In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Yes Barry we do. I am in bed now as it happens. However I have discovered that going to bed and going to sleep are not necessarily the same thing. Posted by LML
salazar LML and machka have took the last 3 places so sorry to the guys who just missed out this time, i am sure we will be having more if this is a success. anyway the draw has now been amended and you should all know who you are playing, so it is your job to try send your opponent a P'M or post on here saying when your available to play, gl to all who are playing and may the flop be with you!!
salazar LML and machka have took the last 3 places so sorry to the guys who just missed out this time, i am sure we will be having more if this is a success. anyway the draw has now been amended and you should all know who you are playing, so it is your job to try send your opponent a P'M or post on here saying when your available to play, gl to all who are playing and may the flop be with you!! ps: salazar its free to enter Posted by webby234
Story of my life in a nutshell lol, if anyone cant make it, ill be reserve, if you can have a reserve?
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Now just imagine it's a bear.. honestly,.. It's little nose is just out of vision at the bottom, eyes are shut and it's little ears are sticking up. IT"S A BEAR!! Posted by LML
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Hey Webby. In that case I'll resign my position to Barry. Apologies for any inconvenience. Cheers.x Posted by LML
OI No you will not young lady , I am reserve if necessary, thatl do me, webby ignore resignation please , my apologies too webby
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : It's a bat, obv. That's why it's upside down. Posted by MereNovice
Hi Vince, welcome to the early morning poker forum show , problem is you meet all these wierd people , right all you gorgeous people out there, barry is going to see mr sandman will pay a visit, night all and pleasant dreams.
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Hi Vince, welcome to the early morning poker forum show , problem is you meet all these wierd people , right all you gorgeous people out there, barry is going to see mr sandman will pay a visit, night all and pleasant dreams. Posted by acebarry10
Sandman you say? Can you make sure he leaves a bucket full of the stuff in Ost-Rich's car.. On second thought.. TAXI!!
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Sandman you say? Can you make sure he leaves a bucket full of the stuff in Ost-Rich's car.. On second thought.. TAXI!! Sweet Dreams all. x Posted by LML
Lol, yup defo, you say you want to win the open, yes?, to win the Open, you need to win the HU on the FT, so you need the practise more than i do cos I know you can do it ok?
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Lol, yup defo, you say you want to win the open, yes?, to win the Open, you need to win the HU on the FT, so you need the practise more than i do cos I know you can do it ok? Posted by acebarry10
Barry we both know it's not the winning that counts..It's beating Orford.
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Barry we both know it's not the winning that counts..It's beating Orford. Apologies to Webby for going off topic. x Posted by LML
Ive had lots of HU,s, so dont need to use this, so you can have some practice, help get rid of that rustiness you were on about, webby, tell her , Cinderella, you will go to the Ball and oh no im not isnt applicable lol, apologies again to webby.
Could I suggest a seperate thread just for posting the draw,results and challenges, means a lot less trawling to find info about the matches. Just a suggestion
Another suggestion, As the winner of game 1 plays winner of game 2...the losers of each game cud play eachother too and have 2 seperate events, the main one, and a consolation 1.
Just scared of my whole HU tourny lasting only one hand, at least this way am garenteed (spellcheck) 2 hands!
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : Ive had lots of HU,s, so dont need to use this, so you can have some practice, help get rid of that rustiness you were on about, webby, tell her , Cinderella, you will go to the Ball and oh no im not isnt applicable lol, apologies again to webby. Posted by acebarry10
OK Barry if you are absolutely sure? That would be awesome.
Thank you very much
Ness I am avail to play anytime pretty much, let me know when is good for you.
In Response to Re: SKY POKER HEADS UP TOURNAMENT!!! : OK Barry if you are absolutely sure? That would be awesome. Thank you very much Ness I am avail to play anytime pretty much, let me know when is good for you. x Posted by LML
Lol, Morning Lisa Marie
Yup 100%, absolutelydefinately surer than sure , now you better win this , gl and gl all
count me in , great idea, merry xmas all Posted by IRISHROVER
Irish, I have PMd you with my avaiability over the next 2 days but I see you may have left the site (immediately after agreeing to play in this?). I hope you are going to hang around long enough to play our HU otherwise I am first one through to second round!!
OK. Great game with Miss Ness and great conversation too. Thoroughly enjoyed it. We got our 'moneys worth' as it lasted a fair while with chips going back and forth! I just pipped it at the end with a lucky showdown. WVP Ness. Pleasure chatting/playing. Posted by LML
Nice one Lisa-Marie, let me know if you can when your next one is and ill come and make it a three some
congrats to lisa marie who is safely through to the second round, ul ness but thanks for participating
ok guys, i think irishrover has left the site and seagull is ready to play i think, so if lucky777 or acebarry want to play then who ever post first on here will get the spot against seagull!!
ps: salazar its free to enter
Hey Webby. In that case I'll resign my position to Barry.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
That's why it's upside down.
Sandman you say? Can you make sure he leaves a bucket full of the stuff in Ost-Rich's car.. On second thought.. TAXI!!
Sweet Dreams all. x
Barry we both know it's not the winning that counts..It's beating Orford.
Apologies to Webby for going off topic.
Another suggestion, As the winner of game 1 plays winner of game 2...the losers of each game cud play eachother too and have 2 seperate events, the main one, and a consolation 1.
Just scared of my whole HU tourny lasting only one hand, at least this way am garenteed (spellcheck) 2 hands!
OK Barry if you are absolutely sure? That would be awesome.
Thank you very much
Ness I am avail to play anytime pretty much, let me know when is good for you.
Yup 100%, absolutelydefinately surer than sure
Just sent you a pm Lisa, just incase you check this before your inbox.... should do a pop-up when you get a pm on here...
We got our 'moneys worth' as it lasted a fair while with chips going back and forth!
I just pipped it at the end with a lucky showdown.
WVP Ness. Pleasure chatting/playing.
ok guys, i think irishrover has left the site and seagull is ready to play i think, so if lucky777 or acebarry want to play then who ever post first on here will get the spot against seagull!!