my 1 in a 500,000 hand in tonight's freeroll Posted by mac24
sorry to rain on your parade but that's a 1 in 1000 hand. you have to hit 2 (of your remaining 3) outs on the turn and river to make it a 1 in 500,000 hand.
Well - the site is rigged!!!! Or the site rewards bad hands!!! Ok Sky if these allegations are true can you please advise on how you pick and choose who is to be the 'hard done' to and who to give the chips to. If I could please add my name to the latter that'd be great -until that point I shall just continue to receive my fair share of good and bad luck.
I await Sky's response on when I can get on the list, in my Inbox.
my 1 in a 500,000 hand in tonight's freeroll
nice hand though!
Well - the site is rigged!!!! Or the site rewards bad hands!!! Ok Sky if these allegations are true can you please advise on how you pick and choose who is to be the 'hard done' to and who to give the chips to. If I could please add my name to the latter that'd be great -until that point I shall just continue to receive my fair share of good and bad luck.
I await Sky's response on when I can get on the list, in my Inbox.