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Dym clubbers

In Response to Dym clubbers:
Hi Anyone wishing to play 1 £2,20 10 seater tonight can you please add your name to the list, and please post when you are online, so that we know you are ready, for those who do not use the forum, please try to inform them :) acebarry10
Posted by acebarry10

Hi barry wont be about tonight unless darts gets cancelled (i can always hope)
Be back tomorrow night

Hope your feeling better




  • edited January 2010

    Anyone wishing to play 10 seater SNG,s can you please log in here at 11.00pm, by posting your name on the thread, please check back regularly if no one is around, we would hate to miss you, there will probably be no DYM tonight 07/01/10, but will leave the post here for when we play :), I would suggest when we are ready, Lisa-Marie sets up the table, and we follow? er 4th edit edition :)
  • edited January 2010

    Hi Barry

    I am out with the lads tonight (POOL) but if I am back at a decent time, I will come and find you mate.

    Hope you are feeling more upbeat , keep your chin up!

  • edited January 2010
    Id love to play Baz but 11 is usually a bit too late on weekdays. I'll pop in and say hi if Im around and will def play if not tired but dont forget me at the weekends!
  • edited January 2010
    Just check in at 11pm and see what happens :)
  • edited January 2010
    Baz- I've PM'ed you mate.

    I'm prob out of commission the next few nights with work/ social stuff but who knows? I quite often drop in unexpectedly around 11/12 to see what's going on...

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Baz- I've PM'ed you mate. I'm prob out of commission the next few nights with work/ social stuff but who knows? I quite often drop in unexpectedly around 11/12 to see what's going on... :)
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    In other words, the other half has gone to bed and he can sneak off to play some poker:)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Baz- I've PM'ed you mate. I'm prob out of commission the next few nights with work/ social stuff but who knows? I quite often drop in unexpectedly around 11/12 to see what's going on... :)
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Hi Rich

    Returned the PM, you should know who is around, we should all be signed in here, hopefuly, you can join us
  • edited January 2010
    here tonight if any one wants a game, any game, any stake up to 22
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Baz- I've PM'ed you mate. I'm prob out of commission the next few nights with work/ social stuff but who knows? I quite often drop in unexpectedly around 11/12 to see what's going on... :)
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    You have a social life?

    He's bluffing.

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers : You have a social life? He's bluffing. CALL!
    Posted by Tikay10
    He's staking out Feltham remember Tikay with a snowball for u...........even tho ur in Newcastle!
  • edited January 2010
    Hi all

    We now got 2
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Hi all We now got 2
    Posted by acebarry10
    HU Barry?

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers : HU Barry? lol
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Lol, Lisa-Marie has been in the forum, so may pop in ?
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers : Lol, Lisa-Marie has been in the forum, so may pop in ?
    Posted by acebarry10
    Barry, 53p Turbocharged HU? I think these are new... if so i will register at 11.15! Be there or be square! 
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers : Barry, 53p Turbocharged HU? I think these are new... if so i will register at 11.15! Be there or be square! 
    Posted by GREGHOGG
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers : Barry, 53p Turbocharged HU? I think these are new... if so i will register at 11.15! Be there or be square! 
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Weve been beaten to it Greg lol
  • edited January 2010
    Sry guys - posting on here and getting sorted for tomorrow so cant play at the mo. Will do over weekend though.  Keep on smiling :)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Sry guys - posting on here and getting sorted for tomorrow so cant play at the mo. Will do over weekend though.  Keep on smiling :)
    Posted by phil12uk
    ok, no probs m8
  • edited January 2010
    Hi guys

    Gonne have to go feeling a little ill (Stomach not serious) thanks for the games :)
  • edited January 2010
    Supernova and I are waiting on a £1 Omaha DYM if anyone's interested.
  • edited January 2010
    Hi all

    Sorry, really got to try to get some sleep, very good game all
  • edited January 2010
    yo barry, get well soon... what is this dym club stuff? i play dym constantly so would be kl to join in with you guys.
  • edited January 2010
    It's just a group of players who typically play 2 or 3 DYM games late in the evening for a bit of fun.
    Everyone is welcome to join in but they should be aware that the emphasis is on the social side of the game. The outcome of the game is generally of secondary consideration to the banter so anyone who can't take a bad-beat and a bit of ribbing should probably avoid them.

    The stakes are generally low and some players like to exhibit their "flair" by making outrageous plays.
    Some of the biggest names on the site play these games; infact, last week, Mr. Flopasetandloseontheriver was seen playing along with Ms. Bluffyouwithanytwocards. It's rumoured that they may be getting married and that they are going for a double-barrelled surname - I pity the children.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    It's just a group of players who typically play 2 or 3 DYM games late in the evening for a bit of fun. Everyone is welcome to join in but they should be aware that the emphasis is on the social side of the game . The outcome of the game is generally of secondary consideration to the banter so anyone who can't take a bad-beat and a bit of ribbing should probably avoid them. The stakes are generally low and some players like to exhibit their "flair" by making outrageous plays. Some of the biggest names on the site play these games; infact, last week, Mr. Flopasetandloseontheriver was seen playing along with Ms. Bluffyouwithanytwocards. It's rumoured that they may be getting married and that they are going for a double-barrelled surname - I pity the children.
    Posted by MereNovice
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Dym clubbers:
    Supernova and I are waiting on a £1 Omaha DYM if anyone's interested.
    Posted by MereNovice
    Ive just played in one at about 4 am
  • edited January 2010
    To help people judge the standard of the play here is a hand from one of the games.
    I have changed the names to protect the criminal.
    mmmchips Small blind   15.00 15.00 1395.00
    MereHero Big blind   30.00 45.00 1568.75
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 6
    SUPERNOVA Fold        
    Machka Fold        
    Mookins81 Fold        
    acebarry10 Fold        
    GREGDONK Call   30.00 75.00 1150.00
    darich Fold        
    Lisa_Long Fold        
    gusidol Fold        
    mmmchips Fold        
    MereHero Check        
    • 4
    • 8
    • 5
    MereHero Bet   60.00 135.00 1508.75
    GREGDONK Call   60.00 195.00 1090.00
    • 9
    MereHero Check        
    GREGDONK Bet   120.00 315.00 970.00
    MereHero Raise   390.00 705.00 1118.75
    GREGDONK All-in   970.00 1675.00 0.00
    MereHero All-in   1118.75 2793.75 0.00
    MereHero Unmatched bet   418.75 2375.00 418.75
    MereHero Show
    • 7
    • 6
    • 10
    • 2
    • 6
    GREGDONK Win Flush to the 10 2375.00   2375.00
  • edited January 2010
    ok cool... what stakes do you play at then? Im a low stakes player (3.30 dym) so anything up to this level and i would be in.
  • edited January 2010
    I think most recent games have been £1, £2, £5 or £10.
    Generally, people are happy to play at whatever stakes suit everyone.
    I stress that the games are played for fun* - so no-one should play at a level where the buy-in is significant to them. It's a great chance to have a bit of fun for 30 minutes to an hour (or 5 minutes for me).

    * Note: These games should carry a government mental health warning.
  • edited January 2010

    Count me in! I had a look last night but nothing really got going I dont think? Unless I missed it....

    I played the normal STT with uze the other night, was alright! Better than DYM's! - Not a fold fest!

    If its all about fun surely a normal SNG structure wud be more entertaining! :)

    Neway i'll be looking here whenever Im on around 11, break up the cash grind!

    Cyaz at the tables, DOHH
  • edited January 2010
    Count me in guys, finally managed to get a little bt of a bankroll going. Winning the £300gtd helps ;-)

    Now if only I can stay away from that pesky blackjack table....
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