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WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat

Play starts at 3pm (11pm UK) today.

They will play 10 x 1 hour levels, with a 20 minute break every 2 levels. There is no dinner break. Play will therefore end around 02.20am (10.20 am UK).

Officially, players begin with 5,000 chips, but those who pay an additional $111 get an extra 5,000 chips, so 10,000 in all. The Sky Poker qualifiers will of course start with 10,000 chips.


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    edited July 2017

    The attrition rate yesterday - Day 1A - was very high - just 117 of 687 survived the day. That just 17%.  
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    edited July 2017

    There are three opening flights - called, with startling originality A, B & C - & so Day 2 will be Friday.
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    edited July 2017

    Most, but not all, the Sky Poker massive are playing Day 1C, tomorrow, but we will have some playing today.

    Sam has a note of who is playing today, & their seat & table numbers. Sam will come across to The Rio from Palazzo with Mark at around 2.30pm with all the info we need, so we'll try & get an Update going then.
    I understand Sam is currently busy, perusing the sights of Las Vegas.


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    edited July 2017
    Don't know all the players lined up to play today but I think IrishRose and Shaz aka SUPERNOVA on Sky may be playing today. 
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    edited July 2017
    Morning all.  I'm going to play today as well, so will wander over to the media room and say hello.  Mark, I hope you bring better luck today than yesterday.

    After a couple of days sightseeing I'm ready for some poker!


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    edited July 2017

    Update - the lone qualifier who played this yesterday did NOT survive.
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    edited July 2017

    Please note - THIS IS A BOK-FREE ZONE
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    Morning all.  I'm going to play today as well, so will wander over to the media room and say hello.  Mark, I hope you bring better luck today than yesterday. After a couple of days sightseeing I'm ready for some poker! Mattp
    Posted by mattprawn
    Morning Accountant Bloke.

    Yeah, be good to see you later.

    Make sure you let me know your seat & table number please.
    How has Vegas been so far?
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    edited July 2017
    One in the eye for all you smug Vegas sorts 
    I'm just sitting down to play a £30 MEGASTACK in balmy Derby
    We get 225000 chips. Haysie would love it.
    Blinds start at 10k/20k 
    But we do get a lot of chips!
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    edited July 2017
    Very best of luck to you all :)
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    Please note - THIS IS A BOK-FREE ZONE
    Posted by Tikay10
    Haha yes I am not over until tomorrow at which point there will be far too many Sky players for even my Bokking powers.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    One in the eye for all you smug Vegas sorts  I'm just sitting down to play a £30 MEGASTACK in balmy Derby We get 225000 chips. Haysie would love it. Blinds start at 10k/20k  But we do get a lot of chips!
    Posted by Jac35
    How much would it cost me to buy 10% of your action?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B : Morning Accountant Bloke. Yeah, be good to see you later. Make sure you let me know your seat & table number please.   How has Vegas been so far?  
    Posted by Tikay10[/QUOTE

    Good trip so far thanks Tikay. We've hired a car and had a trip out to mt Charleston yesterday. Amazing place, especially being so close to Vegas.  Watched the temperature gauge drop from 108f in town to a pleasant 68f at the lodge.

    Bok free zone sounds good. Looks like I may have picked the right day. Interesting to see only 17% survive yesterday. Suggests bubble bursting early day 2?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B :
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B : Morning Accountant Bloke. Yeah, be good to see you later. Make sure you let me know your seat & table number please.   How has Vegas been so far?   Posted by Tikay10[/QUOTE Good trip so far thanks Tikay. We've hired a car and had a trip out to mt Charleston yesterday. Amazing place, especially being so close to Vegas.  Watched the temperature gauge drop from 108f in town to a pleasant 68f at the lodge. Bok free zone sounds good. Looks like I may have picked the right day. Interesting to see only 17% survive yesterday. Suggests bubble bursting early day 2?
    Posted by mattprawn
    Best of luck Matt! 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B :
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B : Morning Accountant Bloke. Yeah, be good to see you later. Make sure you let me know your seat & table number please.   How has Vegas been so far?   Posted by Tikay10[/QUOTE Good trip so far thanks Tikay. We've hired a car and had a trip out to mt Charleston yesterday. Amazing place, especially being so close to Vegas.  Watched the temperature gauge drop from 108f in town to a pleasant 68f at the lodge. Bok free zone sounds good. Looks like I may have picked the right day. Interesting to see only 17% survive yesterday. Suggests bubble bursting early day 2?
    Posted by mattprawn

    Ahh, Mt Charlston, my favourite place in (well near) Las Vegas.

    We usually go up early morning for an 8am breakfast at Mt Charlston Lodge (NOT to be confused with Mt Charlston Resort, which is poo), and have breakfast outside on the verandah, watching the humming birds coming & going, and, err, humming.

    Spectacular drive & scenery. 

    Bubble early on Day 2? - yup. Not much gets past you Accountants, does it? 
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    edited July 2017

    Play in the Little One Drop has now commenced, & Sam has at last given me the table & seat draws.

    Details follow.

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    edited July 2017

    MattPrawn - Pavilion 342/1

    Supernova - Pavilion 372/6

    RektSai - Pavilion 383/2
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    edited July 2017
    Exciting start, but not involving me. Second hand of the game, Lady to my right gets it all in pre with aces and is called by queens. She holds and next hand hits quad 3s to add a few more to her stack.  I'm folding like tikay, just head in opening stack 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    Exciting start, but not involving me. Second hand of the game, Lady to my right gets it all in pre with aces and is called by queens. She holds and next hand hits quad 3s to add a few more to her stack.  I'm folding like tikay, just head in opening stack 
    Posted by mattprawn
    Outrageous slur.
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    edited July 2017

    MattPrawn - 10,300

    Supernova -  8,975

    RektSai - 16,700
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    edited July 2017
    Good luck to all sky players
    Excellent updates thank you.
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    edited July 2017
    Just gave back my hard earned profit with Kk two callers. A on the flop so gave it up to pressure. Mega action table,  lost 4 players already, highlight being a set losing to runner runner straight. WSOP is rigged!
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    edited July 2017
    First break, Rose on about 7k after running a boat into quads. Ouch.  I have 14k ish, a straight flush being the main contributor to the profit, although the river killed my action.
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    edited July 2017
    Great to see you making some progress Matt, glgl!
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    edited July 2017

    Lady Overboard.

    I'm sorry to say we have lost Supernova, after a particularly cruel jobbie.

    She had Aces with the ace of clubs on a 3 club flop, but a Toby Lewis impersonator was not letting go of 8c - 10c.

    Brutal game sometimes.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    Lady Overboard. I'm sorry to say we have lost Supernova, after a particularly cruel jobbie. She had Aces with the ace of clubs on a 3 club flop, but a Toby Lewis impersonator was not letting go of 8c - 10c. Brutal game sometimes.
    Posted by Tikay10
    So sorry to hear that Shaz, very unlucky!
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    edited July 2017
    Nearly gone. 2k left. kk aip called by ak. a on river. Booo
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    Nearly gone. 2k left. kk aip called by ask. a on river. Booo
    Posted by mattprawn
    A very unlucky run for the Sky folks, even with me keeping my bokking powers away. Hope you can manage to spin it up a bit Matt!
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    edited July 2017
    SUPERNOVA aka Shaz was trying to post in the thread but is having difficulties posting so I said I would copy/paste.

    "Well I was very happy with my game and the way I played. I got absolute sh1t3 for 2 hours and played 3 hands. Obviously the 3rd hand was aces and I held the ace of clubs and I had an over pair to the board and they were two clubs on the flop and a club on the turn against a player who had a vpip of over 50 per cent and said they had aces twice in 10 hands. Gutted but you can do no more than what I did and you want callers like that. It sucks but I am happy and going forward this will give me strength and the encouragement to just get better at doing what I do. Looking forward to the golf later and spending time with a great crowd. Gutted but happy!"

    Shaz also asked me to post her piccy with Neil and said she was very proud to have represented Sky poker...

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: WSOP Little One Drop Day 1B:
    SUPERNOVA aka Shaz was trying to post in the thread but is having difficulties posting so I said I would copy/paste . " Well I was very happy with my game and the way I played. I got absolute sh1t3 for 2 hours and played 3 hands. Obviously the 3rd hand was aces and I held the ace of clubs and I had an over pair to the board and they were two clubs on the flop and a club on the turn against a player who had a vpip of over 50 per cent and said they had aces twice in 10 hands. Gutted but you can do no more than what I did and you want callers like that. It sucks but I am happy and going forward this will give me strength and the encouragement to just get better at doing what I do. Looking forward to the golf later and spending time with a great crowd. Gutted but happy! " Shaz also asked me to post her piccy with Neil and said she was very proud to represent Sky poker...
    Posted by markycash
    Nice post Shaz, unlucky but glad you enjoyed the day.
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