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Silvers Sharks Offical Tread (time to bite back)



  • edited May 2010
    unlucky bigbudd out with poket a's wat a killer.......dam nines :(
  • edited May 2010
    sorry team mates as captain i am out 171 busted buy poket 6s but i promise to sharpen my teeth and come back with vengance tomoz.
    gl to all still in go get my chicken eaters :)
  • edited May 2010
    sry team, out 94th,
    shoved AK, called by QJ hit a Q
  • edited May 2010
    unlucky there red but understand it was a bad game and 94th is respectable still well done
  • edited May 2010
    out 74th, taken down by a team member, mmmm, oh well
  • edited May 2010
    good game there john very respectable and we still have all week i am sure we will all do better :)
  • edited May 2010
    2 sharks left, sophiesmum table 16 & 35suited table 34.
  • edited May 2010
    Sorry boss 65th.Got moved to new table player raised in bb a 7 spades should have folded pushed called by 10s oops thought he was picking on new player.Would have had a playable stack 4300 dumb dumb dumb really sorry.
  • edited May 2010
    £15 in the pot thanks to jan very well done and some really good play
  • edited May 2010
    unlucky there belsibub but very well played with a respectable 65th
  • edited May 2010
    Silvers Sharks 1 - Ploppers 0

    1st 35suited,
    5th sophiesmum,
    Well played all Silvers Sharks,

    dah-da, dah-da, dah-da, da-da-dah
  • edited May 2010
    Didn't we do well?  Excellent win 35-suited.
    Bad week for me really.  Got school inspectors in and here I am playing poker!!!

    Jan x
  • edited May 2010
    woooooooooooo 35suited our offical team hero 1st place £30 in the pot very very very well done my son :)

    with jan in 5th that puts us on total of £45 out of £200

    from here there is only one why for the sharks to go and thats up

    c u all tomoz for round 2 and well done to eveyone :)
  • edited May 2010
    Well played both of you and gl to all in team for the rest of week. 
  • edited May 2010
    CONGRATS 35SUITED very goooooood game :)
    greaaaaat game SOPIESMUM :)
    well played all :)
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Silvers Sharks Offical Tread (time to bite back):
    Well played both of you and gl to all in team for the rest of week. 
    Posted by belsibub
    Thanks everyone, thanks for the support it was fantastic, sorry bowieboy think it may have been me who took you out, but at least i put ur chips to good use.  Fantastic rseult for you as well jan, good start to the week for the team :)

    Ill have a list by my computer tomorrow night so i know exactly whos on our team.

    Thanks again for the support guys un girls

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Silvers Sharks Offical Tread (time to bite back):
    woooooooooooo 35suited our offical team hero 1st place £30 in the pot very very very well done my son :) with jan in 5th that puts us on total of £45 out of £200 from here there is only one why for the sharks to go and thats up c u all tomoz for round 2 and well done to eveyone :)
    Posted by silver8ack
    That's the appetiser out the way, now on to the starters, Smells like chicken.

    Check the other threads m8ys, they are all fighting with each other,
    just keep circling and picking them off like Sharks do, lol.
  • edited May 2010

    Silvers Sharks                                                     event 1                                                 
    Silver8ackTeam Captain                                                 0
    sophiesmumVice Captain                                                  £15
    rainbow xTeam Colours                                                   0

    Official Mischief Maker                                      0

    bigbudd03Official Money Tree                                           0
    bowieboyTeam Popstar                                                   0
    HjaltlandShetland Representative                                 nr
    35suitedNorthamptonshire Representative                £30
    BelsibubAberdeen Representative                               0
    Red King

    Team PHI-losopher                                           0

    i know my format is not as good as jan does but i have tried lol

    i here by declare 35suited as the team hero a very well done.
    also to our vice captain  sophiesmum (jan) great play by both of you.
    and a very special thankyou from me for keeping our team in the running for the rest of the games :)

    a whopping great big £45 in the bank out of £200 must put us near the top of the table for now so come on and bite some more of that cash!!!!!!!!

    gl to everyone tomoz and please sign in asap think it kicks of at 8pm but not sure yet will keep you all posted .

    team captain si1verback
  • edited May 2010
    Congratulations Team Silversharks, especialy Jan and 35 suited
  • edited May 2010
    very well done team mates a credit and inspiration to us all..................
  • edited May 2010

    Sorry to all team members for missing the first game, only arrived back in Shetland tuesday morning after Glasgow SPT, promise to do my best in the rest of the Team Games.

    Good Luck All


  • edited May 2010
    ty vaigret it was a very good game for our star players :)

    welcome back colin please try and reg before 7pm for tonights game and all the best to all our players for tonight.
  • edited May 2010
    Well were £17 clear at the top

    Pot limit Omaha tonight, probably my worst game of the week but will give it my best shot.

  • edited May 2010
    i totally understand gareth pot limit Omaha eeek but lets all just play tight and get some more cash in that pot. 3 registered so far hopefully full team tonight.

    we also are allowed one sub for the tourny but i think we have a great team and should stay as we are unless anybody has any other ideas ?

    gl to all team members for to-night go bite the chickens :)
  • edited May 2010
    registered !!!!!
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    working on it now rain and you should be able to reg soon sorry about this.
    hope you had a good birthday yesterday :)
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    i am sure tonight will be your night :) and my it be all our night lol
  • edited May 2010

            CONGRATULATIONS TO 35SUITED ANS SOPIESMOM, very well played team mates

            have just registered captian, and gl for tonights game all teamamtes
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