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Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat

The rake is bad, possible you're against more than one set of players, and you only make a small profit if you win.

But, they are way more popular than all the other sngs....???


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    edited July 2017
    Much lower variance. It's also quite a simple game. Because of the nature of the game, half being paid, if there's even 1 weak player then that's an incredible thing for the DYM regulars. Although this is also true in other SNGs, the extent to which it's true is much less. I also guess some players just like the idea of being able to quickly double their money rather than take hours to win 5x or whatever. 
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    edited July 2017
    I personally play them because they are so quick. I don't make much/any profit on them but I do once rakeback or freerolls are added in so I don't want to be playing for hours.

    Also, I have a tough job and often fall asleep.  Or, I am working late into the night.  So anything long is out of the question.

    Ironically I made a lot of my profit at the $8 20 ppl games on another site, there is profit to be made, but as I have grown up it has turned from doing something that supports paying bills, to something of a hassle in the evening that gets in the way of work.
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    edited July 2017
    Thanks for the replies guys, I am genuinely interested as a player who prefers sngs to cash in general.

    I do play some DYMs but only when there's nothing much else on offer - not sure why, but I find them harder to get much edge from (compared to other formats). I know there are pages of discussions about strategy etc on here, but I don't see it personally with the rake you have to pay on top of any winnings.
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    edited July 2017
    They fill quickly and don't last too long. Had a few decent nights on the regular sngs - I'm usually one of the first to reg. Get your name down - every little helps and people are more likely to join the game if they think it will start soon.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    They fill quickly and don't last too long. Had a few decent nights on the regular sngs - I'm usually one of the first to reg. Get your name down - every little helps and people are more likely to join the game if they think it will start soon.
    Posted by jimb0d1

    I've just recently started playing a few after a long time away and they *seem* to take forever to fill compared to how I remember it years ago (£5.50 level mostly). May be my memory of course...

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    edited July 2017

    See a fair few comments on them being 'quick' - if that's what players want I wonder why more don't sign up for the HUs sngs, as they can be a lot quicker to play.
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    edited July 2017
    too many regs at HU
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    too many regs at HU
    Posted by MrWh1te

    I think that's a bit of a misconception based on the cash HU games, where they sit there - but it's a vicious circle if people don't sign up to play HU or join games then there's obv less players overall to play...

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    edited July 2017
    Just remembered why I didn't like DYMs....

    Just played a game where the luckbox rounds (where players have to call) went to the SS about 15 times in a row, eventually leaving me ai with KJ against players with 36 and 25 and you can guess it has to be a low flow to end it all.

    Luckbox rounds and massive rake, will stick to the other sngs!
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    edited July 2017
    I used to play the odd Dym back in the day...i registered for a £3 game, went for a poo(when u gotta go u gotta go)...
    Came back & the game had finished, meaning I finished in the top 3 & won the £6 lol
    Oh, the good old days, hey :)

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    edited July 2017
    The good old days when you couldnt bring your pc to the toilet?

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    The good old days when you couldnt bring your pc to the toilet? ;)
    Posted by gerardirl
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    edited July 2017
    To be fair I wouldn't fancy dragging the PC to the bogroom either! An HP 7300 Tower with 24" monitor.. and all those wires!

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    Luckbox rounds and massive rake, will stick to the other sngs!
    Posted by swanstu
    Isn't the rake the same on DYMs as for "regular" Sit & Gos?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Isn't the rake the same on DYMs as for "regular" Sit & Gos?
    Posted by FCHD

    Compared to say a HU sng it's more - you pay 5.50 and get 4.50 profit for a DYM, but it's 5.25 and 4.75 profit for a HU sng.

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    edited July 2017
    They are 2 different games though, you aren't comparing like with like.

    The 6 max regular sng's & 6 man DYMs have the same rake, a fairly standard 10%.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    They are 2 different games though, you aren't comparing like with like. The 6 max regular sng's & 6 man DYMs have the same rake, a fairly standard 10%.
    Posted by goldnballz

    Yeh true they are different to HUs in some ways, but still more rake in answer to his question.

    6 maxes have possible higher payouts, so tricky to compare overall. 

    Do you like paying 5.50 to win 4.50 though? Not sure I do.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    The rake is bad, possible you're against more than one set of players, and you only make a small profit if you win. But, they are way more popular than all the other sngs....???
    Posted by swanstu
    I think FCHD was referring to your opening post. It tends to suggest other sit and goes have lower rake. I wasnt aware when you typed this that you were only referring to HU . Much different game, a lot more intensity in a HU, hard work for me. I like to have fun playing a dym.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? :   Do you like paying 5.50 to win 4.50 though? Not sure I do.
    Posted by swanstu

    The Reg Fee on a £5 DYM is £0.50, not £1.

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    edited July 2017
    each to there own is my opinion, i cant stand them, bore the pants off me, poker should be about winning not coming 3rd. stt are training for proper torns and you will learn nothing from dym.

    its 4.50 profit from a 5.50 dym.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    each to there own is my opinion, i cant stand them, bore the pants off me, poker should be about winning not coming 3rd. stt are training for proper torns and you will learn nothing from dym. its 4.50 profit from a 5.50 dym.
    Posted by MICKYBLUE

    You ever play sats?
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    edited July 2017
    Seems like you're comparing DYMs to specifically HUSNGs?

    If you want to know why DYMs are more popular then you need to think about how lower edge/ increased affect of variance on short term results influences the game selection of the 80% of players that drive the market.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : You ever play sats?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    yes and learnt how to play them way before DYM was the rage
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    each to there own is my opinion, i cant stand them, bore the pants off me, poker should be about winning not coming 3rd. stt are training for proper torns and you will learn nothing from dym. its 4.50 profit from a 5.50 dym.
    Posted by MICKYBLUE

    You said it better than me, and I agree.

    Seems like one step up from the worst of all, the Russian Roulette games. Admittedly the DYMs at least have some elements of skill involved, but seem to often end up being a luckbox game for who bubbles. Much more skill in either six-max or HUs games in comparison. And your final comment too as I mentioned earlier, even doing well wins you a small prize, at least doing very well in a 6-max means a decent payout.

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    edited July 2017
    This is a very silly thread 
    To say that dyms are similar to Russian roulettes is ridiculous.

    Look at the returns of some of the regs who play dyms. They make a living from the games. Are they just lucky?
    As mentioned earlier dyms can help your end play in mtts and particularly sats as well.
    I would like lower rake too, who wouldn't?
    However it's acceptable and with volume, decent rakeback can be made too.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    This is a very silly thread 
    Posted by Jac35

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : yes and learnt how to play them way before DYM was the rage
    Posted by MICKYBLUE

    And what about people who play DYMs first before dipping their toes in the sats waters?

    They will have learnt nothing either? No transferable skills/situations?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    This is a very silly thread  To say that dyms are similar to Russian roulettes is ridiculous. Look at the returns of some of the regs who play dyms. They make a living from the games. Are they just lucky? As mentioned earlier dyms can help your end play in mtts and particularly sats as well. I would like lower rake too, who wouldn't? However it's acceptable and with volume, decent rakeback can be made too.
    Posted by Jac35

    Seems to have stirred several different views and comments, so hardly see how it's silly.

    I compare them to RRs because of the games which end in luckboxes where your massive blind (by that point) often depends on both hole and board cards randomly. Good comparison to the silly RRs IMO, at that stage in these games. I know not all games go like that, but plenty DYMs do.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Seems to have stirred several different views and comments, so hardly see how it's silly. I compare them to RRs because of the games which end in luckboxes where your massive blind (by that point) often depends on both hole and board cards randomly. Good comparison to the silly RRs IMO, at that stage in these games. I know not all games go like that, but plenty DYMs do.
    Posted by swanstu

    Is probably why the thread was called silly when you make comparisons like that.

    They are nothing alike whatsoever.
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    edited July 2017
    I still play them from time to time to fill some table space. The way they are raked the same price as every other game is silly. For a good reg the maximum roi you can expect longterm from these games is between 3% and 5%.  

    They used to be a lot more popular a few years ago now not so much when a lot of regs quit when they probobly wernt making enough money from them realising there roi was capped playing them and the other players were losing after rake.

    Only way to get the lobbys full again is to lower the rake.  Keeping it the way it is doesnt make any sense for both sky to get the lobbys full again and to make it worthwhile for players to play them.

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