I think this will be a lof of fun. I also think we should have an ongoing leaderboard listing the Top Ten players with the best Return On Investment in 2 hours. That way, you can come in and play your normal game whether it be 2p/4p or £100/£200- everyone's on a level playing field. We've got to have grudge matches as well- Father Vaigret v Kalooki8 for example. Look forward to it- I think we'll also learn a lot from watching some of these players strut their stuff. Posted by RICHORFORD
Winner gets an all expenses paid trip to Vatican City and a VIP Meet and Greet with the Pope lol!!
Just an idea, could the two players have started a hour or two before the start of the show. There's a massive feeling out period at the beginning of a cash game and you'll get more interesting play when the players are in the swing of it.
I think this will be a lof of fun. I also think we should have an ongoing leaderboard listing the Top Ten players with the best Return On Investment in 2 hours. That way, you can come in and play your normal game whether it be 2p/4p or £100/£200- everyone's on a level playing field. We've got to have grudge matches as well- Father Vaigret v Kalooki8 for example. Look forward to it- I think we'll also learn a lot from watching some of these players strut their stuff. Posted by RICHORFORD
Would love that challenge, though not 100% I ever wanted to be on the T.V. I'd prob give it a go for small stakes. Father Vaigret would be a worthy adversary and though he worships a false idol I think I could shrink the size of his font live on TV.
id be interested, id say playing from home would generate more interest, maybe start off with home players, follow a couple, and have a presenter/analyst playing in the studio, then start introducing the home players into the studio aswell
i would really like you to consider me for having a crack at the grind. i have been playing poker just over a year now and think it would make great telly if you let a novice like me have a go as opposed to the more experienced players that have been on so far. neil .aka CALLANIE.
High would love to come into the studio my level would be 5p/10p would be a great laugh but please let me play richard he loves to donate money tomy bankroll
We are still looking for Sky Poker cash players to participate on the Grind on Saturday nights. You can join in over the phone or come in as a studio guest. If you are intersted simply post in this thread and I will give you a call and get you booked in.
Hi guys We are still looking for Sky Poker cash players to participate on the Grind on Saturday nights. You can join in over the phone or come in as a studio guest. If you are intersted simply post in this thread and I will give you a call and get you booked in. Thanks guys Hand Picker Harry Posted by Sky_Harry
Hi Harry, I've already posted my interest. I can play 5/10/or 10/20 and im rubbish lol, so it should be fun to get ripped apart in the studio.
Regards Col p.s. you need a bigger role in the club(does this help my cause hehehe)
As one of the guys who used to come on these shows as a live guest when I was a mere poker journo, I can honestly say there's nothing like the buzz you get when you're on the Sky Poker set. Great bunch of people to work with, the chance to immortalise yourself on TV and just a heap of fun. Get involved people!
Hi guys We are still looking for Sky Poker cash players to participate on the Grind on Saturday nights. You can join in over the phone or come in as a studio guest. If you are intersted simply post in this thread and I will give you a call and get you booked in. Thanks guys Hand Picker Harry Posted by Sky_Harry
hi Harry got your e-mail have replied sorry i missed your call today michael
Right here mate...
reckon im a cert to be bottom of leader board
would have to ensure im not out here though
count me in
Bring it on.
Sorry cant get involved my account of £2 4s 6d is now out of circulation.
Names to faces great idea guys.
Great idea, nice to see Sky Poker for ever evolving .
I'd be interested, but I don't think your makeup team would be able to make me decent enough for television!
Was hoping to see it continue for a few weeks... I really thought it was a great concept.
i would deffo be interested i can play upto 5/10 blinds dtw
We are still looking for Sky Poker cash players to participate on the Grind on Saturday nights. You can join in over the phone or come in as a studio guest. If you are intersted simply post in this thread and I will give you a call and get you booked in.
Thanks guys
Hand Picker Harry
I've already posted my interest.
I can play 5/10/or 10/20 and im rubbish lol, so it should be fun to get ripped apart in the studio.
p.s. you need a bigger role in the club(does this help my cause hehehe)
cheers dave
yep i would love to be a phone guest rich ty !
hi Harry got your e-mail have replied sorry i missed your call today michael