Dear Mr Rover, I too am playing the lo level MTTs at the moment and am trying to build a bigger bankroll to play bigger ones. I was going to ask if it was possible to build a bankroll playing MTTs (DYMs are often recomended) but I found your advice to MintSam above very helpful on that subject and have decided of course it is possible. So my question is this, are the £2.30 BHs a good investment in your opinion or not? I seem to do ok in these due to high numbers of crazy players etc. I would much rather play just deepstacks, or at least tournies with no bounties (ie 100% prizepool). The problem is that I tend not to be free on the evenings (I usually get in for the 9.15 £2.20 deep stack) so I miss the £3 orfordables etc which look really good. I find myself playing the BHs due to the much higher numbers of players they get and their much more ready availability. JC Posted by JohnConnor
Ty john for the question,
I looked up your last 250 games on poker tracker sharkscope
from these very impressive stats,
I believe you profit best on double your moneys i am aware these can become
quiet monotonous .
your average stake is £5 .
so spice it up with as much £5 and under deepstacks that you can get in .
I do believe your skills from the dym would prove more profitable in deepstacks
then bounty hunters ,
reason been you have learnt the fine art of patience in dym .
P.S. i know you are good i have played you before lol !
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : thanks Rover, I seem to get myself in a muddle (brain wise) very easily when I start to learn a new game so I'll be posting soon! hehe Posted by BananaDog
No probs ,
and ozzie says he will help out so both you and i are very lucky
to have one of the masters of skypoker mid stakes cash on board .
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : No probs , and ozzie says he will help out so both you and i are very lucky to have one of the masters of skypoker mid stakes cash on board . so ty wiz of oz in advance ! Posted by IRISHROVER
Thanks Rover & Oz in advance I have put a couple of hands up in the clinic now but I feel a bit stupid cos to be honest rather than buggin' you lot I really should just go read a book about the basics...but I HATE reading! lol My thing is to open a table and just go on gut instinct but now I think about hands etc. I realise how many questions I have and how much I dont know! lol maybe I should stick to the DYM's lol...we will see by the end of the month! (drum roll)
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION / READ 1ST POST FOR INFO 1ST................ : WOW, why you worrying about winning them ? Posted by Dudeskin8
Hi dude ,
learning, learning and more learning you never stop in this ever
Thanks rover as you may well guess the blinds on f/t are sooo big you do need to try to win blinds as well.Guess i just need a bit more LUCK.Ty m8 dav Posted by dav1964
No probs dave ,
luck goes around and then might not visit us for quiet awhile again ,
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : Ty john for the question, I looked up your last 250 games on poker tracker sharkscope from these very impressive stats, I believe you profit best on double your moneys i am aware these can become quiet monotonous . your average stake is £5 . so spice it up with as much £5 and under deepstacks that you can get in . I do believe your skills from the dym would prove more profitable in deepstacks then bounty hunters , reason been you have learnt the fine art of patience in dym . P.S. i know you are good i have played you before lol ! Posted by IRISHROVER
Thanks very much for the response and kind words Mr Rover they are greatly appreciated. This is a great thread that you've taken the time to help out others on, thanks again. Also, hopefully we'l see more of each other at the tables and il be able to let you know how i get on. u wanna laugh? I make money at poker..I luv it..i wish I could play it 24/7 but...... I go on reads and gut instincts - I don't understand odds, I didn't even wanna learn the basics cos I was happy going on my own instincts. Today I will be sitting here with a notepad with odds of gutshots, open ended straight draws and flush draws etc... (bet your laughing at me arn't you) ps, thanks hubby for making me learn the basics finally! hehehe )
i for one think deepstacks are very good to learn your own strategy
wether your bankroll building or just for fun,
1 the statagy for fun u see every flop and every hand out ?
2 the strategy for bankroll building u should have a range of cards u can play for flops like ie k-10 kq 10- j 9 - 10 being able to get off the cards and waiting for next hand as its y its called a deepstacks seeing loads of hands?
your thoughts plz m8ty and i would encourage all new and old bankrollers to play the deepstacks lots of hands lots of fun.
Great work Irish - Man .... "Is it neccesary to attack a big stack with a big stack? - I think not" If only I'd had this quote on a sticky thing, on my laptop, throughout last nights doublestack, I could be £1,000 richer today!! GO GO GO ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ....Ooooooops! Gears? Im stuck in 5th Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : Thanks very much for the response and kind words Mr Rover they are greatly appreciated. This is a great thread that you've taken the time to help out others on, thanks again. Also, hopefully we'l see more of each other at the tables and il be able to let you know how i get on. JC Posted by JohnConnor
No probs,
its nice to give something back ,
but no refunds lol !
yep look forward to seen you on the deepstack tables once again.
hi cyber m8ty i for one think deepstacks are very good to learn your own strategy wether your bankroll building or just for fun, 1 the statagy for fun u see every flop and every hand out ? 2 the strategy for bankroll building u should have a range of cards u can play for flops like ie k-10 kq 10- j 9 - 10 being able to get off the cards and waiting for next hand as its y its called a deepstacks seeing loads of hands? your thoughts plz m8ty and i would encourage all new and old bankrollers to play the deepstacks lots of hands lots of fun. gl every1 on your tables what ever they are:) Posted by lucky77777
Yep total agree with above,
i would expand also on this with trapping with a flat call on
AA , KK, AK , QQ , AQ .
This works best against one player .
but make sure one can get off it on a bad flop like 5 5 7 or 2 2 9 e.t.c
you really should not play this trapping game unless you have the
to dump the hand on flop and defo turn if it goes baddddddddd !
Is there such a thing as ABC poker on the 2p/4p tables? Been doing them for the month with the br challenge and doing Ok but now hit a brickwall. Good hands like AA, KK, AK suited raising 4bb's and being called by more than 1 alot. Even after c betting (half to pot size) and maybe also on the turn people stay in and they hit. Lost about a sixth of my br in 2 days! Staying off the tables now b4 I go completely tilted. Thinking of buying a book on holdem (Harrington?).
hello Mr Rover , sir. Is there such a thing as ABC poker on the 2p/4p tables? Been doing them for the month with the br challenge and doing Ok but now hit a brickwall. Good hands like AA, KK, AK suited raising 4bb's and being called by more than 1 alot. Even after c betting (half to pot size) and maybe also on the turn people stay in and they hit. Lost about a sixth of my br in 2 days! Staying off the tables now b4 I go completely tilted. Thinking of buying a book on holdem (Harrington?). Any advice greatly appreciated. Cheers Posted by walesboy
sounds like ur just in a bit of run bad or loosened up your preflop raising range too much (sconns from MP i guess?)
dont c-bet 100% esp if u get multiple callers and u miss, hard to some examples where u think ur leaking
hello Mr Rover , sir. Is there such a thing as ABC poker on the 2p/4p tables? Been doing them for the month with the br challenge and doing Ok but now hit a brickwall. Good hands like AA, KK, AK suited raising 4bb's and being called by more than 1 alot. Even after c betting (half to pot size) and maybe also on the turn people stay in and they hit. Lost about a sixth of my br in 2 days! Staying off the tables now b4 I go completely tilted. Thinking of buying a book on holdem (Harrington?). Any advice greatly appreciated. Cheers Posted by walesboy
Ty walesboy for your questions.
it seems you are doing ABC poker more or less .
just try this little bet change as follows :
because its 2p/4p one tends to get a lot of punters in calling ,
so one has to play tight ,
wait for the cards and be extra aggressive when betting out .
so with AA , KK , QQ bet x6 or x7 preflop .
if the flop looks safe bet the size of the pot !
make them pay huge to see every card no freebies or limping .
with AK , AQ, AJ , X3 preflop .
Now on a positive note look back
and see how much cash you are up in the last 2 months .
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : Ty walesboy for your questions. it seems you are doing ABC poker more or less . just try this little bet change as follows : because its 2p/4p one tends to get a lot of punters in calling , so one has to play tight , wait for the cards and be extra aggressive when betting out . so with AA , KK , QQ bet x6 or x7 preflop . if the flop looks safe bet the size of the pot ! make them pay huge to see every card no freebies or limping . with AK , AQ, AJ , X3 preflop . Now on a positive note look back and see how much cash you are up in the last 2 months . TILT IS YOU GIVING BACK THIS HARD EARNED MONEY MAKE THOSE PLAYERS FISHIING WORK FOR IT AND DON'T TILT ! Posted by IRISHROVER
thanks for the advice. Looking back was a good idea - forgot how far the br had come, just looking at the recent history.
well might self imposed exile lasted less than 24 hours don't know why i bothered. lost it all in 2 hands - had 1010 raised 3bb pre and had 3 callers. came down 10j8 rainbow. betted half pot, got called, bet half pot again turn. jack came river and he had jack 10. second one after turn had ace flush, with jack in hand and king on board. went all in. he had 2 kings in hand and 4th king came on river! sigh - couldn't write this stuff.
first hand - should I have bet pot, also on turn? or is half pot fine?
well might self imposed exile lasted less than 24 hours don't know why i bothered. lost it all in 2 hands - had 1010 raised 3bb pre and had 3 callers. came down 10j8 rainbow. betted half pot, got called, bet half pot again turn. jack came river and he had jack 10. second one after turn had ace flush, with jack in hand and king on board. went all in. he had 2 kings in hand and 4th king came on river! sigh - couldn't write this stuff. first hand - should I have bet pot, also on turn? or is half pot fine? Posted by walesboy
These hands above really play themselves ,
its part of the wonderful game of poker.
What's much more important is how you react when you hit a bad run,
like what is happening to you now.
A lot of players tend to tilt on a bad run and lose more money ,
then they steady the ship look back and say da mn why did i go on tilt
now i got to win those loses back,
which takes a lot more effort, time and skill to do so .
This is speaking from someone who used to do this awhile back lol !
Now what i do is take a break from the game i am playing ,
in your case the cash game.
so my advice to you is drop down to 60p or £1 double your moneys for a bit
and have some fun .
This way you will cut your loses or may gain a little money ,
but most of all you are taking the pressure off your self and getting back to
enjoying the game .
When your poker head is right again and your luck lol
Hey Rover, in cash 2p/4p how would you play a hand like AQ/AJ/KQ also 99/88/77 after a minraise from early position. Is it good to reraise to 20-24p or just call in position ?
why do i keep losing rover pleeeeeeeze tell me lol
Hey Rover, in cash 2p/4p how would you play a hand like AQ/AJ/KQ also 99/88/77 after a minraise from early position. Is it good to reraise to 20-24p or just call in position ? Posted by Dudeskin8
Ty for the question DUDE ,
I looking to see a cheap flop here ,
so i am calling in position .
Expanding on this i would call x4 maybe x5 on the mid pairs .
In Response to Re: ASK IRISHROVER LOW STAKES SPECIALIST A POKER QUESTION : Ty for the question DUDE , I looking to see a cheap flop here , so i am calling in position . Expanding on this i would call x4 maybe x5 on the mid pairs . But only x3 on AQ, AJ and x2 on KQ. Posted by IRISHROVER
Ive been absolutely destroyed tonight for my last 7 buy ins, heads up.......this guy couldn't do anything wrong. He cudnt miss, I cudnt hit. Wow Ive never felt so helpless.
Anyway - having gone through the hottest streak ever - where I couldnt miss a set, or a draw, gonna have to clock off. Need the pennies for beer and take-aways
4k in a month was unbelievable, but the feeling of losing £800 in 10 days is much more powerful!
Shall be around, and in the shed.....
And... IF....
Uruguay win the world cup......
Ill be bak with a bankroll of £5 x 100 + 5 x 25 = well summat like a kooool £700 BR!
Goodnight, god bless
Hi Doh,
This bad run or tilt or bad br management is what can break or make a player.
Before depositing in your account make sure you do the following :
1. write down how much off a plank you are for getting your self in to this situation ,
this note can be kept for future reference .
2. After you cleared your head & ready to go back in the cash ring,
look back at what poker game profited you best .
3. concentrate on just this game and build a roll ,
if you want a break from this drop down to very low stakes and have some fun.
4. after you build your roll above £ 300 skim it off each time in to your credit card .
5. If ever you feel tilt coming on again , pull that note out and slap yourself in the face lol !
hi rover great advice on here but tell me why oh why every time i get AK i lose. Happens nearly every time. Thinking of folding in future lol.HEEEEEEELP MEEEEEE
hi rover great advice on here but tell me why oh why every time i get AK i lose. Happens nearly every time. Thinking of folding in future lol.HEEEEEEELP MEEEEEE Posted by san3
Hi my cyber bud and ty for the question ,
I took the liberty of doing a stats search on you in sharkscope hope you dont mind ,
now previous to the last 3 months you were doing great .
you and only you know why the last 3 months after this
have dented your confidence
and pocket .
the A K question would be related to mtt known your good self.
depends what level of mtt / position e.t.c very hard to answer
more detail required .
but more importantly you did something right 3 months ago and you did this for
quiet awhile consistently .
what i keep saying in this thread you guys need to note it down when your on
a good run,
what am i doing right .
when a bad run comes drop down in stakes,
cut your losses and be paitence down there .
when your focused , feeling lucky and on your on top of your game move back up .
i am very impressed with your stats and the consistent way you make money at the levels you play. I have the utmost respect for you in this regard.
My question is, how do you maintain your bankroll discipline and patience?
My biggest problem is bankroll discipline, and getting bored playing games like dyms/cash that i know i could consistently profit in if i had the patience to do this.
Please feel free to look at my Sharkscope for sngs, etc, and advise me the best way to be more consistent. What games should i focus on to maximise my profits and how can i be more disciplined?
Hey Irish Man - Good game last night, was a fun table. My question to you is, can you post the result from last nights tourny on here, I have used my 5 free S S searches trying to find it, but can't! Thanx Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I am fairly new to Sky Poker and don't really know any of the cash game players apart from GREGHOGG, who is the only player I fear playing OOP against. I mainly play 10p/20p cash games and am looking to start table selecting better, to increase my winrate. What players should I be avoiding and who should I be hunting at the low stakes?
Please send me a private post with the names of the top fish and any betting tells that you know of, if you don't want to post them on here. You can add my name to the top of the fish list if you want
Hi Mr Rover, i am very impressed with your stats and the consistent way you make money at the levels you play. I have the utmost respect for you in this regard. My question is, how do you maintain your bankroll discipline and patience? My biggest problem is bankroll discipline, and getting bored playing games like dyms/cash that i know i could consistently profit in if i had the patience to do this. Please feel free to look at my Sharkscope for sngs, etc, and advise me the best way to be more consistent. What games should i focus on to maximise my profits and how can i be more disciplined? Many thanks Hoggers Posted by GREGHOGG
Ty mr hoggers for the questions & compliment .
I use my sharkscope graph to help in controlling my discipline and patience .
If this graph starts to slide a good bit ,
i check back on games and try find the reasons for this .
sometimes its just bad habits creeping in from the repetitive nature
of playing poker every day.
so to consistently win & enjoy my poker,
i find one needs at least 3 different games to mix around
and alleviate the boredom.
example :
mine are omaha dym / nlh cash / nlh deepsack .
I note from your stats you profit in both s&g & mtt consistently .
so from now on try focus on that graph and let this be your goal,
try keep it on a uphill spiral consistently .
Note also checking profit on a ongoing monthly bases can
be a great help to motivate oneself in becoming more
Ty john for the question,
I looked up your last 250 games on poker tracker sharkscope
from these very impressive stats,
I believe you profit best on double your moneys i am aware these can become
quiet monotonous .
your average stake is £5 .
so spice it up with as much £5 and under deepstacks that you can get in .
I do believe your skills from the dym would prove more profitable in deepstacks
then bounty hunters ,
reason been you have learnt the fine art of patience in dym .
P.S. i know you are good i have played you before lol !
and ozzie says he will help out so both you and i are very lucky
to have one of the masters of skypoker mid stakes cash on board .
so ty wiz of oz in advance !
I have put a couple of hands up in the clinic now but I feel a bit stupid cos to be honest rather than buggin' you lot I really should just go read a book about the basics...but I HATE reading! lol
My thing is to open a table and just go on gut instinct but now I think about hands etc. I realise how many questions I have and how much I dont know! lol
maybe I should stick to the DYM's lol...we will see by the end of the month! (drum roll)
learning, learning and more learning you never stop in this ever
changing game that's why ,
he wants to and will improve !
luck goes around and then might not visit us for quiet awhile again ,
so make the most of it when it arrives lol !
Bananadog do notttttttttt feel stupid!!
Thats why this place has become dead lately, people keep thinking that, its a friendly place really.
Some of the big bad £1/£2 cash players use long words some times, which scare me too!!!
Tell all your friends to come and Post with you, it's less scary then
I make money at poker..I luv it..i wish I could play it 24/7 but......
I go on reads and gut instincts - I don't understand odds, I didn't even wanna learn the basics cos I was happy going on my own instincts.
Today I will be sitting here with a notepad with odds of gutshots, open ended straight draws and flush draws etc...
(bet your laughing at me arn't you)
ps, thanks hubby for making me learn the basics finally! hehehe
ul m8y & ty !
its nice to give something back ,
but no refunds lol !
yep look forward to seen you on the deepstack tables once again.
i would expand also on this with trapping with a flat call on
AA , KK, AK , QQ , AQ .
This works best against one player .
but make sure one can get off it on a bad flop like 5 5 7 or 2 2 9 e.t.c
you really should not play this trapping game unless you have the
to dump the hand on flop and defo turn if it goes baddddddddd !
Is there such a thing as ABC poker on the 2p/4p tables?
Been doing them for the month with the br challenge and doing Ok but now hit a brickwall.
Good hands like AA, KK, AK suited raising 4bb's and being called by more than 1 alot. Even after c betting (half to pot size) and maybe also on the turn people stay in and they hit.
Lost about a sixth of my br in 2 days! Staying off the tables now b4 I go completely tilted.
Thinking of buying a book on holdem (Harrington?).
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Ty walesboy for your questions.
it seems you are doing ABC poker more or less .
just try this little bet change as follows :
because its 2p/4p one tends to get a lot of punters in calling ,
so one has to play tight ,
wait for the cards and be extra aggressive when betting out .
so with AA , KK , QQ bet x6 or x7 preflop .
if the flop looks safe bet the size of the pot !
make them pay huge to see every card no freebies or limping .
with AK , AQ, AJ , X3 preflop .
Now on a positive note look back
and see how much cash you are up in the last 2 months .
Looking back was a good idea - forgot how far the br had come, just looking at the recent history.
might self imposed exile lasted less than 24 hours
don't know why i bothered.
lost it all in 2 hands - had 1010 raised 3bb pre and had 3 callers. came down 10j8 rainbow. betted half pot, got called, bet half pot again turn. jack came river and he had jack 10.
second one after turn had ace flush, with jack in hand and king on board. went all in. he had 2 kings in hand and 4th king came on river!
sigh - couldn't write this stuff.
first hand - should I have bet pot, also on turn? or is half pot fine?
These hands above really play themselves ,
its part of the wonderful game of poker.
What's much more important is how you react when you hit a bad run,
like what is happening to you now.
A lot of players tend to tilt on a bad run and lose more money ,
then they steady the ship look back and say da mn why did i go on tilt
now i got to win those loses back,
which takes a lot more effort, time and skill to do so .
This is speaking from someone who used to do this awhile back lol !
Now what i do is take a break from the game i am playing ,
in your case the cash game.
so my advice to you is drop down to 60p or £1 double your moneys for a bit
and have some fun .
This way you will cut your loses or may gain a little money ,
but most of all you are taking the pressure off your self and getting back to
enjoying the game .
When your poker head is right again and your luck lol
move back to your cash game refreshed .
I looking to see a cheap flop here ,
so i am calling in position .
Expanding on this i would call x4 maybe x5 on the mid pairs .
But only x3 on AQ, AJ and x2 on KQ.
Well thats it!
Golden 2 months ago, now Im goneeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What a crazy game this is.
Ive been absolutely destroyed tonight for my last 7 buy ins, heads up.......this guy couldn't do anything wrong. He cudnt miss, I cudnt hit. Wow Ive never felt so helpless.
Anyway - having gone through the hottest streak ever - where I couldnt miss a set, or a draw, gonna have to clock off. Need the pennies for beer and take-aways
4k in a month was unbelievable, but the feeling of losing £800 in 10 days is much more powerful!
Shall be around, and in the shed.....
Uruguay win the world cup......
Ill be bak with a bankroll of £5 x 100 + 5 x 25 = well summat like a kooool £700 BR!
Goodnight, god bless
Hi Doh,
This bad run or tilt or bad br management is what can break or make a player.
Before depositing in your account make sure you do the following :
1. write down how much off a plank you are for getting your self in to this situation ,
this note can be kept for future reference .
2. After you cleared your head & ready to go back in the cash ring,
look back at what poker game profited you best .
3. concentrate on just this game and build a roll ,
if you want a break from this drop down to very low stakes and have some fun.
4. after you build your roll above £ 300 skim it off each time in to your credit card .
5. If ever you feel tilt coming on again , pull that note out and slap yourself in the face lol !
Hi my cyber bud and ty for the question ,I took the liberty of doing a stats search on you in sharkscope hope you dont mind ,
now previous to the last 3 months you were doing great .
you and only you know why the last 3 months after this
have dented your confidence
and pocket .
the A K question would be related to mtt known your good self.
depends what level of mtt / position e.t.c very hard to answer
more detail required .
but more importantly you did something right 3 months ago and you did this for
quiet awhile consistently .
what i keep saying in this thread you guys need to note it down when your on
a good run,
what am i doing right .
when a bad run comes drop down in stakes,
cut your losses and be paitence down there .
when your focused , feeling lucky and on your on top of your game move back up .
My question to you is, can you post the result from last nights tourny on here, I have used my 5 free S S searches trying to find it, but can't!
i am very impressed with your stats and the consistent way you make money at the levels you play. I have the utmost respect for you in this regard.
My question is, how do you maintain your bankroll discipline and patience?
My biggest problem is bankroll discipline, and getting bored playing games like dyms/cash that i know i could consistently profit in if i had the patience to do this.
Please feel free to look at my Sharkscope for sngs, etc, and advise me the best way to be more consistent. What games should i focus on to maximise my profits and how can i be more disciplined?
Many thanks
soz doh it seems sharkscope missed this mtt ,
occasionally this happens with sharkscope .
I am fairly new to Sky Poker and don't really know any of the cash game players apart from GREGHOGG, who is the only player I fear playing OOP against. I mainly play 10p/20p cash games and am looking to start table selecting better, to increase my winrate. What players should I be avoiding and who should I be hunting at the low stakes?
Please send me a private post with the names of the top fish and any betting tells that you know of, if you don't want to post them on here. You can add my name to the top of the fish list if you want
Ty mr hoggers for the questions & compliment .
I use my sharkscope graph to help in controlling my discipline and patience .
If this graph starts to slide a good bit ,
i check back on games and try find the reasons for this .
sometimes its just bad habits creeping in from the repetitive nature
of playing poker every day.
so to consistently win & enjoy my poker,
i find one needs at least 3 different games to mix around
and alleviate the boredom.
example :
mine are omaha dym / nlh cash / nlh deepsack .
I note from your stats you profit in both s&g & mtt consistently .
so from now on try focus on that graph and let this be your goal,
try keep it on a uphill spiral consistently .
Note also checking profit on a ongoing monthly bases can
be a great help to motivate oneself in becoming more
consistent & patience .