Sky poker is not rubbish--- Honestly it is'nt---- my old mans a dustman, and he says he's never found anything like sky poker in the bins, although he did find a tigers head one day, nailed to a piece of wood Posted by oynutter
A Random Number Generator (RNG) is a system that generates a sequence of numbers (or bits) that are devoid of any pattern or biases, ensuring that the next item in the sequence cannot be predicted (i.e. is indistinguishable from a truly random sequence). A certified RNG system is critical to ensure that every game is played using a randomly shuffled and unpredictable deck. In the early days of online poker, the RNG systems were far less reliable and one site was shown to have an inadequate system that could be exploited....... was established several years later, and the system architects had the advantage of learning from those early mistakes. As a result, we are confident that we have the strongest RNG system in the industry. ........... RNG system consists of several independent layers. Each layer is capable of producing random sequences, and any one layer alone is sufficient to guarantee that the final output is random. This includes two types of hardware RNGs that produce truly random bit streams, and two separate levels of software RNGs that draw upon the enormous wealth of effectively random sources throughout the entire poker site. In the very unlikely event that one system malfunctions or is compromised, the game would continue to be perfectly random due to these fail-safe measures. In order to ensure and demonstrate the security and fairness of our card shuffling procedures, ....has obtained official RNG certification from an independent accredited testing facility. This is a comprehensive analysis during which.... submitted detailed information about our RNG systems, including hardware components, software source code, complete documentation, and servers for testing Posted by lucky77777
Yeah bla bla bla....Nothing will convince me ....i have the odds here of any hand.. And the RNG is limited to only 52 cards...that limits the RNG right from the start can you have a true electronic RNG ...if you have GATED it to only 52! Are you lot so dim as to not realise this! Oh and then ya cards are generated ....tey arnt real ....ya dopes!
In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish : Yeah bla bla bla....Nothing will convince me ....i have the odds here of any hand.. And the RNG is limited to only 52 cards...that limits the RNG right from the start can you have a true electronic RNG ...if you have GATED it to only 52! Are you lot so dim as to not realise this! Oh and then ya cards are generated ....tey arnt real ....ya dopes! Posted by FR4NK
So if I have this right you dont trust the RNG because its limited to 52 card which is one of the reasons you dont play on Sky poker. But in another post you stated that although you didn't play here you DID play on another site, which surely MUST use a 52 card RNG, so doesn't that make YOU a dope too? )
In Response to Re: sky poker is rubbish : So if I have this right you dont trust the RNG because its limited to 52 card which is one of the reasons you dont play on Sky poker. But in another post you stated that although you didn't play here you DID play on another site, which surely MUST use a 52 card RNG, so doesn't that make YOU a dope too? ) Posted by Kiwini4u
YEP ...but on the other site i can play free all day ..their RNG is as bad!
If you think this then you have to learn to use it to your advantage and play low hole cards just let me know which tables your on. I must admit i have seen some very bad beats on sky but i expect they happen on every site and occasionally in real play.
the one i loved the most was playing last night luckily involved in none of the hands but witnessed 3 different people in 3 straight hands get seriously annoyed when the same guy had 5 6 three times in a row and flopped 3 full houses 3 times in a row to the amusement of the first player with QQ second player with AA and the third with JJ i was amused cause i was losing nothing but 40p when i was on the blind and he loved it cause he came on the table with £40 and after these 3 hands was sat with £170 then he broke me Ks Kc against 4d 7d and funnily enough the cards that come down were 5 d 6d Kh 5h 3d but never mind would rather lose to a straight flush then 56 3 times in a row...... but to the beginning of this post everyone has their fair share of the luck i guess you just have to capitalise when your luck comes
And the RNG is limited to only 52 cards...that limits the RNG right from the start can you have a true electronic RNG ...if you have GATED it to only 52!
Are you lot so dim as to not realise this!
Oh and then ya cards are generated ....tey arnt real ....ya dopes!
Sky poker tour fixed as well?