*in before the influx of new threads in January*
I finally have a place to put down my thoughts and various other bits and pieces

Firstly, I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and the new year is prosperous. I shan't bore you all with background info (unless you want it), it's pretty standard anyway. Have dabbled on nearly all poker sites at one time or another with varying degrees of success, but play almost exclusively on Sky these days. You're never gonna be a millionaire playing tournaments on Sky, but I much prefer the smaller number of runners than the other site, and we all love playing in the Queens finest currency.
As most of you probably know, I'm a tournament guy, with the odd dabble at cash. I sometimes think I could be a good cash player, then I polish off 5 buy ins within 30 minutes. Tournaments will always be my bread and butter, though variance hasn't been kind to me in the last 3 months. I hope to rectify this in the UKOPS ME tonight!
As Mr Kendall might say, we need some balance. So although I'll post any interesting hands, wins, beats, spews, I'll also throw in a few 'life' things as well. 2013 has been a weird year for me. Poker wise, it was kinda like a breakthrough year and I managed to piece together some pretty good results. Away from the tables, it's a bit of a mixed bag; split with the long term GF, but also saw my beloved Man City play in Hong Kong this summer, and again in Germany this month at the Allianz Arena. Anyone who watched that game will know how crazy it was! Got a modest promotion at work this year too, so a few extra pennies at the end of every month, but I still dislike my job and shall be looking for alternative employment once 2014 kicks in.
Can anyone recommend a hotel in Barcelona? Going to the Nou Camp in March for the CL game, but it will be my first time in the area and only 2nd time in Spain. Just want somewhere reasonably central, not too expensive but also not a dive! Close to bars, transport links etc.....any help much appreciated. I also know to keep my hands firmly in my pockets whilst in Barcelona

I'm quite a big traveller, but will touch on this at a later date....
Finally for now, thanks to BorinLoner (Harry), Stu Rutter (Dave) and Harts/Stapes (Bob) for the title inspiration.
I have been to Barcelona a couple of times and stayed in the Barcelona Universal.
Its at the top of Las Ramblas and near train station which brings you to the Nou Camp.
Also only short taxi trip to the casino.
I would not stay in, or adjacent, Las Ramblas. There are plenty of budget hotels elsewhere.
Do not carry too much money around.
Don't walk about at night, even in a group.
Don't walk in the Las Ramblas area late at night, ever.
It is a truly beautiful city (though the drains pong a bit), but the most dangerous City I've ever visited as a poker player, I could probably name 20 poker players who have been mugged in Barca at night.
The Nou Camp is breathtaking.
A Thewy story to get your Diary going.
One night, after a poker session at the Grand Casino, (no Casino on earth "organises" poker worse) he & 3 mates were walking back to the Hotel, along the Promenade on the seafront.
The group got jumped by a bunch of muggers, & three of the players had to empty their pockets & turn over the contents to their assailants. They never had much money, as luck would have it, but it was a pretty scary affair.
Thewy, meanwhile, with 3,000 quid in his pocket, plundered from the cash tables, escaped scot-free.
How good does that boy run?
Yeah its a lovely hotel.
Its close enough as I said to Las Ramblas to walk to during the day , as been mentioned elsewhere not the best place after dark.I too heard all the horror stories before I went , but as you said you travelled alot so its basic common sense to keep safe.
At night we went out closer to the hotel as my pals mate had a bar there at the time.
Beautiful city make sure to do the bus tour as it brings you everywhere including the Nou camp and Sagrada Familia.
Didn't play poker there but casino was a bit manic left with a few quid and just got a taxi outside the front door.
In Response to Re: Harry, Dave and Bob too.:
I don't think you are allowed question marks in your username though.
Very up and down in the challenger BH, picked up a couple of heads, but busted when someone runner runnered my flopped top 2.
Got a min cash + in the mini. 4bet jammed AK that couldn't get there vs JJ. Would've given me a top 6ish stack and a decent chance at the FT, where all the money is. So no grumbles about going for it, just wasn't to be.
Undecided what to do tomorrow. Last day of UKOPS so should be having a bash, but these £110 MTT's soon add up! Even more so when you chuck in the various side tourneys and sats. Might just play the DTD games, always good crack at the tables and much more emphasis on the 'fun' side of poker.
I was going to do this on my thread but as you're struggling on here....
Most under rated comedies or ones that went under the radar?
I'll give you Early Doors for starters
The Thick of It
Drop the Dead Donkey
I know what you mean about New Years Eve. Everyone pretending to have the best time ever. However, don't stay in tomorrow night mate. Play poker another night.
Why do you want to see what a bloke is doing?
Gl in 2014 Bob.