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The Return of 68Trebor



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    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
    Good luck mate Also agree with everything you say about Villa. Mick (another disillusioned Villa fan)
    Posted by VespaPX
    Is there any Villa fan who is not disillusioned.

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    edited January 2015

     Played 4 MTT's tonight.
     All of them for a £5 buy in, that's a good start for me.
     Played a £500BH, £1500BH, £100PLO AND £100PLO8.
    Got off to a decent start in the £500BH taking 2 bounties early on and getting up to 5000 chips from 2000 starting stack. Lost a large proportion of this when bet out all 3 streets to get called down by someone holding 22, and no there wasn't a set, a flush or a straight. Sometimes it just goes like that. Knew they were pretty weak and could get them off but they were intent on calling all 3 streets.
     £1500 BH never got above starting stack.
     Both PLO's were standard hands I went out with, just the way of PLO, you get it in and hope the cards run your way.

     Another cracker of a second half in the footie tonight, had to feel for Sheff Utd but in the end Premier class just about had enough. What a good buy Erikson is looking this season.

     MTT's Played = 4
     Profit = -£18.24
     ROI = -82.91%
     ITM = 0.00%
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    edited January 2015

     Played a couple of £5.50 MTT's last night and a couple tonight.
    Never got near the money in any of them and only managed a couple of bounties. Played pretty poorly last night and looking back should of probably given it a miss. Thought I played pretty well tonight overall and only leaked a few chips on a couple of occasions. Need to rid myself of the tendancy to call a button shove with rag aces when in the big blind.
     Think that Sinclair could be a good signing for Villa, he has a bit of trickery to his game and is prepared to take on and beat a man, something the rest of the team seem incapable of, excusing Mr Gill who has only just joined and also seems to have the potential to offer us some positivity. A bit disappointed to see Sinclair has been given the No.9 shirt. This is an iconic shirt down the Villa and has been worn by some heroic Villains, Lockhead, Gray, Withe, Milosevic, Dublin, Angel to name a few. Although to be fair it has also been worn by Harewood, Ireland, Bent and Helenius in recent times. It would also point to the fact we won't be signing Demba Ba as has been rumoured in certain parts as he would of surely been kept the No.9 shirt. There really wasn't any way in which Mr Lerner was ever going to part with £80k a week anyway.
     This house moving lark is becoming increasingly stressful and we have only just accepted an offer on our house. The stressful, at the moment, is finding the right house for us. The other half is keen on an older 3 bedroom property, whereas I am leaning towards a newish 4 bedroom, 3 storey town house. Both are in nice areas and I honestly don't see how we will choose. It will probably come down to me compromising and agreeing to her choice. My only worry with her choice, although it is a nice house, is that it doesn't offer as many rooms so where will I have 'my space'. We are going to have to choose within the next week or so as our buyers are keen to move.
     Won't be playing tomorrow as it is my weekend in at work, which basically means doing the late shift on Saturday and then working Sunday, so will be back on the tables Sunday evening.

     MTT's Played = 8
     Profit = -£36.48
     ROI = -82.91%
     ITM = 0.00% 
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    edited February 2015

     Played a couple of tournies on Sunday night, £1500 BH and a £500BH, coming 73/407 and 94/122 taking 1 bounty.
    Monday night played just the Mini as I didn't get home from work until 8pm and also wanted to watch 'Broadchurch' whilst playing so didn't want to overtax the brain. Thought I played well and ended up 14/587 for a decent return. Was going along really nicely and was in top four from about 150 out till about 35 left. Then got KK, KK and AA in the space of 10 hands. Didn't really work out for me as AA got cracked by 2 pair, KK both times ended up with an A on the flop. This left me with about 40k chips and I ended up treading water for a while. Then with table re-draw I ended up the short stack on the table with everyone else having at least double my stack. Ended up getting it in for a race I lost. Was happy with my play and feel a big one coming soon.
     Day off tomorrow so will definitely be playing a couple of tournies tomorrow night. Planning an afternoon of snooker with my lad who is also off tomorrow and will then catch the second episode of 'Fortitude' tomorrow night on Sky One. Really gripping first episode and well worth a look.
     On the football front the untouchable Mr Lambert recorded another miserable display and is breaking more records with over 10 hours of league football without a goal. I am all for stability within a football club but his continued leadership of our club with his dismal record over 3 seasons is beyond belief. What I find amazing is that the owner Mr Randy Lerner is obviously a very astute business man with an enviable track record within his field. Yet he does not seem to grasp the fact that Mr Lambert is on the verge of taking this club into the Championship. As he has put the club up for sale he must realise its value will collapse if we fall through the trap-door but seems unaware of the imminent trouble we are in. Lambert's complete failing as a manger is summed up today when we are seen to be desperately scrambling about trying to sign a proven goalscorer in the form of Lambert and Adebayor. Surely it was glaringly obvious 6 weeks ago we were desperate for a proven goalscorer and yet we appear to have waited to the 11th hour to try and do something about this at no doubt over inflated prices. To top it all he has decided to fall out with Darren Bent and insists in farming out a Premier League proven goalscorer to anyone who will take him. We are unbelievably lucky to be outside the relegation zone having only scored 11 league goals all season but if we do not improve drastically we will end up in the bottom 3 at the end of the season and to be fair when we do get relegated no-one can say we didn't deserve to go down. Chelsea next up so again it will be Villa0 #lambertout.
     MTT's Played = 11
     Profit = -£22.02
     ROI = -36.40%
     ITM = 9.09% 

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    edited February 2015

     Quick update before tonight's play.

     Didn't play Wednesday night as on a late at work, home about 10.30pm, and then was back in this morning.
    Played 3 tournies on Tuesday the £1,500 BH, the Main and the Mini. Only got anywhere decent in the Mini finishing 228/635
     Every day at the moment I take a peep at Sky Sports app on my phone half expecting Mr Lambert to have gone, only to be disappointed. I am beginning to think this man is untouchable and I am now predicting he will survive until Dec 16th 2015, when we slip into the Championship relegation zone having just been hammered at Villa Park 4-0 by Charlton. Looks like another potential candidate in Tim Sherwood will probably land the job at QPR, so the options get less and less. Out of the possible candidates left I would plump for Laudrup or Hoddle, if you could convince either of them to come. Going on Mr Lerner's history of appointments he will pick the man who will most upset the fans. Get your money on Robbie Savage to be the next Villa manager, keep it to yourselves though.

     Looking forward to the next episode of 'Fortitude' tonight and if you didn't catch the first episode give it a go.

     On the house front our buyers are appearing very keen with their surveyor already booked in for next week. Really are going to have make a decision very soon but really not wanting to rush into buying unless it is right. The problem is I have agreed with the bank to transfer my exsisting mortgage, base rate +1%, and therefore need to buy rather than rent for a while.

     Anyway its off to the tables for me, starting with the £1,500 BH at 6.45pm, fast becoming my regular tournie.

     MTT's Played = 15
     Profit = -£44.54
     ROI = -52.46%
     ITM = 6.67% 
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    edited February 2015

     Played well tonight, apart from a couple of hands I butchered and a couple of hands I probably should of been braver with.
    Only played the 2 MTT's tonight. The 7.15pm £500 Bounty Hunter where I finished 20/137 and should of really cashed, top 16 got paid, but got over aggressive with no hand and lost a large stack of chips with 24 left. What's the saying, aim for the win. Perhaps when in a better situation.
     Also played the £1,500 Bounty Hunter at 6.45pm and ended up 16/345 getting it all in with my A,6 up against J,10 for a 40k pot. Not to be tonight but I feel its coming.

     MTT's Played = 17
     Profit = -£36.21
     ROI = -37.76%
     ITM = 11.76%  

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    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
     Every day at the moment I take a peep at Sky Sports app on my phone half expecting Mr Lambert to have gone, only to be disappointed. I am beginning to think this man is untouchable and I am now predicting he will survive until Dec 16th 2015, when we slip into the Championship relegation zone having just been hammered at Villa Park 4-0 by Charlton. Looks like another potential candidate in Tim Sherwood will probably land the job at QPR, so the options get less and less. Out of the possible candidates left I would plump for Laudrup or Hoddle, if you could convince either of them to come. Going on Mr Lerner's history of appointments he will pick the man who will most upset the fans. Get your money on Robbie Savage to be the next Villa manager, keep it to yourselves though. Posted by 68Trebor
    You shouldn't even joke about things like that.

    Disappointed Forest didn't get Grealish on loan, as we allegedly were going to until the latest upheaval of the past week or so. Surely only a matter of time before he's a Villa regular?
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    edited February 2015

     Only played the Mini last night as didn't get in from work until 8:20pm. Played well again, despite nodding towards the end, and another cash finishing 20/638. Cards ran for me early on but didn't towards the end. C'est la poker.
     Gonna play a couple of Speed BH's this aft whilst listening to the footie, then off out tonight.
     Couple of bets this afternoon to add to the enjoyment of the football. For the first time in a long, long time I gave backed against the Villa, hate doing it but easy money.

     £5.60 treble - Man City, Chelsea, Southampton @3/1.
     £2.83 accum - Chelsea -1, Man City -1, Boro -1, Norwich -1, Swindon -1, Aberdeen -1 @70/1.

     3:35 Newbury
     £2 ew On Tour @10/1

     25p CFC, 10p CTC - On Tour, Fascino Rustico, Jolly's Cracked It.

     MTT's Played = 18
     Profit = -£20.05
     ROI = -19.77%
     ITM = 16.67%  

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    edited February 2015

     Played 2 Speed Bounty Hunters this afternoon, continued my semi-decent run of the last few days and finished 11.23 and then took down the other for a tidy little profit. Unfortunately the horse bet has gone down and the footie bets aren't looking to good at the mo. Unbelievably Villa0 have managed to score a goal and so Lambert's tenure will no doubt continue. The man really has got soooo many lives. 
     No more poker today and looking forward to a few beers tonight. Getting the train from Dewsbury to Huddersfield and then off to  a real nice 'proper' pub that is owned by Ossett Breweries and always has a decent selection of real ale on tap. Tomorrow is D-Day in the house hunting. We are down to 2 and are visiting both for a second view before making a decision. Think it may come down to which we get at the better price.
     Enough for today, going to chew the nails away as I wait to see if Villa can get a result today.

     MTT's Played = 20
     Profit = -£6.34
     ROI = -5.98%
     ITM = 20.00%  
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    edited February 2015

     Not really in the mood for poker tonight so only played the 2 tournies, a sat for the £5k BH, where I finished 8/28 and the £1,500 BH where I got it all in pre-flop for a 20k stack and the lead with my QQ up against a bit of a maniacs AK. Not my night tonight, so calling it a day for the poker.
     Did have a decent footie bet come up though. Had 4 x 50p Trebles and a £1 accum on draws at Everton, Burnley, Newcastle and West Ham. Thanks to Crouch and Blind for netting me near on £200. Withdrew £180 which is always nice to do. Had a small £2 accum on Valencia, Barcelona -1, Genk -1 and Palermo +1 at odds of 21/1 for tonight's entertainment.
     Only 3 weeks till skiing and tonight on Ch5* at 10pm there is a documentary on the resort Pas De La Casa where I will be staying so will give it a watch.
     Tomorrow will hopefully be buying a house as we have come to a decision today and depending on how negotiations go tomorrow will know where we are going. Really excited about the move now whilst being apprehensive hoping everything goes through as its supposed to.

      MTT's Played = 22
      Profit = -£17.11
      ROI = -14.42%
      ITM = 18.18%  

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    edited February 2015

     Played a Speed Bounty Hunter this morning and never got above starting stack. Hung around for a while and then I re-raised a  player's min raise with A,10 for my stack of 1200, blinds at 50/100, only for him to call with K,2. Flop K,K,8 gg, wp. Was wondering if anyone could explain why the rake for these is £0.75 compared to the normal £0.45. On lates today so there will be no more poker until Wednesday evening.

     Have had a small wager to help pass the time tonight.
     £2.20 accum - Sunderland @ 10/11, Arsenal -1 @ 8/11, Boro -1 @ 11/8, Bristol City -1 @ 5/4.

     Big, big game for the Villa tonight at Hull. Would think a defeat will really heap the pressure on Lambert, particularly if he persists with putting Benteke on the bench. Reminds me of a certain Ruud Gullit deciding to bench their leading scorer and terrace idol, a certain Alan Shearer, and we all know what happened to him.

     On the house front things are moving very slowly. The buyers of our house are ploughing along and I have the joy of their surveyor visiting on Thursday. We have found the house we like and I put in an opening offer yesterday morning. Having spoken to the estate agents last night it would appear the husband is away and can only be contacted in the evening so I am still waiting to hear back on how our offer went. I don't expect it to be accepted as no-one accepts the first offer but it could turn out a long negotiation if we have to wait 24hrs for a response to any offer made.

      MTT's Played = 23
      Profit = -£22.86
      ROI = -18.38%
      ITM = 17.39%  
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    edited February 2015
    Game over !! :-(
    Looks like Mr Lerner wants Lambert to take us down so he can get his hands on the £60m parachute payments.
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    edited February 2015


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    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
     THANK GOD!  #lambertout
    Posted by 68Trebor
    May be too little too late but it's a start !
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    edited February 2015

     We need to go and get Laudrup now. Wonder if that's why he turned down QPR. Think it will be a quick appointment.
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    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
     We need to go and get Laudrup now. Wonder if that's why he turned down QPR. Think it will be a quick appointment.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Tim Sherwood?
    Would love to see Eddie Howe but doubt he would come as we're probably swapping places!
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    edited February 2015
     So it wasn't a dream Lambert has gone!
    Would love Rafa Benitez but can't see it happening.
    Probably going to be Sherwood but out of the probables I would like to see Hoddle.
    Had a small wager of £7 on Hoddle at 11/2 and £3 on Bob Bradley at 60/1.
    Exciting times. 
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    edited February 2015

     No poker today for me as not in the mood.

     Have stuck another £10 on Hoddle for next Villa manager. Looking at the way Mr Lerner operates I have no doubt that the new manager will be someone who is currently out of work, there is no way he will spend money on compensation. Although he has appeared to have just given Mr Lambert £3m, never understand how you can get sacked for being rubbish at your job and then get given loads of money. Only in the world of football. I also think the Villa job is only going to appeal to someone with something to prove and someone who Mr Lerner believes the fans will be OK with, he certainly won't want a repeat of the McLeish appointment. Mr Lerner comes across as quite a dour, safe sort of business man so wonder if he would take the risk of hiring a somewhat extravagant and risky Tim Sherwood. We also know that Hoddle is desperate for a return to football and after his time at QPR has got the bug again. To me it all points to Glen Hoddle, lets hope so as I think he maybe a good appointment for us.

     House buying is complete, after a week of offers and viewings we have had an offer accepted on a relatively new 4 bed, 3 storey town house in a nice spot and handy for everyone's work and school. Now the real stress will begin. Good job I am off with the lads for a weeks skiing 2 weeks on Sunday, really looking forward to it now.

     Off to watch Fortitude now so run good. Will probably back on the tables tomorrow night.

      MTT's Played = 25
      Profit = -£39.36
      ROI = -27.93%
      ITM = 16.00%  
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    edited February 2015

     Doesn't time fly, can't believe its 6 days since my last update. A lot has happened in that short time.

     Sherwood is now the man at the helm at Villa Park and hopefully will prove a huge success. I will give him my full backing even though I do think he has really landed on his feet, getting to manage a huge club with very little previous. At least he should make good use of our young guns and give them a chance. The weekend also saw Villa through to the last 8 and a home tie against the Baggies. Would love to get to this game but don't return from skiing until the Sunday so will have to watch it in a pub in Andorra, its such a hard life.

     Its all systems go on the house front and my life has become full of signing forms and visits to banks. Mortgage is all sorted and got a decent deal so pretty happy on that front. Got offered a fixed rate of 3.96% for 5 years and jumped at it as the best tracker rate was at 4.29%, explain that if you can! The couple buying our house are trying to haggle on price following their survey but hopefully not going to have to shift or if I do it maybe for only £500.

     On the poker front only played a couple of nights and my best result was tonight where I finished 10/109 in a £500 BH. Have been contemplating returning to the cash tables at 10nl but have so far resisted temptation. Not sure how long I will resist though.

      MTT's Played = 35
      Profit = -£77.04
      ROI = -39.36%
      ITM = 14.29%   

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    edited February 2015

     So another Saturday another defeat. Think Sherwood probably realises what a huge job it is going to be to keep Villa up this season. There is a real lack of belief throughout the club from the players to the fans and if Sherwood keeps us up he will have earned the right to lead us next season. I really do think this is the year we may drop into The Championship, and as we have only managed 13 goals in 26 games we really couldn't have any complaints. Last game of the season for us is Burnley at home and this already has 'relegation decider' written all over it, although saying that I would quite happily settle for us needing to win that game to stay up. When you look at our remaining fixtures it's a real struggle to see where we are going to get anywhere near enough points to get up to the 38 point mark. I think, like most Villa fans, I am already resigning myself to the fact that we are going down.
     Worked lates on Friday and Saturday night so not played much poker, just 3 tournies on Thursday evening and then a £10 DYM Saturday night on the phone app, and a bit of cash, unsuccessfully, on the app. This has whetted my appetite for the cash tables and I have decided to dabble back into 4-tabling the 10nl tables. Have deleted the SkyPoker app and must be strong enough not to play on it as I end up playing terrible on it.

      MTT's Played = 38
      Profit = -£93.61
      ROI = -43.70%
      ITM = 13.16%   

     Great Leicester have just equalised, we're doomed!

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    edited February 2015

     So first cash session of the new era is completed. Started out on 4 tables but found I was rushing some decisions and also suffering from some lagging, the first time in a long time to be fair, so quickly dropped down to 3 tables. Ran pretty well and was probably being to aggressive and calling/re-raising opening raises with to wider a range.

     Quick question. We're sat in a late position with AA. UTG opens for 3xBB, Cut Off 3-bets. Do you 4-bet or call. I have been in this situation a couple of times tonight and 4-bet only to get 2 folds. Is the 4-bet just telling everyone I have AA.

     Hands 630
     BB/100 33.70

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    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
     So another Saturday another defeat. Think Sherwood probably realises what a huge job it is going to be to keep Villa up this season. There is a real lack of belief throughout the club from the players to the fans and if Sherwood keeps us up he will have earned the right to lead us next season. I really do think this is the year we may drop into The Championship, and as we have only managed 13 goals in 26 games we really couldn't have any complaints. Last game of the season for us is Burnley at home and this already has 'relegation decider' written all over it, although saying that I would quite happily settle for us needing to win that game to stay up. When you look at our remaining fixtures it's a real struggle to see where we are going to get anywhere near enough points to get up to the 38 point mark. I think, like most Villa fans, I am already resigning myself to the fact that we are going down.  Worked lates on Friday and Saturday night so not played much poker, just 3 tournies on Thursday evening and then a £10 DYM Saturday night on the phone app, and a bit of cash, unsuccessfully, on the app. This has whetted my appetite for the cash tables and I have decided to dabble back into 4-tabling the 10nl tables. Have deleted the SkyPoker app and must be strong enough not to play on it as I end up playing terrible on it.   MTT's Played = 38   Profit = -£93.61   ROI = -43.70%   ITM = 13.16%     Great Leicester have just equalised, we're doomed!  
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Yep i think we are now:-(
    Lerners fault, should of got rid of Lambert before Xmas to give a new manager a chance in the Jan window.
    Maybe he wants the money from parachute payments.
    I bet we get sold as soon as we're down !
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    edited February 2015

     Haven't played for a few days as been under the weather to the point where I actually rang in sick for work on Tuesday, my 1st sick day in 5 years. Returned to the 10nl tables this evening and had a really good 1 hour session with a £30 profit. Only managed an hour after work as on lates today. Now running at a profit rate of over 40BB/100 after my first 1100 hands, long may that last.
     Tomorrow I am on a late shift and then start my holidays, flying out to Andorra on Sunday morning for a week of skiing. Tomorrow's shift at work will no doubt be the longest shift of the year.
     Have managed a couple of footie bets over the last few days and had a nice 4/1 winner tonight with an accum on Everton, Inter, Brugges and Napoli. Tuesday night cashed out a 6-fold for a 8/1 winner when I had 5 results correct and only Scunthorpe letting me down at home to Barnsley.
     Hands 193
     BB/100 158.03

     Hands 1121
     Profit £52.86
     BB/100 47.15

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    edited March 2015

     Just returned from a week on the slopes in Andorra. Had a great time and managed to get a tan, well I say a tan, more a case of sunburn, with wall to wall sunshine for the last 3 days and perfect snow conditions across the whole of the Pyrennes. Took today off work as really need a day to recover after the body takes a pounding through a combination of the skiing, the drinking and the eating.
     What a difference a week can make in the world of football and especially the world of a Villain. From thinking we were doomed I now think we have a great chance of staying up. The 2 wins over the Baggies will have made a huge difference to the confidence of the players and should give them the belief to go on and secure premier league survival. As the Benteke penalty hit the back of the net there was a bar in Andorra wondering what the hell was wrong with me as I danced around like a lunatic. Talking of lunatics I cannot believe the press coverage that followed the FA Cup win over the Albion. For people to even consider comparing what happened to what happened on a regular basis in the 80's is just pure lunacy. As a teenager who followed Villa home and away throughout the 80's I can guarantee that there is no comparison. Saturday afternoon was all about a group of fans, the young, the old, male, female, families, fed up with years of mediocrity, releasing their pent up frustrations with the first real sign of endeavour and success seen at Villa Park in 4 years. The 80's was all about groups of young men intent on causing destruction and fear all over the country.
     Not played any poker for 10 days now and not sure when I will return to the tables, maybe later tonight, maybe later in the week.
     Anyway, here's hoping for a favourable draw in the semi. You never know we may end up safe and FA Cup winners, would have taken that at the start of the season.
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    edited March 2015

     Played tonight for the first time since 26th Feb. Managed just over an hour and a half of 3-tabling 10nl and was up nearly £20 at one point. Should have quit then as I began to play far too loose and aggressive for the last 15 mins and ended up only £2.65 in profit.
     Hands 336
     BB/100 7.89

     Hands 1457
     Profit £55.51
     BB/100 38.10

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    edited April 2015

     They say 24hrs in politics is a long time, but a month of being a Villa fan is an eternity. We have been transformed from a nervous, boring football team into an exciting, free-scoring, attractive team. We now look safe and have an FA Cup Final to look forward to. TAKE A BOW MR SHERWOOD! Now the task of trying to secure a ticket begins. It is such a disgrace that each club only gets 22,500 tickets and 45,000 go to the FA and corporate. It really is no longer 'the game of the people'.
     House moving is looking good, touch wood, fingers crossed, and we are hoping to move on Monday 11th May. Really desperate to get moved now and finding it hard to get motivated to even mow the lawn. Have cleared so much junk out of the house, unbelievable how much stuff gets stuck in cupboards for one reason or another, and I am now on speaking terms with the lads at the tip.
     On the poker front I haven't really played much lately, just the odd game on Stars now and again. Tried to download the Skypoker app for the last week and only managed to get it to download today, so I am back on the tables tonight, raring to go and will update later. Have to say my week isn't the same with no Skypoker TV to watch on an evening.

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    edited April 2015

     Played a few MTT's yesterday and did not cash or get a bounty in any of them so ended up resorting to cash. Been pretty successful and retrieved nearly all my losses from the MTT's, although I ran really well on one table and played ridiculously aggressive, a great combination.
     As I thought we were moving on 11th May I started to get my act together this morning and rang SKY to cancel my package of Broadband, Phone and TV. Got it all sorted with Broadband and Phone stopped on 11th May and TV a week later. Get to work, check my e-mails on a break to find one from my solicitor letting me know my house buyers can't do the 11th May but would like to do 18th May. Great! I have to say this house moving lark is as stressful as everyone says, especially if like me you need to be organised and know what you are doing and when you are doing it. 

      MTT's Played = 43
      Profit =
      ROI =
      ITM = 11.63%  

      Cash Hands Played =1664
      Total Profit =
      Total BB/100 =

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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The Return of 68Trebor:
     They say 24hrs in politics is a long time, but a month of being a Villa fan is an eternity. We have been transformed from a nervous, boring football team into an exciting, free-scoring, attractive team. We now look safe and have an FA Cup Final to look forward to. TAKE A BOW MR SHERWOOD! Now the task of trying to secure a ticket begins. It is such a disgrace that each club only gets 22,500 tickets and 45,000 go to the FA and corporate. It really is no longer 'the game of the people'.  House moving is looking good, touch wood, fingers crossed, and we are hoping to move on Monday 11th May. Really desperate to get moved now and finding it hard to get motivated to even mow the lawn. Have cleared so much junk out of the house, unbelievable how much stuff gets stuck in cupboards for one reason or another, and I am now on speaking terms with the lads at the tip.  On the poker front I haven't really played much lately, just the odd game on Stars now and again. Tried to download the Skypoker app for the last week and only managed to get it to download today, so I am back on the tables tonight, raring to go and will update later. Have to say my week isn't the same with no Skypoker TV to watch on an evening.  
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Couldn't agree more !
    Did you notice the empty corporate seats all game in the semi?
    I believe there is a meeting this week between the clubs and the FA to discuss ticket allocation.
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    edited April 2015

     Played a fair bit of cash in the last few days clocking 3 losing sessions for the last 3. Did play the longest session I have for a long time on Thursday, playing from 7pm to 1am with a couple of small breaks. The main reason being the hunt for the 9,000,000th hand, ended up hitting the 9,000,011th hand, soooo close. Tonight I will probs be concentrating on the MTT's, where I am due a win.
     After the results of this weekend I am back to worrying whether Villa will be in the Premier League come the start of next season. It is now looking like QPR and Burnley are doomed and then it is one from us, Hull, Sunderland and Leicester. With the run-ins Sunderland and Hull have I think another win will probably see us safe. 
     Burnley - P34 26Pts -26gd
            West Ham (A), Hull (A), Stoke (H), Villa (A)

     QPR - P34 27Pts -21gd
            Liverpool (A), Man City (A), Newcastle (H), Leicester (A)

     Sunderland - P33 30pts -23gd
            Southampton (H), Everton (A), Leicester (H), Arsenal (A), Chelsea (A)

     Leicester - P33 31pts -16gd
             Chelsea (H), Newcastle (H), Southampton (H), Sunderland (A), QPR (H)

     Hull - P33 31pts -14gd
             Liverpool (H), Arsenal (H), Burnley (H), Spurs (A), Man Utd (H)

     Villa - P34 32pts -22gd
             Everton (H), West Ham (H), Southampton (A), Burnley (H)

     It looks like West Ham at home will be huge, playing Everton at wrong time and would take a point now, can't see us getting owt at Southampton and really don't want to be in the position of having to beat Burnley to stay up.

     House moving is turning into a right nightmare, house we are buying can't now complete until 5th June and just waiting for the dreaded call to say our buyers won't wait that long. It really is becoming a stressful situation.
     Time to concentrate on the poker tonight and take down a tournie.

      MTT's Played = 43
      Profit =
      ROI =
      ITM = 11.63%  

      Cash Hands Played=2954
      Total Profit = £49.51
      Total BB/100 = 16.76

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    edited April 2015

     So Hull beat Liverpool, Leicester start playing like a team in the top half of table and the trapdoor gets closer and closer for Villa. Sherwood said after the City game that there was no way we would go down, please don't let him come to regret that. I can already see the Bluenoses wearing their T-shirts with a picture of Sherwood and the caption as they visit Villa Park next season.
     Looks like we may have to move out of our house on 31st May, spend a week in a Premier Inn, then move into our new house on 5th June. The traumas of moving never end.
     Had a meeting in Rochdale today, finished at 3.30pm so joy an early finish, may get home before 7pm for once. Get on    M62 and then spend the next 3 hours not moving as the motorway is closed due to a major accident.
     On the poker front played 3 MTT's tonight and managed a 2nd in the FOSP Holdem event and a 3rd in the 7.15pm £500 BH. Have to say I really enjoyed the FOSP. Its the 1st time I have played it and would highly recommend it as the structure is really good and perhaps most importantly it is the friendliest and most chatty tournie I have played for a long, long time. Thank You to all who played particularly Batfink336, my HU adversary, and Darkangel7, a true lover of the game and a pleasure to play with.
     In the £500 BH when we were 3 handed one of the others was AWAY and was slowly blinding out. I ended up getting it all in with AA on the flop versus the chip leader and lost. Is this the best play or would you try and blind the other play out to ladder up to 2nd. As it happens he sat back in as soon as I went out so it would of made little difference but for future reference what would you do, go for the win or ladder.

      MTT's Played = 50
      Profit =
      ROI =
      ITM = 14.00%  

      Cash Hands Played=2954
      Total Profit = £49.51
      Total BB/100 = 16.76

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