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Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer

edited May 2017 in Priority

I reporting one cheaters on dym`s tables :

1.Ref: 160301-000001  1 March Still no get answer
2.Ref: 160309-000060  9 March Still no get answer

What sky priority team is doing in this case?
How long we have play witch cheaters on tables?
Is investigate now why no suspend account(block cashouts)?

If no get answer and refund i post all on 2+2, pokerstartegy forums with profs. I have around 6.000.000 Dym`s tables expirence on few poker sites in last 7 years. I`m know when sombody cheat.  When Dany Spooner was colusion analyst all was easy and fast. I report and his fast investigate and ban this fucke.s.


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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    Hi I reporting one cheaters on dym`s tables : 1.Ref: 160301-000001  1 March Still no get answer 2.Ref: 160309-000060  9 March Still no get answer What sky priority team is doing in this case? How long we have play witch cheaters on tables? Is investigate now why no suspend account(block cashouts)? If no get answer and refund i post all on 2+2, pokerstartegy forums with profs. I have around 6.000.000 Dym`s tables expirence on few poker sites in last 7 years. I`m know when sombody cheat.  When Dany Spooner was colusion analyst all was easy and fast. I report and his fast investigate and ban this fucke.s.
    Posted by dialbi4

    Please be aware that we take all these cases very seriously and we are looking into this. We will not advise what action we take in individual cases but all are dealt with.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : Hello, Please be aware that we take all these cases very seriously and we are looking into this. We will not advise what action we take in individual cases but all are dealt with.
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    If investigate now why no suspend account then?
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : If investigate now why no suspend account then?
    Posted by dialbi4
    They don't automatically suspend accounts because a complaint is made - if you think about it, that would be very exploitable, and open to widespread abuse.

    It will be fully and properly investigated.

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : They don't automatically suspend accounts because a complaint is made - if you think about it, that would be very exploitable, and open to widespread abuse. It will be fully and properly investigated.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Why You think that??? What wrong with this?  Is typical  pokerstars partypoker and 888 procedure!!!!!  That stop "dirty" money flow. Cheaters cant cashout and sky have money for refunds.  If this players read now this thread withdraw now  money......

    I reported around 5 times cheating before. Dan Spooner ban this players. You should belive me when i report next time...

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    edited March 2016
    Where you from Dialbi?
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    Where you from Dialbi?
    Posted by alex1229
    Birmingham maybe?
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    edited March 2016
    Sky work so fast ........ 
    Is so hard to proof cheat.....

    Cheaters on my tables today too.  Lets look: sky no see nothing wrong:

    damdaniel and Jeaveslad from same city....  Ofc is correct poker strategy on bubble- double limp 400 and fold to so big bb shove.....

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    edited March 2016
    If not enought live watch maybe now if sombody from sky read this

    16481301 10+1 dym table

    Same 3 players

    TommyD   Devilpoker and Rlt16 if lose this table ask REFUND!!!!

    Edit: Triple win by cheaters !
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    edited March 2016
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    edited March 2016
    What do you colours mean?
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    What do you colours mean?
    Posted by Donttelmum

    This 3 are cheaters   

    Yellow and green are another types of regulars
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    edited March 2016
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    edited March 2016

    As I have said we are currently investigating your allegations and we conduct our investigations in our own way. I will not tell you what we are doing, I will not tell you what the outcome of this investigation is. I don't want to remove threads from the forum but if you continue to make public accusations we will have no choice but to remove the thread.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    dialbi, As I have said we are currently investigating your allegations and we conduct our investigations in our own way. I will not tell you what we are doing, I will not tell you what the outcome of this investigation is. I don't want to remove threads from the forum but if you continue to make public accusations we will have no choice but to remove the thread.
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    If You remove this thread i post this on 2+2 and pokerstrategy forum. I post this coz wanna protect another players. Many players are no aware, are part of not fair game. Just solve this fast. Make refund to all victim players and then You can remove this thread.

    Tip from priority manager: "Due to the above, this can take quite some time on occasions, if you do suspect players of foul play we do advise until it is fully reviewed you ensure any DYM's or other games you sit at do not include these players."

    How i can normal play and make sky poker points? We all play for money and for LV promotion. I wanna win Las Vegas package!
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    edited March 2016
    We cannot stop you posting on other forums, we can stop you from naming players on this one.

    As I said earlier please be aware we are conducting an internal investigation as I type this.
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    edited March 2016
    Hi Dialbi,

    I have sent you a private e-mail. I am the Priority Poker Account Manager and I can confirm that I have not said the above. I need to re-itterate Sam's comment that we are taking all allegations very seriously and we are conducting thorough reviews. 

    If any other Priority players do have any concerns, please contact me directly and these will be looked into.


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    edited March 2016
    while he maybe he hasnt gone the right way about this i agree with dial,  2 of the 3 are garunteed beyond question and i reported the most obvious of all chip dumps 3/4 days ago when a guy had 660 chips left at 100/200 one raises to 600 the other shoves then gets a snap fold... Tbh i know some cases are harder to prove than others and rightly so you need to take ur time over them, but IMO this is not one of them
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    edited March 2016
    I agree he should just be allowed to decide who has cheated and his word should be enough. Who needs an investigation? No way that could be open to abuse. 

    Sometimes people make dumb plays/misclick etc so things have to be looked into properly. 

    Maybe it has taken too long but a proper investigation has to be done. 
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    I agree he should just be allowed to decide who has cheated and his word should be enough. Who needs an investigation? No way that could be open to abuse.  Sometimes people make dumb plays/misclick etc so things have to be looked into properly.  Maybe it has taken too long but a proper investigation has to be done. 
    Posted by MattBates
    ofc they should investigate it, but how long does an investigation take? when you have multi people reporting it all supplying evidence, plus there team will no doubt be able to rbing up other stuff we are not aware off it shouldnt be a week/2week long thing it should be a day or 2 max
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : ofc they should investigate it, but how long does an investigation take? when you have multi people reporting it all supplying evidence, plus there team will no doubt be able to rbing up other stuff we are not aware off it shouldnt be a week/2week long thing it should be a day or 2 max
    Posted by RLT16
    I bet you never get annoyed when people tell you how to do your job :)
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    edited March 2016
    ofc i do and like i said in my first post, dial probably went about it in the wrong way posting here etc, but hes got a point as customers on a poker site we want to fell protected and know that when issues arise they will be dealt with swiftly and correctly after all its our hard earned money at risk. 

    i reported a completely separate issue 2 months ago with 100% concrete indisputable evidence have been told multiple times they would email with outcomes. have had to send them the evidence on 3 separate occasions and yet still nothing.

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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    ofc i do and like i said in my first post, dial probably went about it in the wrong way posting here etc, but hes got a point as customers on a poker site we want to fell protected and know that when issues arise they will be dealt with swiftly and correctly after all its our hard earned money at risk.  i reported a completely separate issue 2 months ago with 100% concrete indisputable evidence have been told multiple times they would email with outcomes. have had to send them the evidence on 3 separate occasions and yet still nothing.
    Posted by RLT16
    You sure they said they would tell you the outcome?

    I've reported numerous people in the past and never been told that.
    The outcome tends to become clear when you never see them again 
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : You sure they said they would tell you the outcome? I've reported numerous people in the past and never been told that. The outcome tends to become clear when you never see them again 
    Posted by Jac35

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    edited March 2016

    Sky Poker won't be saying what they do or don't do, but plenty is happening, & maybe some of that will become obvious soon enough.   
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : You sure they said they would tell you the outcome? I've reported numerous people in the past and never been told that. The outcome tends to become clear when you never see them again 
    Posted by Jac35
    yeh numerous times as its not in reference to an account or player, more a situation.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    I agree he should just be allowed to decide who has cheated and his word should be enough. Who needs an investigation? No way that could be open to abuse.  Sometimes people make dumb plays/misclick etc so things have to be looked into properly.  Maybe it has taken too long but a proper investigation has to be done. 
    Posted by MattBates

    Look one more time this hand:

    Double missclick, 2 players in one hand????  Is norml too 2 players are from same city?  Is normal in lobby is around 10x10+1gbp dyms tables but this players NEVER PLAY ALONE?  All times last days play in team. Yesturday seat in 3 any tables. Few last days was 2 in team.  IS normal i never saw one of this cheater "kick out"/kill another from table? Please post handhistory with this. I`m sure that not happend.

    RLT16 should post hand  when  lose on bubble with KK 

     was on this table

    This cheaters double snap him with poor hands coz wanna have more % to badbeat his KK.

    So strange game pattern - one time double limp 400 and double fold to push 825. Next table call all RLT16 push when have soo poor hands.

    Belive me Matt i no wanna abuse. I`m 100% sure and any day have same shi.. vs same  cheating "team"
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : Look one more time this hand: Double missclick, 2 players in one hand????  Is norml too 2 players are from same city?  Is normal in lobby is around 10x10+1gbp dyms tables but this players NEVER PLAY ALONE?  All times last days play in team. Yesturday seat in 3 any tables. Few last days was 2 in team. RLT16 should post hand  when  lose on bubble with KK   was on this table This cheaters double snap him with poor hands coz wanna have more % to badbeat his KK. So strange game pattern - one time double limp 400 and double fold to push 825. Next table call all RLT16 push when have soo poor hands. Belive me Matt i no wanna abuse. I`m 100% and any day have same shi.. vs same  cheating "team"
    Posted by dialbi4

    As Paddy Power says, "we hear you".

    All the evidence has been scrutinised, & the Team ARE ON IT.

    Lets chat again tomorrow.  
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : Look one more time this hand: Double missclick, 2 players in one hand????  Is norml too 2 players are from same city?  Is normal in lobby is around 10x10+1gbp dyms tables but this players NEVER PLAY ALONE?  All times last days play in team. Yesturday seat in 3 any tables. Few last days was 2 in team. RLT16 should post hand  when  lose on bubble with KK   was on this table This cheaters double snap him with poor hands coz wanna have more % to badbeat his KK. So strange game pattern - one time double limp 400 and double fold to push 825. Next table call all RLT16 push when have soo poor hands. Belive me Matt i no wanna abuse. I`m 100% and any day have same shi.. vs same  cheating "team"
    Posted by dialbi4
    ahaha you saw that hand did you? it was hilarious until the river ofc :)
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : Diabli, As Paddy Power says, "we hear you". All the evidence has been scrutinised, & the Team ARE ON IT.   Lets chat again tomorrow.    
    Posted by Tikay10

    I know i only answer to Matt coz his no have right. Rlt16 can send this hand - more proof.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer:
    In Response to Re: Cheat reporting sky priority team no answer : I know i only answer to Matt coz his no have right. Rlt16 can send this hand - more proof.
    Posted by dialbi4
    Good man, thank you.

    Sky Poker have all the evidence they need.

    Have a great Friday, maybe chat tomorrow.
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