    edited March 2013
    Gears of war Judgment having just been released i have my new game YEY!

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    edited March 2013
    Just played my 1st game off Pro Evo 2013 at my m8,s on the computer - the graphics are great
    Not sure about the arrows (where to pass ) but does anyone prefer it to Fifa?

    Ps  stuffed him 2-0 with 2 gr8 goals from Messi
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    edited March 2013
    <3 it BL!!!!

    Shining Force is brilliant, I loved it so much as a kid and downloaded an emulator to play it again on my laptop recently, and it was still just as good.

    What do people recommend in terms of 360 games? I aint got that many and some aren't great tbf, I've got...

    LA Noire
    Red Dead Redempton
    FF XII
    Grand Theft Auto 4
    Mass Effect 1 + 2

    No sports games suggestions please, only sports games I play are pro evo/fifa and I just aint got the time to be going down the master league style route that'll destroy my life.

    I'm already planning on getting Mass Effect 3 btw.

    Ideally I want a good FPS. I've heard good things about ... GOW, Bioshock, COD, Fallout and Dead Space, which do you think are the best? Are any of the Assassins Creed series worth a punt?
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    edited March 2013
    I am definitely a COD fan - Black Ops 2 has really grown on me in the past few weeks, although some of the fundamentals are still totally screwed up: die, respawn in front of an enemy, die again being a particular favourite of mine. :) That said, the pace of the game play and the new Pick 10 system is immense, so definitely pick that up Lambert. 

    I've not picked up GOW Judgment yet - any good Don?

    In terms of PC gaming, League of Legends is taking up a bit of my time too. Good game, that.

    FIFA 13 is a class game, as is Tiger Woods 13. I am primarily a FPS guy though.
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    edited March 2013
    Got Bioshock Infinite yesterday, only played an hour or so but it's pretty damn impressive so far..
    The 96 on metacritic says it all really.
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    Got Bioshock Infinite yesterday, only played an hour or so but it's pretty damn impressive so far.. The 96 on metacritic says it all really.
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    I've just pulled the trigger on Bioshock Infinite. Hoping I like it as much as I did the original Bioshock, which is really awesome (but I didn't really enjoy Bioshock 2). Played the 1st one so much I think I'd got Bioshock overload sickness by the time 2 came along!

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    edited March 2013
    Yeah i enjoyed the first, never actually played the 2nd until very recently, Infinite is very good.
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Gamers: what are you playing at the moment?:
    I am definitely a COD fan - Black Ops 2 has really grown on me in the past few weeks, although some of the fundamentals are still totally screwed up: die, respawn in front of an enemy, die again being a particular favourite of mine. :) That said, the pace of the game play and the new Pick 10 system is immense, so definitely pick that up Lambert.  I've not picked up GOW Judgment yet - any good Don? In terms of PC gaming, League of Legends is taking up a bit of my time too. Good game, that. FIFA 13 is a class game, as is Tiger Woods 13. I am primarily a FPS guy though.
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    You say you like cod so you should like judgement dave. It doesn't feel like a GOW to me. Which is a shame because im not a massive cod fan. I do play BO2 from time to time but i havent even reuped and i bought it week came out. However it has seen a huge gameplay improvement from GOW3. 

    Fifa 13 i loved until i lost my internet when i moved hom. They done a TU during that time and i havent been able to adapt my game to the changes, either that or i got out of practice, all my passes just seem off now. 

    Havnt played a Tiger woods for a few years but i have to admit to liking them - weird as i hate golf. 
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    edited March 2013
    How about an online Fifa or pro -evo community tourney and the winner gets entry into Sky poker tounies?
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    edited March 2013
    i like tiger woods too don have bought every 1 since 2005 and will get the new 1 this week
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    edited April 2013
    Did any of you watch the Call of Duty Championships this weekend? Must have had about 300,000 viewers for the final..... makes me realise I am rubbish at the game though! $400,000 to the winning team of four. Can't be bad.
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