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Little One Drop, Day 1C

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat

We have a whole bunch of players in this today, far too many to Update too frequently until the field thins a bit.

Play began at 3PM, & McBok has already go some chip counts, so whilst I'm typing up our list of runners & riders, McBok will stick up the chip counts.


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    edited July 2017
    Best of luck to Lord Palace , Mattbates and all the sky players
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    edited July 2017
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    edited July 2017
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    edited July 2017
    The players are mostly split between the Pavillion and Miranda rooms here at the Rio.

    Starting stacks are 10k.

    I have surfed around the Miranda and some of the early chip counts are as follows...

    Essexphil - 9k
    TommyD - Around starting stack
    Pomfrittes - 11k
    Greggster - 10k
    CPFC - 11k

    The biggest mover I have come across thus far is perhaps unsurprisingly... Mr Bates who is sitting on around 16k. He called a raise preflop with his QTo and the flop was XQA. His opponent bet 2500 and Matt called and seen a lovely Q on the turn. The river ace made things a little difficult, especially when his opponent bet 2500 again but Matt correctly tank called and his opponent had a missed J9o. Excellent start!

    I will now have a look around the Pavillion and try and get a few more chip counts.

    If anyone wants news on a particular player just let me know and I will try to accommodate.
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    edited July 2017

    Man Overboard

    Alvez11 - OUTO
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    edited July 2017

    Man On Board

    Alvez11 has re-entered.
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    edited July 2017
    GL ALL 

    trying to bluff mr bates are they mad :) 
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    edited July 2017
    Had a bit of trouble finding everyone in the Pavillion room. Will look in a bit more detail on my next orbit.

    A couple of stacks to report...

    RSPCA12 - 9k
    Neil Channing - 10,325

    As Tikay says, Alvez has bust and re-entered. He 3 bet with KK preflop and got 1 customer. The flop came down AXX and it went check-check. His opponent makes a bet on the X turn and Alvez calls. One the river his opponent bets out for 1500. Alvez, sensing weakness, jams all in hoping to fold out a lot of potentially weak hands in the opponents range. Opponent tank/calls with AK and unfortunately it is GG Alvez.

    GL with the re-entry!
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    edited July 2017

    Here's an approximation of who we know is playing. Some have not qualified but have paid in & we will (try to) follow them too. 

    alancarr12 - playing but we don't have seat draw.

    RSPCA12 - Pavilion 251 seat 7

    Duesenberg - Miranda 617, seat 7

    Hotshot75 - Miranda 628 seat 1

    FeelGroggy - Pavilion 220 seat 10

    Alvez11 - playing, but we don't have seat draw (BUSTO but re-entered)

    cpfc_2010 - Miranda 615 seat 7

    Hazelwoo95 - Pavilion 236 seat 7

    GREGSTER - Miranda 615 seat 9

    Donation55 - Miranda 616, seat 9

    DontTelMum - Pavilion 221, seat 6

    JCordy - Miranda 635, seat 1

    Tatopagoa - Pavilion 244 seat 9

    MattBates - Miranda 634 seat 2

    scouse1515 - Miranda 619 seat 1

    coaley001 - Miranda 634 seat 1

    bckneil - Miranda 627 seat 7

    Thebookie2 - Miranda 609 seat 2

    NickD49931 - Pavilion 224 seat 1

    Gonedoggin - Pavilion 221 seat 1

    pacmeist07 - Miranda 633 seat 7

    Enut - Miranda 628 seat 2

    Essexphil - Miranda 607 seat 1

    24caliber - Miranda 632 seat 9

    TimmyRaRa - Pavilion 290 seat 9

    TommyD - Miranda 623 seat 9

    pomfrittes - Miranda 612 seat 1

    Thoich - Pavilion 218 seat 7

    Stacker - Pavilion 220 seat 7

    Tedson - Pavilion 212 seat 8

    Neil Channing - Pavilion 266 seat 10

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    edited July 2017

    TommyD raises it up with A-Q.

    He gets called by the table loose goose. (Villain has 5s-6s)

    Flop is A-Q-3, with 2 spades.
    Turn - 5

    River - 5

    Proper ugly one that.

    Tommy, now Busto, is heading toward the nearest bar I would imagine.
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    edited July 2017
    As we approach the first break here are a few updated stacks...

    Matt Bates - 13k
    Essexphil - 8.2k
    Pomfrittes - 7.3k
    Greggster - 10k
    CPFC - 14.6k
    Neil Channing - still around 10k
    RSPCA12 - 7.3k

    Managed to get a couple of pics which I think Tikay may post.

    P.S. Alvez has had a change of heart and has decided to play an MTT down at the Venetian instead of re-entering.
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    edited July 2017
    Sorry to let you down guys but honestly don't think I did a thing wrong with how the guy was playing.  Good luck to everyone else, go get that money.

    P.S.  I can confirm Tikay is correct, I hit the nearest bar.  Only thing is I busted so early that the ladies who offer a shoulder to cry on aren't even here yet.  Now that's run bad 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Little One Drop, Day 1C:
    Sorry to let you down guys but honestly don't think I did a thing wrong with how the guy was playing.  Good luck to everyone else, go get that money. P.S.  I can confirm Tikay is correct, I hit the nearest bar.  Only thing is I busted so early that the ladies who offer a shoulder to cry on aren't even here yet.  Now that's run bad 
    Posted by TommyD
    Unlucky Tommy. Pretty sure you haven't let anyone down. Enjoy the bar and hopefully you get a shoulder to cry on soon :)
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    edited July 2017
    Played itself Tommy. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
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    edited July 2017
    cpfc_2010 is making some serious headway and is now sitting with 21,600.

    Unfortunately we have another faller in 25caliber, GG.

    We are currently 18 minutes into level 3 with blinds at 75/150 with a 25 ante.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Little One Drop, Day 1C:
    Sorry to let you down guys but honestly don't think I did a thing wrong with how the guy was playing.  Good luck to everyone else, go get that money. P.S.  I can confirm Tikay is correct, I hit the nearest bar.  Only thing is I busted so early that the ladies who offer a shoulder to cry on aren't even here yet.  Now that's run bad 
    Posted by TommyD
    Don't be daft Tommy, you have never let anyone down ever. Proper bloke, you. Poo poker player, but proper bloke.

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    edited July 2017
    A couple of other stacks to report...

    Gonedoggin - 12k
    Donttelmum - 12k
    TimmyRaRa - 11k
    FeelGroggy - 15k

    Was outside getting a breather and Mr Negreanu walked past en route to his trailer. Apparently he plans to get rather aggro in the Little One. I guess he could have been headed back to the trailer to pick up a chunk of re-entry funds?

    Will go a wander and see if I can get a few more stack updates.
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    edited July 2017

    I'm going to leave Mark in charge for a couple of hours whilst I go recharge my batteries. I fear we won't have a single player left by the time I return.

    McBok gonna McBok.
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    edited July 2017
    best of luck guys.
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    edited July 2017
    Unfortunately we have lost Greggster.

    He seemed to thoroughly enjoy his time in Vegas and at the WSOP. 

    As I was typing this both Neil Channing and Pomfrittes have came into the media room to report their exits.

    Pomfrittes with around 5k took a flip on with ATo. He had 3 bet to 2k preflop but someone put him all in with 22 and the deuces held.

    Neil Channing found AK and with a raise to 600 and a flat call he made it 2100 preflop. His opponent went set mining, calling the 1500 extra. Neil with 9k behind was very happy to see an A6X flop and bet the flop, ending up getting it all in. His opponent had about the only realistic hand that Neil could be behind to, pocket 6s.

    There was an ace on the turn but the flopped set, now 6s full of aces held up and sent Neil to the rail.

    Tough one Neil, unlucky!
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    edited July 2017
    In more positive news...

    Mattbates is up to circa 27k and cpfc_2010 is on a real tare, up to 45k after someone 4 bet jammed pocket 9s preflop into his AA. The aces held and gave cpfc a decent amount of chips to count out.

    Essexphil is also making some headway. He was not finding much material to do his thing with but when I arrived at his table he was clawing a nice pot in and is now sat on 13k, Go Phil!

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    edited July 2017
    Some other stack updates...

    Enut - 11k
    RSPCA12 - up from 4.5k to 6.6k
    Donttelmum - 9k
    TimmyRaRa - 10.5k
    GoneDoggin - 14k
    AlanCarr12 - 8.5k

    Daniel Negreanu is living up to his word regarding the aggro approach to the Little One. I bumped into him again in the halls and he said he was on his way to rebuy again.

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    edited July 2017
    It is around 10 minutes until the next break, at which point blinds will be going to 100-200 with a 25 ante.

    I will give the players a visit and get some more updates after they have had their break.
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    edited July 2017

       Well, what can I say. Had a whale of a time over her and cannot thank Sky and everyone involved enough.
       As for the poker, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Perhaps could have nursed my short stack for a while longer but felt the move was worth making. Had started OK, despite finding no or little action when I picked up a couple of small pots early doors.
      Then went completely card dead after level 2. Blinds of 100/200 with 25 ante serial raiser utg min raises, table nutter calls,
      I have A10 on button, raiser folds, villain asks for count and puts me all in with 22, no improvement for me gg.

      Good luck to all those left in, pretty sure their will be some cashes recorded tomorrow.

      Off out to get bladdered now.
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    edited July 2017
    A couple of stack updates...

    Matt Bates is down to around 3.5k. Proof that live poker is rigged?

    nickd49931 is up to 42k!

    Sad news in the last half hour we have lost both Essexphil and Enut.

    Both players seem to have had their premium hands cursed...

    Essexphil ran QQ into KK and then with the 3500 he had left found QQ yet again in the first hand after the break. An opponent in the SB called Phil's UTG shove with their KJo and managed to hit a king on the river to bust Phil's QQ.

    Really unlucky Phil!

    It was a similar story for Enut. Sitting with around 9k a player in early position opened, another 3 bet to 1800, and Enut raised to 3,000 and got 1 caller. The flop came down J52 and Enut got it all in on the rather promising looking flop. Unfortunately his opponent flipped over the pocket jacks.

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    edited July 2017
    News coming in that Chicknmelt has bust.

    Running a flush into a straight flush to lose most of his stack and then losing TT v QK with the dregs.
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    edited July 2017
    Sadly we have lost RSPCA12.

    Before my bokking abilities are blamed...

    I visited TimmyRaRa and he was involved in a big pot. AA versus KK all in with Timmy holding the aces, and they held. That puts Timmy on around 40k.

    cpfc_2010 in his own words is 'doing okay' - sat with 'just the 53k' (over 5 times the starting stack).
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    edited July 2017

    Evening all, just back from my brief soujorn.

    I see Jock McBok has been at the very peak of his powers.

    Nonetheless, I'm grateful to him for his help. H's a really good guy as Scots go.
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    edited July 2017

    Especially sad to see the exits of Pommy & Tuney, as I never saw as much of them here in Vegas as I had hoped. Both are  thoroughly splendid gentleman, up to a point.
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    edited July 2017
    Last I heard TimmyRaRa was continuing to soar and is sat with 46k although Donttelmum was down around 4k.

    Blinds now during level 6 are 200-400 with a 50 ante.
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