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Fun to Income £3923.77 profit;)
Good luck with this.
If you are a winning player take your profit from the month as an income, or say to yourself i'm going to take x amount and let the rest grow.
BRM, people will spout different figures 50bi's for cash, 0r less. It really depends what you are playing and your playing style and amount of tables played. Just really what you are comfortable with.
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I read lambert180 diary and followed his progress and after seeing him take his shot I've decided I would like to start putting myself in that position one day thanks for the inspiration Lambert180
I'm wanting to start a new "diary" as many players I know say doing this helps your game a lot. Well this year I've been on most sites and I've decided Sky is the one for me. Well here is my aim I'm going to begin with a small BR and I'm going to try grind it up to a point where I could maybe withdraw some money on a weekly or monthly basis. With the help and support from the forum I hope to achieve this and hopefully the forum can reign me in if I come off track. I've always played poker for fun so BR management never been my thing but I plan on being a BR nit to get to my goals so advice on what % or BR should be used for cash STT MTT. I have no timeframe on this goal so this may go a few years
Thanks DrRunGood
Thanks DrRunGood
Not better to say I have a bankroll of whatever, say £500, and profit over the week or month is withdrawn while leaving yourself £500, if you fall below that level, no withdrawls.
thanks DrRunGood
I usualy always start off on a loser due to either bad play or bad luck and a friend said im not preparing myself right. So my question to the grinders how do you prepare yourself for a Grind
Thanks DrRunGood
Something I have done a couple of times though (and I should do more)... when I've looked through my HHs, I've written down just in a notepad document any mistakes I think I'm making like....
2) When you say to yourself bet/fold.... do actually fold lol.
Just played you on a 6max - that was a tough table for a £1 6max
I wont complain about the suck-out on the bubble though just wonder what range you put me on shoving with to make your call?
yea on other sites I use my holdem manager to look through prev sessions hand history but on sky I have no idea how to use the hand history quite annoying to be honest that you cant just see all your hands instead of needing a hand number unless you could explain it to me mate. I think your correct tho with the whole jumping str8 in playing reg game because I feel more im on the more profit I make altho il not be on cash for a bit I might start each session with a check over hand history (if I learn how to use it) and a few mayb dyms or sit nd gos to loosen me up and got my brain in poker mode.
p.s. how the life of a pro going mate can you put link up to your blog I keep losing it
Thanks DrRunGood
ok today is my first day of starting this well im going to say ambition instead of challenge. so wish me luck and il post my results up when im done. I plan on playing 12 dyms at £1 and £2 level and maybe do some 4nl after that but il do the dyms first see how I get on
thanks DrRunGood
thanks DrRunGood
well just finished the 12 dyms session im messing about with skys account to try get you some hands and results up tbh very disappointing session ended 30p up don't know if dyms are for me seems too long for low pay out. ive only 1 I can complain about when I shoved with kk into the small stacks bb and got called by big stack with aj off was a strange one.
I played 12 3x £1.15 and 9x £2.25 coming to a total of £23.70 I won 2x £1 and 5x £2 coming to £24 making 30p profit. lost a few deciding 50/50 actualy all my deciding 50/50s on another day I could have cash maybe 2 or 3 more if I win them but as I said only 1 I was left scratching my head rest played as they should.
il try get some hands for you all to look at and the results to go with my figures and will try micro cash later will be a bit of a culture shock for me but looking forward to it.
thanks DrRunGood
so had a session tonight at cash tables and then a little timed tourney on the end went not to bad here is results
14 Nov '13 at 02:17Poker£20 Gtd (15 mins)£1.06£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History14 Nov '13 at 00:43PokerHale Barnes£11.93£0.00InternetHand History14 Nov '13 at 00:41PokerWatchet£-4.00£0.00InternetHand History14 Nov '13 at 00:41PokerChard£0.73£0.00InternetHand History13 Nov '13 at 23:47PokerFeinton£1.23£0.00InternetHand History13 Nov '13 at 23:47PokerBelton£1.49£0.00InternetHand History13 Nov '13 at 23:47PokerKingsgate£-4.00£0.00InternetHand History
puts me up another £8.44.
so played tonight felt it went well till towards the end when I got a couple of big hands busted also felt action dried up fast a few of my tables were playing very short handed at one point 3 tables were heads up. Had fun tho try to play my normal poker got me in trouble sometimes I don't know if I should tighten up a lot more in micro stakes im playing maybe 25-30% of hands would love to hear from you micro stake crushers on that but on the other hand it was my prem hands that got me busted. I will post a few hands for opinions
Thanks DrRunGood
thanks for messages well sat in to primo and took it down £3915
thanks DrRunGood