Well having played poker on sky for about 5 years or so i thought now would be a good time to start a diary. Why? well to be honest the last few months have been a bit of a nightmare!! So i figured this may well help me to beat this downswing.
I started out with DYMS then moved onto cash starting out at 4nl and progressing to and settling at 20nl.
Over the years i have made a tidy profit but over the last couple of months ive been struggling particularly with cash. So ive decided to go back to basics and play a few dyms and grind some 10nl cash whilst brushing up on poker strategy and working on my game.
Im going to add some other interest to my diary to hopefully make it a bit more interesting!!!!
Aside from poker im a big football fan, i support cambridge united.................Well its been a tough few years but we are starting to turn the corner at last and hopefully this year we will finally gain promotion. Winning the FA trophy on sunday was a nice bonus.
Im also a keen match angler and frequent the gym etc
This month has been tough. I decided to move the majority of my BR to another site to take advantage of a sign up bonus but i have run soooo badly. So im going to be back on here for the time being to get some confidence back.
Having played 10nl for the last few nights i have noticed that its incredibly soft!!!! Lots of weak players and plenty of spots to make money. Hopefully when my cards finally hold i'll make a few quid. Im going to be putting in around 5-8 hours a day for the time being due to my personal circumstances recently changing.
Well first day of my diary went pretty well. I played 3 shortish sessions at 10nl and finished about 4 BI's up. All pretty standard stuff really so i havent got any interesting hands to post.
Ive now played about 5 days at 10nl and i'm starting to get used to the dynamics of the game at this level.
One thing that i've noticed is the varying size of button open raises. Lots of the regs seem to favour a 3 or 4x open rather than the now standard min raise. I would be interested to know why? and the pros and cons please. Also raising blind on blind. min, 3x 4x?
Cambrige also managed a win tonight so hopefully the playoffs will be locked up sooner rather than later, cant see us catching up with luton at the top now but i'd be more than happy with another trip to wembley in the play off final.
Varying my button raise size is something i've been playing around with. I guess if we are just stealing we want to commit as little as possible but if a min raise isnt enough for the blinds to fold then a 3x makes more sense. Does a bigger raise encourage the blinds to 3bet? I dont think it would at 10nl because 3betting seems very rare, mainly reserved for premium hands.
Minraising the button in cash is now the 'standard' and I can see why. Personally I decide whether I'm 3x or Mr the Burton based on who is in the blinds.
The reasons behind it are that you're gonna be opening like 50-60% f hands from the button so ...
1) blind stealing is more profitable and less costly when we fold to a 3b
2) 3bets will be smaller so we have more room to play post flop. It obv also means we can 4b smaller
3) we want the blinds to call, if it makes them call more that's good. Most profitable position on the table = btn, least profitable position on the table = the blinds. Even if we open 56o and they have a better hand that peels like JTo we'll probably still win a lot more often than they do.
Well having played poker on sky for about 5 years or so i thought now would be a good time to start a diary. Why? well to be honest the last few months have been a bit of a nightmare!! So i figured this may well help me to beat this downswing. BACKGROUND. I started out with DYMS then moved onto cash starting out at 4nl and progressing to and settling at 20nl. Over the years i have made a tidy profit but over the last couple of months ive been struggling particularly with cash. So ive decided to go back to basics and play a few dyms and grind some 10nl cash whilst brushing up on poker strategy and working on my game. INTERESTS Im going to add some other interest to my diary to hopefully make it a bit more interesting!!!!Aside from poker im a big football fan, i support cambridge united.................Well its been a tough few years but we are starting to turn the corner at last and hopefully this year we will finally gain promotion. Winning the FA trophy on sunday was a nice bonus. Im also a keen match angler and frequent the gym etc THIS MONTH This month has been tough. I decided to move the majority of my BR to another site to take advantage of a sign up bonus but i have run soooo badly. So im going to be back on here for the time being to get some confidence back. Having played 10nl for the last few nights i have noticed that its incredibly soft!!!! Lots of weak players and plenty of spots to make money. Hopefully when my cards finally hold i'll make a few quid. Im going to be putting in around 5-8 hours a day for the time being due to my personal circumstances recently changing. Well back to the grind feel free to comment. Posted by habbin
welcome to the forum and gl.
Great read........apart from the highlighted section. As a Grimsby fan I can safely say that you will not be getting promotion this year. We let you beat us in the FA trophy semi because we got to the final last year and felt it was fair for somebody else to get there this season. Besides, we are saving ourselves for the play offs!
cambridge ran up the leagues with tranmere. crazy to see all the old championship clubs languishing in that league. grimsby included.
i'm not a 6max player, but minraising forces the blinds to play more hands out of position, but you get fewer folds.
3xing means the blinds can fold more hands profitably, so you get fewer weak hands into your IP pots. you do get more folds and play bigger pots with your big hands, however. but it is more exploitable by light 3betting. you may have to tighten your own range against smart aggressive players.
cambridge ran up the leagues with tranmere. crazy to see all the old championship clubs languishing in that league. grimsby included. i'm not a 6max player, but minraising forces the blinds to play more hands out of position, but you get fewer folds. 3xing means the blinds can fold more hands profitably, so you get fewer weak hands into your IP pots. you do get more folds and play bigger pots with your big hands, however. but it is more exploitable by light 3betting. you may have to tighten your own range against smart aggressive players. Posted by TeddyBloat
This is exactly the thing ^
You should be opening a TON from the BTN so if you have good aggro players in the blinds you'll get battered. Thats why on some tables I'll 3x my BTN but on others I'll minraise (dependent on who is in my blinds). It's not an issue changing your raise size for these reasons cos on both tables you'll still be doing whatever size you choose with 100% of your range, no-one can do anything to exploit it.
In Response to Poker diary...................Habbin a mare!!!!!!!!!! : welcome to the forum and gl. Great read........apart from the highlighted section. As a Grimsby fan I can safely say that you will not be getting promotion this year. We let you beat us in the FA trophy semi because we got to the final last year and felt it was fair for somebody else to get there this season. Besides, we are saving ourselves for the play offs! Posted by waller02
Ha ha. Grimsby are definetly one of the better teams that i have seen this season but now that we have found our form again i cant see anyone stopping us in the playoffs. If you do manage to finish 5th i'll definetly be going up for the first leg. I would expect good attendances for both legs and a great atmosphere
cambridge ran up the leagues with tranmere. crazy to see all the old championship clubs languishing in that league. grimsby included. i'm not a 6max player, but minraising forces the blinds to play more hands out of position, but you get fewer folds. 3xing means the blinds can fold more hands profitably, so you get fewer weak hands into your IP pots. you do get more folds and play bigger pots with your big hands, however. but it is more exploitable by light 3betting. you may have to tighten your own range against smart aggressive players. Posted by TeddyBloat
Great days Teddy!!! General John Beck did great things for cambridge. Many didnt agree with his tactics but you cant deny that they were effective. He put together the greatest team cambridgeshire had ever seen with the likes of Dion Dublin and Steve Claridge. Sadly i cant see us ever reaching those heights again.
In Response to Re: Poker diary...................Habbin a mare!!!!!!!!!! : Ha ha. Grimsby are definetly one of the better teams that i have seen this season but now that we have found our form again i cant see anyone stopping us in the playoffs. If you do manage to finish 5th i'll definetly be going up for the first leg. I would expect good attendances for both legs and a great atmosphere Posted by habbin
5th!!!!! Have you seen how many games in hand we have got!!! haha We are right on your tail would def like to avoid your lot until the final though. It's a bizarre league though, how are Alfreton in the position they are with a +1 goal difference??!!
Minraising the button in cash is now the 'standard' and I can see why. Personally I decide whether I'm 3x or Mr the Burton based on who is in the blinds. The reasons behind it are that you're gonna be opening like 50-60% f hands from the button so ... 1) blind stealing is more profitable and less costly when we fold to a 3b 2) 3bets will be smaller so we have more room to play post flop. It obv also means we can 4b smaller 3) we want the blinds to call, if it makes them call more that's good. Most profitable position on the table = btn, least profitable position on the table = the blinds. Even if we open 56o and they have a better hand that peels like JTo we'll probably still win a lot more often than they do. Posted by Lambert180
A great summary on button play. Lots to think about and to work on.
claridge and dublin: two lower league bosses par excellance.
was beck the nutcase who used to chuck cold water on the players and watered down the corners of the home pitch so the ball would stop for the wingers? whatever he produced a really effective side, riddled with talent too.
So, How did you get on with the 2p/4p tables (Which I think you are refering to when you say 4NL)??
I too like you are a beginning player only having recently started really playing properly in proper online tournament's rather than for "play money" elsewhere...
I am also slowly eeking away my poker points whilst playing the freerolls on the site, which I have progressed really well and are routinely finishing around 10-20 places outside the bubble. I Too have a diary on the site under poker chat, and also checkout my most in the "Build a Bankroll" topic started by RicOrford.
claridge and dublin: two lower league bosses par excellance. was beck the nutcase who used to chuck cold water on the players and watered down the corners of the home pitch so the ball would stop for the wingers? whatever he produced a really effective side, riddled with talent too. Posted by TeddyBloat
Yeah john beck was an absolute nutcase!! Many a good story about the man and his tactics like turning the heating off in the oppositions changing room, providing the opposing side with flat balls to warm up with and fisty cuffs with his own players!! But he definitely had an eye for a player.
Well last night was tough with so many outdraws. In the end i managed to just about drag it back to level for the night. Just going to look through my hh now for some interesting spots.
So, How did you get on with the 2p/4p tables (Which I think you are refering to when you say 4NL)?? I too like you are a beginning player only having recently started really playing properly in proper online tournament's rather than for "play money" elsewhere... I am also slowly eeking away my poker points whilst playing the freerolls on the site, which I have progressed really well and are routinely finishing around 10-20 places outside the bubble. I Too have a diary on the site under poker chat, and also checkout my most in the "Build a Bankroll" topic started by RicOrford. Posted by GaryLaud
I havent really played 4nl for a few years mate but i remember it being very beatable. Tight is very much right and bet big with your value hands.
good luck with the diary and poker m8 you'll need more luck to get out of the Conference. If you maange to stay in the play-offs hopefully you get out first time. other wise it is very tough. Being a (long suffering) Wrexham supporter I know only too well ))) We've had a big hangover from last year I think. Actually probably from the last few years.
Good luck with the match this week - Barnet could be tricky. Grimsby have Hereford and hopefully they will win. I am getting nervous - we're only 11 points off relegation!
I felt the best way to get value from my hand short handed was to call rather than 3bet a tight reg who I think will fold 95% of his range pre. The plan post flop was to check call all 3 streets for value. Did I murder this hand? .
After a slow start i managed to win a couple of BI's today. Again i played 3 sessions, a small win in the first, completely card dead and a BI down in the second and a much better third session. A question for any grinders who read this diary. How do you plan your day? Do you play multiple sessions or one long session? Also what times of day etc?
Not going to get much time to play tomorrow with football and fishing prep to do but hopefully i'll find a few hours in the evening.
good luck with the diary and poker m8 you'll need more luck to get out of the Conference. If you maange to stay in the play-offs hopefully you get out first time. other wise it is very tough. Being a (long suffering) Wrexham supporter I know only too well ))) We've had a big hangover from last year I think. Actually probably from the last few years. Good luck with the match this week - Barnet could be tricky. Grimsby have Hereford and hopefully they will win. I am getting nervous - we're only 11 points off relegation! Posted by walesboy
Yeah we know all about losing in play-off finals mate, we lost in consecutive years 2008 and 2009. So its been a long time coming!!!
'09 really crippled the club and we are only now just getting over it. I heard you were paying some crazy wages a bit like we were then. £1500-2000 a week is rediculous for a div 5 player but that was rumoured to be the wage of a few of our key players.
Good read and good luck with your games. I imagine we'll see each other at the tables a fair amount as I try to refocus back to playing NL10.
The NL8/NL10 games have definitely seen an influx of new names that seem to be looser and adding a bit of action to this level, not sure what's caused that and it only seems to be the last couple of weeks but I hope it lasts!
Re: the hand you posted, what sort of range do you put the villain on... you say he's tight and will fold a 3-bet which maybe suggests he's not the sort to be bluffing every street?
Not that I'd probably do much different here, unless 3-betting, but doesn't feel like there are many TAG value hands you're beating on turn and river?
good luck with the diary and poker m8 you'll need more luck to get out of the Conference. If you maange to stay in the play-offs hopefully you get out first time. other wise it is very tough. Being a (long suffering) Wrexham supporter I know only too well ))) We've had a big hangover from last year I think. Actually probably from the last few years. Good luck with the match this week - Barnet could be tricky. Grimsby have Hereford and hopefully they will win. I am getting nervous - we're only 11 points off relegation! Posted by walesboy
Did you go to the FA trophy final last year? You deserved it tbf, we scored against the run of play then just sat back and let you back in the game. Best team won. We then bottled it the play offs against Newport.........def going up this season though!! Mariners!!!!!
In Response to Re: Poker diary...................Habbin a mare!!!!!!!!!! : Did you go to the FA trophy final last year? You deserved it tbf, we scored against the run of play then just sat back and let you back in the game. Best team won. We then bottled it the play offs against Newport.........def going up this season though!! Mariners!!!!! Posted by waller02
Unfortunately not, my son had a rugby tournament that day an hour or so away. I'm assistant coach. we won more than lost so proud dad. tried to follow it on my phone. gutted not to go even though lost, would have been a good day out despite the result Mariners have a few games in hand so hopefully you keep in the play offs Good luck though
Habbin great read hope both you and Cambridge succeed , as an ardent Peterborough utd supporter of 40+ years will be great to play you in the derbies which have definitely been missed
I wouldn't agree that it's standard to open with a minimum raise on a cash table - that's not the norm at all. 3x is certainly more likely.
Gl with the diary, nice title:)
Don't think a min raise on the button is standard, certainly not on sky.
You are just pricing in the blinds.
Great read........apart from the highlighted section. As a Grimsby fan I can safely say that you will not be getting promotion this year. We let you beat us in the FA trophy semi because we got to the final last year and felt it was fair for somebody else to get there this season. Besides, we are saving ourselves for the play offs!
i'm not a 6max player, but minraising forces the blinds to play more hands out of position, but you get fewer folds.
3xing means the blinds can fold more hands profitably, so you get fewer weak hands into your IP pots. you do get more folds and play bigger pots with your big hands, however. but it is more exploitable by light 3betting. you may have to tighten your own range against smart aggressive players.
You should be opening a TON from the BTN so if you have good aggro players in the blinds you'll get battered. Thats why on some tables I'll 3x my BTN but on others I'll minraise (dependent on who is in my blinds). It's not an issue changing your raise size for these reasons cos on both tables you'll still be doing whatever size you choose with 100% of your range, no-one can do anything to exploit it.
You'll find a lot of good players do it.
was beck the nutcase who used to chuck cold water on the players and watered down the corners of the home pitch so the ball would stop for the wingers? whatever he produced a really effective side, riddled with talent too.
it only works when using IE as far as I'm aware
you'll need more luck to get out of the Conference. If you maange to stay in the play-offs hopefully you get out first time. other wise it is very tough. Being a (long suffering) Wrexham supporter I know only too well
We've had a big hangover from last year I think. Actually probably from the last few years.
Good luck with the match this week - Barnet could be tricky. Grimsby have Hereford and hopefully they will win. I am getting nervous - we're only 11 points off relegation!
tried to follow it on my phone. gutted not to go even though lost, would have been a good day out despite the result
Mariners have a few games in hand so hopefully you keep in the play offs
Good luck though