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Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]

Hi Guys,

If you feel that you have a technical problem that isn't anything to do with your computer, connection etc and is at our (Sky Poker's) end, then please follow the steps below to ensure that the matter is fully investigated, giving you the best possible resolution and customer experience.

Although a great platform to post your thoughts and opinions, technical issues raised on the forum might not be the best or fastest way to have your query resolved - Customer Care are the folks for that! To give us the best possible chance please read on...

For us to fully investigate your technical problem you need to

contact our Customer Care Team and have the following information to hand -

·         Username

·         Poker Alias

·         Time of disconnect

·         Hand ID (s)

·         Has this happened for you before?

·         If so when (approx)

·         Geographical location of the user

·         ISP

·         Browser

·         Operating System

·         Version of flash Player

·         Were you running other applications at the time?

Once the Customer Care Team have all of this information, it will be passed to our technical team for investigation.  They will also endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours.

You can get in touch with the team either by free phone (08000 720 882), by email ( or by live chat (links at the bottom of the page).

Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service.

Of course other community members can still help with issues so if you have any problems with table sizing, browser pop ups etc feel free to start a new thread and post them here. 

Thanks everyone.





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    edited September 2010
    I agree Rich, the forum is a great place to discuss "our" technical issues, that are "our" fault---- Obviously, any issue that is Sky's fault should be kept a secret between the individual concerned and customer care, and certainly not posted on the forum, where everyone can see it---- Jeezz, things like that could lead to people thinking that Sky has technical issues that are it's own fault or something!!!
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    edited September 2010
    I think there is a great benefit on having technical issues, whether the source has been identified or not, discussed on the forum.  Then other customers can see if their problem or a similar problem has affected anyone else.

    I have seen many different problems posted on the forum lately where the only response has been to post a link to this thread.  Not great customer care in my opinion.
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    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    I think there is a great benefit on having technical issues, whether the source has been identified or not, discussed on the forum.  Then other customers can see if their problem or a similar problem has affected anyone else. I have seen many different problems posted on the forum lately where the only response has been to post a link to this thread.  Not great customer care in my opinion.
    Posted by Machka
    + 1
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    edited September 2010
    Hi Guys,

    Sorry you feel this way, we are making a concerted effort to prevent this type of thing happening.

    If you are still experiencing technical difficulties please use the form at the top of this thread.

    Many thanks,
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    edited September 2010
    In Response to Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
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    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    I agree Rich, the forum is a great place to discuss "our" technical issues, that are "our" fault---- Obviously, any issue that is Sky's fault should be kept a secret between the individual concerned and customer care, and certainly not posted on the forum, where everyone can see it---- Jeezz, things like that could lead to people thinking that Sky has technical issues that are it's own fault or something!!!
    Posted by oynutter
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    edited September 2010
    Twas a joke you flopwit--geddit?
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    edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    I think there is a great benefit on having technical issues, whether the source has been identified or not, discussed on the forum.  Then other customers can see if their problem or a similar problem has affected anyone else. I have seen many different problems posted on the forum lately where the only response has been to post a link to this thread.  Not great customer care in my opinion.
    Posted by Machka

    Hi Machka,

    I agree with your points however, the aim of my post was to direct customers in the correct direction to ensure issues get dealt with sufficiently.

    Although we try, we can't always promise that issues will be escalated in the correct way when posted on the forum.

    Going to customer care ENSURES that issues will be passed to our technical teams and looked at quickly.

    This way also ensures the technical team get the required information they need to be able to conduct thorough investigations. Forum posts/threads often lead to missing chunks of vital information or threads that go back and forth.

    Following the above instructions will be beneficial to all.

    Thanks guys,

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    edited October 2010
    I spent 40 mins on the phone about a technical problem.When no solution was reached i got fobbed off with 'ill send the issue to the technical department for review'.

    The so called 'customer care' team replied via email with 3 lines saying there is nothing that they can do.
    That was it nothing else no explanation sorry nothing........

    GREAT CUSTOMER CARE whats the point of playing here????????????

    What are the benefits?????

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    edited October 2010
    Hi Rankler,

    I'm really sorry to hear about this and your problems with the site/with the customer care team.

    I'll pass this post straight over and arrange someone to contact you.

    we will be in touch soon.

    Kind regards,

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    edited October 2010
    i'm not sure if i'm on the right one but it won't let me play in the blue freeroll and i was a blue team member.
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    edited October 2010
    It's ok i'm in now.
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    edited February 2011
    I have downladed the sky poker dowlnoad application.
    I then log in as per normnal and try and oen a 2p 4p table.
    It opens the windwo for about 2 seconds then logs me out of the site even though am still at the table.

    It kept on doing this am getting really frsutated..

    have dowlonaded the app a second time still same issues amd can't chat to avdisor

    Has anyone else had these same problems???


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    edited February 2011
    Hi fra4nkie,

    Did you contact customer care when you experienced these issues?
    Unless we know all the facts it is difficult to investigate.

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    edited February 2011
    Hi Richard,

    So your steps are...

    -Open the download
    -enter login details and click 'sign in'
    -open a 2p/4p cash table
    -you are then logged out of the download

    Does the download stay open? Are you still sat at the table? when you do this do you have the full site in the background and are you logged in on there?

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    edited March 2011
    SKP I'm finding it difficult and frustrating to play poker on your site. There is a 5-10 second delay before I can take any action sometimes resulting in my hands being folded before I can make a decision. My connection is good and I do not have other apps open. It is definately your site. I will be forced to play elsewhere if this is not sorted. Can you do something?

    In Response to Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    Hi Guys, If you feel that you have a technical problem that isn't anything to do with your computer, connection etc and is at our (Sky Poker's) end, then please follow the steps below to ensure that the matter is fully investigated, giving you the best possible resolution and customer experience. Although a great platform to post your thoughts and opinions, we can't ensure that all technical issues raised on the forum will be fully investigated or resolved. To give us the best possible chance please read on... For us to fully investigate your technical problem you need to contact our customer carer team and have the following information to hand - ·          Username ·          Poker Alias ·          Time of disconnect ·          Hand ID (s) ·          Has this happened for you before? ·          If so when (approx) ·          Geographical location of the user ·          ISP ·          Browser ·          Operating System ·          Version of flash Player ·          Were you running other applications at the time? Once the customer care team have all of this information, it will be passed to our technical team for investigation.  They will also endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours. You can get in touch with the team either by free phone (08000 720 882), by email ( ) or by live chat (links at the bottom of the page). Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service. of course other community members can still help with issues so if you have any problems with table sizing, browser pop ups etc feel free to start a new thread and post them here.   Thanks everyone.   Rich  
    Posted by Sky_Rich
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    edited March 2011
    Hi Kasparian,

    As stated at the beginning of this thread, you need to provide us with the details outlined so that we can fully investigate any possible issues.

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    edited May 2011
    Iwas playing the £400 bounty hunter tonight when another tourney that I hadn't enterede suddenly appeared with me on it. as a newcomer I got rathered flustered and found the only way to get rid of the rogue tourney was to go all in and lose. In the meantime I was "away" on the bounty hunter and it wouldn't let me back. When it did Ifound that if I tried to see the tournement lobby it came up with the lobby for the other tourney. In the enmd I got so fed up I went all in just to get out of the touney and check my account where it  said I had registered for the rogue tourney at 17.59 (a good trick as I was out at the time and my computer was switced off 
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    edited June 2011
    That was BS, nicely placed in tourney, rubbish connection - from your end sky, fold my Qs and then every other hand, thanks a lot for providing a very poor service.
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    edited August 2011
    hi rich,
            i am new to the forum but i am finding when i post it seems to not go green like all the others, and says this post is closed, (i guess this is why they are being ignored) what am i doing wrong ? please check my recent posts from yesterday and today and let me know, sorry but i am not as young as most of your punters lol.

    kind regards terry.
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    edited September 2011
    OK not sure if this is the right place for this, but its doing my head in !
    In the "Find a Player" section, anyone that puts my Alias in, it just says no player found.......WHY? Please help. Friends and fellow team members find it strange, and since I work away every week , people family etc, need to FIND ME !!!!
    Thanks in advance for any help from SKY_Lee or anyone !
    Always Happy, (HAPPYNIGE4)

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    edited September 2011
    You must have been on the Find-A-Player opt out list from when you originally registered on Sky Poker. 

    If you go into live chat or give customer services a call they can add you back into the Find-A-Player facility.
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    edited January 2012
    I understand ther are correct places to report one off problems.
    But in the last few weeks since the new tourneys arrived there have been major problems that have affected multiple players.
    I am no expert, but the volume of players on the site when problems are experienced always seems to be high which could indicate software problems.
    Sky Customer services are aware of the problems and I believe under the terms of their license agreement should be doing more to keep their customers informed.
    IMO Your thread should be followed for individual problems but not for the mass problems which I have witnessed on at least three occasions recently.
    The service provided by Sky poker Jordan Lee Sam etc seems to be a world apart from the response you get from live chat where its as though you're guilty until proven innocent. I was disgusted My new member bonus and my friends refer a friend bonus were rejected because I had previously taken part in the Sky Super 6 but I believe trading standards are now taking the matter up. 
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    edited May 2012
    i can not see my cards . when it gets to me my hand just gets can i solve this
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    edited June 2012

    hi, i won a seat to the 21:30 £2000 bounty hunter by satelite but i havnt been registered??
    ive tried getting through to live chat but it doesnt seem to be working?
    any ideas as the tourney is 25 mins away!

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    edited July 2012
    Having read all this I think Ive had my questions answererd. Looks like your servers can't handle the demands on them. I was looking foward to playing in sterling & not dollars. Only been playing for 3 days have done well. Can't imagine how much I would win if I could actually play the table Im at instead of losing connection all the time. Your poker program looks good & I want to deposit but am put off by the problems Im having so will play with the free money untill it runs out then move on.
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    edited September 2012
    hi i have entered a tournament the table comes up everything looks good
    but  it does not show me my hand.  and does not allow me even to bet just makes me fold
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    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    hi i have entered a tournament the table comes up everything looks good but  it does not show me my hand.  and does not allow me even to bet just makes me fold
    Posted by charlieone

    Try closing the table and re-open it.

    If this doesn't fix it try closing the table and logging out and then back in again.

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    edited November 2012
    Hi sorry for bothering you, I was playing in the £55 bounty hunter last night, ( 6th-11-12 ) and was very lucky to get almost 158k ahead and was double the second place with only 10 players left I then got booted and by the time I got back on to skypoker I had 16k left and finnished in 5th , I was so annyoed but when ever you call up and ask what the problem was you get told it was your end and there is nothing sky can do about it, I admit I was playing some of the best poker I have ever played and was hoping to reach the top 3 at the very least and I feel so so cheated any advice would be welcome
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    edited November 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical problem? Here's what to do.... [PLEASE READ]:
    i can not see my cards . when it gets to me my hand just gets can i solve this
    Posted by lion64
    I have had this problem many times,the latest was last night,I now close down sky poker and sign in again.Seems to cure the problem,but not to my advantage,lost a load of chips.Has been reported to sky before!
    I have also been having a problem with lag,this happens daily,you press a button but get no immediate response,by the time it responds, you are either folded or checked!
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