Yes, The Club is back!
It's new, improved, different, & the same. Sort of.
For the time being, it will be a 1 hour Show, & will first air on Monday evenings.
It will be Foum-Based Show, & there will be sections on Hot Forum Topics, debating them at length, Strategy Posts, which will be played out in the Studio, Play My Hand Requests, & discussions on the various Community Blogs.
Guests? Yes, of course, but not every week, they won't be bringing in Guests for the sake of it, to fill the Guest Seat, but, when a "hot" guest is in town, or available, they will be on the Show, & will play a major part in it.
There will also be Spot Prizes each week, for the Best Forum Contribution, be it a Blog, thread, or a particularly good Post.
In the first edition, we spoke also to a Forum Member, & we will almost certainly do that every week, too.
Above all, it will be humorous, & Community-based, with the accent on "poker with a smile".
Oh, & look out on Monday, on the Show AND on this thread, for a special fun competition linked to "The Club".
Repeats will be shown on Tuesdays -11am & 3pm and Wednesdays @ 4am
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A Pilot Show for "The Club" was produced last week, & yesterday (Wednesday) the first edition was produced & filmed. It will evolve & improve from that, as most "first editions" do, but the people at 865 seemed pleased with it as a starting point. It must be said, the first edition has some rather odd, & very different, err, things, in it.
The Series Producer will be Sky-Chris.
The Show will be fronted by a Presenter-Analyst pairing, & these will rotate with the normal shift rotation.
By chance - & maybe ill-fortune? - the Pilot Show, plus yesterday's Edition which airs next Monday, & the next 3 Shows, will be fronted by Rich Orford & myself. Subsequent to that, it will be hosted by others, subject to how the regular shift rotation for the Presenter & Analyst Teams pans out.
If it's successful, & well-received, it will remain in the schedules for the foreseeable future.
We hope you enjoy it, & make the Show successful by contributing to it.
Can you please post the time up so those who work late etc can SKY+ it if they like long as it doesn't clash with America's Next Top Model!!!!
Thanks Mere
Sadly there's no "Series Link" option yet.
Great to see The Club back in whatever form it will take, as long as it's as entertaining as it used to be and I'm sure it will be!
Everything comes to he who waits!
looking forward too this n1 tk and sky !
With regard to Ross Jarvis, he was on the same starting table as me at Luton SPT. I didnt know who he was at the time, but could tell almost instantly that he was a very good player and he had an excellent manner at the table, He is a top guest to help kick off the new series.
Well done sky for giving the viewers what they want once again
Producer Chris tells me that Luton SPT Winner Ross Jarvis will be a Guest in Edition 2, & also that the long-awaited footage from SPT Luton will be shown in that & subsequent editions, too.
More info as it comes.
The Presenters will, as I stated earlier, be rostered in accordance with their regular shift pattern. Dan, of course, has moved onwards & upwards, & is now with, I believe, GMTV, or Kerrang, I forget which.
Can't wait!!
Whoops! I was referring to "Kerrang!" the TV Music Channel. I never even knew they did a print mag.
Since I "retired", I've not had time to watch any music TV channels, but I loved Kerrang!, especially as they used to show a lot of Green Day stuff, &, in particular, Tenacious D. Of course, Jack Black was simply brilliant, what delivery, what theatre, what expression!
This is the greatest and best song in the world... Tribute.
Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here,
we was hitchhikin' down a long and lonesome road.
All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon... in the middle... of the road.
And he said:
"Play the best song in the world, or I'll eat your soul."
A mate of mine who I used to work with until recently was a regular columnist writing for for Kerrang and other mags of that ilk until a few years ago. I believe he still does an occasional piece for them now when he's in the mood!
Anyways I have never seen the Club before looking forward to it will sure to watch it monday all being well.
I heard tell Penguin took up flying lessons?
It might be better, revamped etc (tough act to live up to imo), but it WON'T be the same!!
But at least it's back!