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A Proper Poker League.

Sky, can you review the league system you have.
It`s both boring, and unfair.
It seems, the more money you play with, the more points you get.
A complete revamp is needed to generate more interest, and to make it fair for everyone.




  • edited May 2010

    Should be more fairer, why should them that pay £100s rake get more than those that pay £1!

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    Yeah! Should be more fairer, why should them that pay £100s rake get more than those that pay £1!
    Posted by Mrs_Miyagi
    More importantly....................when did you become Mrs?????
  • edited May 2010
    I agree that the big players should reep their just rewards.

    But I also agree that for those of us on the first rungs of the ladder the league and our meagre points haul are completely meaningless.

    Maybe at the end of the month they could be converted/boiled down into poker points or something.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League. : More importantly....................when did you become Mrs?????
    Posted by phil12uk
    well it fell off when i was 17 and after a few years of trying to get it to stay on with sellotape and chewing gum I have resigned myself to that it is gone and I am moving on.
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah good point, how could you change your alias ?
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    Yeah! Should be more fairer, why should them that pay £100s rake get more than those that pay £1!
    Posted by Mrs_Miyagi

    A league system should be formed from a level playing field. !!!!!!

    Those that play for £100`s aint gonna be bothered about the league...............
  • edited May 2010

    Come on Sky, sort out a proper, fair league system to suit every single player on your site, regardless of bankroll.

    I`m sure those who spend billions of dollars can still be rewarded in other ways....:)

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    Come on Sky, sort out a proper, fair league system to suit every single player on your site, regardless of bankroll. I`m sure those who spend billions of dollars can still be rewarded in other ways....:)
    Posted by efgloser
    Why not have different divisions with 'cut offs' at different point levels. As you reach a certain level of points you move up a division. ((I have a feeling of Deja Vu) and why can't I see my cursor - is that something to do with being a Mr or Mrs as well?)
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League. : Why not have different divisions with 'cut offs' at different point levels. As you reach a certain level of points you move up a division. ((I have a feeling of Deja Vu) and why can't I see my cursor - is that something to do with being a Mr or Mrs as well?)
    Posted by SUDDS
    Good idea........................
  • edited May 2010
    I totally agree ........ Spending hundreds of pounds rather than 20- 30 pounds doesnt make you a better player.
    and the league doesnt mirror this.
  • edited May 2010

    For all those against the current league format........Please place ones head against item below and repeat endlessly. Thank you. ONLY THE HIGH STAKES CASH PLAYERS HAVE A VOICE WHICH IS LISTENED TO ON HERE IMHO!

  • edited May 2010
    agree a level playing field is definately needed, come on sky do he decent thing! a divisional setup like the football would be great to see how your poker know how and game is improving or not!! could always have play offs for promotion.
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    For all those against the current league format........Please place ones head against item below and repeat endlessly. Thank you. ONLY THE HIGH STAKES CASH PLAYERS HAVE A VOICE WHICH IS LISTENED TO ON HERE IMHO!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    ouchhhhhhhhhhhh !
  • edited May 2010

    I think the league does need looking at to become fairer to all Sky players......

    just a brain storm on this one

    As with the team games players interested in the league should opt in at a given level at the end of the month for the next months games...

    Level 1.....2p-10p
    Level 2.....10p-50p
    Level 3.....50p-2.00p
    .....etc. etc.

    and points are awarded at their chosen level, end of the month award a League freeroll for top players at each level who  play each other for Grand Monthly Sky Poker League Champion.

    I know the idea needs fine tuned but there is a great op for braggin rights if the 2p players can take out the high rollers at the end of the month....make good TV also give new players a level to aim for.

    Just an idea ...


  • edited May 2010

    MY IDEA.

    1- Keep the current league format you have, but rename it "Rewards League".

    2- Start a completely new league format. With one multi player tournament each week, which anyone can enter.

    3- Top 50 players each win points, from 50 points for winning, down to one point for finishing 50th.

    4- This a fair way of having a league.

    5- The league can be run over a number of weeks, and i`m sure would generate a lot more interest than the current system.

  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League. : Why not have different divisions with 'cut offs' at different point levels. As you reach a certain level of points you move up a division. ((I have a feeling of Deja Vu) and why can't I see my cursor - is that something to do with being a Mr or Mrs as well?)
    Posted by SUDDS
    I agree, needs to be sorted for the low lifes, excellent idea SUDDS Divisions might make me stop playing at all the other sites.
  • edited May 2010
    I agree with having divisions based on the stakes played e.g. £5 and under league, £5-10 league etc, makes it more competitive and interesting. Its a no brainer sky, the more interest and competition you generate, the more everyone will play and the more rake you will make!
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    For all those against the current league format........Please place ones head against item below and repeat endlessly. Thank you. ONLY THE HIGH STAKES CASH PLAYERS HAVE A VOICE WHICH IS LISTENED TO ON HERE IMHO!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Looks like your right, not a single response from sky. Where's that Wall!!!!!!
  • edited June 2010
    OK, the problem here seems to be money related! The more money you invest, the more points you stand to gain! This is completely wrong for the purposes of a "league" imo. There should be standard points awarded for any type of game that you play and not different levels!
    1 point for any cash hand won and for STTs & MTTs use the minimum award structure with double points for the main events!
    It would be easy to implement and would reflect a person's ability rather than how much they can afford!
    I'm sure that the vast majority of higher stakes players wouldn't have too much of a problem with this and it would give the smaller BRs a much better chance of achieving something, thus, encouraging them to play more!

    Just my thoughts!

  • edited June 2010

    Another good idea Diggerman the only problem is Sky dont give a toss. It took me ages to read all the responses from them about this. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    OK, the problem here seems to be money related! The more money you invest, the more points you stand to gain! This is completely wrong for the purposes of a "league" imo. There should be standard points awarded for any type of game that you play and not different levels! eg 1 point for any cash hand won and for STTs & MTTs use the minimum award structure with double points for the main events! It would be easy to implement and would reflect a person's ability rather than how much they can afford! I'm sure that the vast majority of higher stakes players wouldn't have too much of a problem with this and it would give the smaller BRs a much better chance of achieving something, thus, encouraging them to play more! Just my thoughts!
    Posted by DiggerMan
    Agreed, couldnt have put it better :)
  • edited June 2010
    It has been pointed out before but i really wish they would stop giving league points for the roulette tournaments. Its totally unfair on people who get their points from real tournaments so the league reflects ability not luck
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to A Proper Poker League.:
    Sky, can you review the league system you have. It`s both boring, and unfair. It seems, the more money you play with, the more points you get. A complete revamp is needed to generate more interest, and to make it fair for everyone. Mike.
    Posted by efgloser
    Feel free to join the debate SKY.................
  • edited June 2010
    I get it.............because i don`t spend 100`s of pounds, i`m not important to Sky, otherwise i`d get some sort of response...:p
  • ckdckd
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    For all those against the current league format........Please place ones head against item below and repeat endlessly. Thank you. ONLY THE HIGH STAKES CASH PLAYERS HAVE A VOICE WHICH IS LISTENED TO ON HERE IMHO!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    100% agree with you max

     ive said for ages now that the stt league is unfair with the russian roullette games getting points and nothing happened about it however last year i was playing alot of turbo heads up as there was lots of points on it ...........1 big name complaned about it and that was that the points was gone from the game bit of a joke really but i guess thats the way it goes
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    I get it.............because i don`t spend 100`s of pounds, i`m not important to Sky, otherwise i`d get some sort of response...:p
    Posted by efgloser
    Morning efg.

    I think that's a little unfair, if I may say so - though perhaps I would say that - but you are jumping to conclusions which are incorrect.

    The Suits do NOT monitor the Forums as such, but they do respond if the issue is raised directly with Customer Care, or with them directly. Had I seen the Thread, I would certainly have done so, & bought it to their attention. I'm afraid that due to time-constraints, I rarely see anything which is not on "General Poker Chat" board.

    I will send it to them today.

    It is right & proper, in my personal view, that those who spend most get the biggest rewards - it is a business, after all, & the bigger Clients need looking after, as they would in ANY business, but not at the expense of the regular guys. Findng the "right balance" which pleases everyone is never easy. But I agree, a League which is fair to ALL players at ALL Levels would be attractive to many.  
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    For all those against the current league format........Please place ones head against item below and repeat endlessly. Thank you. ONLY THE HIGH STAKES CASH PLAYERS HAVE A VOICE WHICH IS LISTENED TO ON HERE IMHO!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Alan! You KNOW that is not true.

    We could all cut to the quick more effectively if these sort of things were not said.
  • edited June 2010
    the only slight problem i see with a pts version diggerman is that some people on here can and will multi table for x amount of hrs. getting 50 games in a day and scoring badly in them still gives you more pts than 3 tt finishes outta 3. like in football, the league is based on all the teams  playing the same amount of games. the split leagues could work well, but do it over say50 games in the mnth
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League. : Alan! You KNOW that is not true. We could all cut to the quick more effectively if these sort of things were not said.
    Posted by Tikay10
    How is he supposed to know it's not true??--- I started a thread for the small stakes players---- The thread got more votes than any other thread that has EVER been posted in community suggestions--- It got no response at all---- If the suits cared about low stakes players, there would be visible evidence of same--which there isn't
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League.:
    In Response to Re: A Proper Poker League. : How is he supposed to know it's not true??--- I started a thread for the small stakes players---- The thread got more votes than any other thread that has EVER been posted in community suggestions--- It got no response at all---- If the suits cared about low stakes players, there would be visible evidence of same--which there isn't
    Posted by oynutter
    I wrote to you privately, & at great length, as to why, in my personal opinion, that thread never received the response you were hoping for. 
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