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Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?
Quite possible, yes, & it's a shame nothing could be squeezed into UKOPS, but there is now additional O8 Tourneys, so we are getting there slowly.
Think they need to get through October & November first though, the new MTT Schedule, both UKOPS, with their Leaderboards, & maybe some other stuff is quite a handful & will need all hands on deck.
Been a lot of changes of late, most of them very good imo, so let's give them a bit of time.
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The £55 PLO last time didn't.
FWIW I could be wrong, but that's what I remembered.
Quite how the mini UKOPS doesn't have SEVERAL (ie 1 a week) PL08 T's is bizarre-just lower the GTs.
Think that's a little unfair POTO.
I generally try to answer all reasonably phrased questions.*
I discussed this matter with James & Sam a month or two ago when the Schedule was being constructed. It was not that a PLO8 would not make it's Guarantee, not at all. It was just that other, more popular events, would have to make way for it. I would (at a guess) think that 95% of the Site player base don't have any or much interest in the 4 card game.
Fingers crossed they may find room in the next UKOPS though.
Note there is already a £5,000 PLO event in UKOPS XVII.
Fact is, not all of us can have exactly what we want in these things. I'm as sad as anyone about it, but it is what it is.
*Unless they have multiple question marks &/or exclamation marks appended. I generally avoid replying to them, as I don't like the notion that people think I'm dumb & can't read properly, or have eyes that miss the first one but might see the second one. Even thinking about it irritates me. AND DON'T UPSET ME ON A FRIDAY AFTERNOON.
I do enjoy the game, I play it less than I should mainly because I multi-table quite a few games a night when I play, and most are NLHE. Then I get mixed up between games. If there was a festival where I could play maybe 4 games, I would be able to drop the NLHE and play the other for a while.
I guess this is what the suits want to avoid though
I'll certainly suggest, to happen between now & Xmas.
I'll let everyone know what they say. Pretty sure they will do it.
Yeah but that's a weekly thing that I cant commit to as weekdays are bad, (I'm a teacher).

A one-off I would. And weekends I would
I am of course, only thinking of me
I would serve the £110 High Roller for now, personally, even though I'd love to play such a thing here.
£3 NL PLO8 BH? Wash your mouth out.....though, amazingly, I think many might enjoy just an abomination, such a travesty against the beautiful game.
Just remember that PLO8 or PLO Rebuys would severely disadvantage many of the O8 regulars here, who, generally, like to manage their bankrolls sensibly.