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  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Would be interesting to know how many of the 280-odd? runners were Team Sky players.
    Posted by emilyegg
    Whats that you ask emilyegg? some stats? a bit of number crunching?

    Do not fear, I am here.

    In the game against Team Purple there were 285 runners of which 146 were Team Sky players, so that score was fairly even.....We only had about 4% more runners than our opponents.

    The disturbing stat (for me) is the turnout. I am sure this occurs in the other teams too, but it looks like our 146 players last night came from 415 listed as "Team Sky Players". Do not even need the calculator to tell you that the turnout figure is less than 40%.

    We all have commitments, (work/family/Jeremy Kyle/et cetera) but under 40% turnout is very low. FFS even general elections pull a higher turnout.

    I think the problem is that many players just see it as a freeroll, and maybe feel a bit narked that only the final table win any cash. Personally I think the prize structure is great....after all it is TEAM poker and you get personal reward if you make it to the final table. It would be interesting to see what percentage of no-shows the other teams are having though...........
  • edited October 2010
    Excellent work Rob,

    Sorry I saw your first post but couldnt bring myself to do all the stats work.

    Also I had a feeling the news wouldn't be great.


    excellent prayer

    God bless you all

    Father Vaigret
  • edited October 2010
    sorry i have not been around today but just catching up nice work emily and wild love the posts:)
    just about to check yours now father and will post on it then well done all
  • edited October 2010
    just so you all know i've sent the poam to the sky team with a little note see if they respond to it or just deleat it
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    just so you all know i've sent the poam to the sky team with a little note see if they respond to it or just deleat it
    Posted by wild69
    i really hope they take notice and hang there heads in shame
  • edited October 2010
    Hi Team Sky members.

    I'm really sorry i havn't been able to play in this tournament on every occasion.

    --- crap excuse alert----

    Our office has just moved meaning i myself have also recently moved house and am still waiting on the internet to be fitted in my new flat. The lack of internet leaves it really hard for me to play in these evening and weekend games.

    ...crap but true.

    I'll try and give the others a nudge so that you have a better turnout of Sky employees.

    Thanks guys

  • edited October 2010

    My excuse isn't as rubbish as Rich's. I have a 5 month old daughter so when i get home on an evening it's the only time i get to spend with her...

    I did participate in the first match, i was rubbish and came 100th, so you're not missing me in any way :)

    Others should hang their head in shame....

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Hi Team Sky members. I'm really sorry i havn't been able to play in this tournament on every occasion. --- cr*p excuse alert---- Our office has just moved meaning i myself have also recently moved house and am still waiting on the internet to be fitted in my new flat. The lack of internet leaves it really hard for me to play in these evening and weekend games.*p but true. I'll try and give the others a nudge so that you have a better turnout of Sky employees. Thanks guys
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    yes i must agree what a CR*P EXCUSE.
    do you not have internet in the office i think maybe, so work late play the game and get overtime.
    to me a win win situation.
    hope the move goes well.

    ps thanks rich i even had to edit your swear words.

    unlike our tourny's
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Hi, My excuse isn't as rubbish as Rich's. I have a 5 month old daughter so when i get home on an evening it's the only time i get to spend with her... I did participate in the first match, i was rubbish and came 100th, so you're not missing me in any way :) Others should hang their head in shame.... Lee
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    cograts lee and very understandable.
    but if you get your daughter to help you whilst playing you might even make the top 30.
    all the best and give her a cuddle from the team.
  • edited October 2010
    all team members plz read

    (we are not alone)

    There was an administrative error which meant that Queenie appeared on both Orange and Yellow team when they were only supposed to appear on the Orange team. I can understand your annoyance and it is very unfortunate that it settled the game. However at this stage we can't replay the match and we can't reverse the result.

    When the Sky Poker Premiership is settled and the top four teams are assigned to their freerolls, we may look at this issue again. If we think that the Yellows finishing position was hindered by this issue, we may bump up the value of their freeroll (should they finish in the top four).



    other teams are having problems tooooo, lol
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY : cograts lee and very understandable. but if you get your daughter to help you whilst playing you might even make the top 30. all the best and give her a cuddle from the team.
    Posted by silver8ack
    Congrats Lee, & gl Team sky on Sunday!

    I get mi dog HitPup to help me in TEAMRED, But didna realise how useless he was 'live', I took him to 'Poker in the park' at leicester square on tube lolol
    We made final table in the 'Bodog open' only to realise, everytime we got a good hand, his tail started wagging, That 'fish' Neil Channing spotted it, and we got knocked out!!

    Neil Said, I Was "The first poker player he'd seen play live with a Monkey & a Daschund"..............
    .............I'm such a ground breaker LOLOL
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Hi, My excuse isn't as rubbish as Rich's. I have a 5 month old daughter so when i get home on an evening it's the only time i get to spend with her... I did participate in the first match, i was rubbish and came 100th, so you're not missing me in any way :) Others should hang their head in shame.... Lee
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    why is your 5 month old daughter still up at 8 and 9pm which is when our matches have started? if you guys can't be bothered to play just say so.
  • edited October 2010
    Are you questioning my parenting techniques wild69? :)
    she's in bed usually by 9.30 at the moment, the time of her last feed! That isn't the only time she sleeps!

    Thanks Hitman & Silver8ack
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Are you questioning my parenting techniques wild69? :) she's in bed usually by 9.30 at the moment, the time of her last feed! That isn't the only time she sleeps! Thanks Hitman & Silver8ack
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    hi lee
    yvw with regards to your family life.
    but can you do me a favour and get as many of the SKY workers who are ment to be playing to read this post plz.

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Are you questioning my parenting techniques wild69? :) she's in bed usually by 9.30 at the moment, the time of her last feed! That isn't the only time she sleeps! Thanks Hitman & Silver8ack
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    Easily solution, Lee. Play the tournament even if the little lady is still up, call their bet, raise a baby, sorted.

    More seriously though, the Sky team do work incredibly hard and long hours with stuff that goes on behind the scenes so the occasional lapse when it comes to the 'relaxing' part is to be expected. Please do bear with them!

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY : Easily solution, Lee. Play the tournament even if the little lady is still up, call their bet, raise a baby, sorted. More seriously though, the Sky team do work incredibly hard and long hours with stuff that goes on behind the scenes so the occasional lapse when it comes to the 'relaxing' part is to be expected. Please do bear with them! Thanks, Dave
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    i understand your comments dave, but in all fiarness how can we expect to get support from all team members to play this game ie 400 and odd in the team 146 register, when you guys are letting us down to, it is only right that at least 1 or 2 of you play the game you all i presume helped to organise and show some support.
    plz to not get me wrong i am very glad of these game's as they are free and sky do a great job of these events (most times) but with this event i think everybody feels that it has kinda floped.
    but do not stop them as they will be missed and we can not get everything right all the time as poker show's us
    your loyal supporter
  • edited October 2010
    Hi all,

    I have no problem with the excuses and I can understand that working for sky shouldn't mean you have to work your social life around them too, and of course in Lee's case family must come first. 

    My problem was why the hell were you all entered into it in the first place unless you could give it 100%.

    God bless you for all your work on our behalf.


    TEAMS in place awaiting and you can even have your Team Sky team of ten. That will be easy points for the other teams.  
  • edited October 2010
    sundays game up in the lobby lets give our best this week and get as many registered as poss we really could do with a win but another draw would be great.

    gl all

    go get them team sky
  • edited October 2010

    Never fear team the cavalry are coming.

    Apparently the New Poker League prize is entry into our team .

    Yes if you win you become a member  of Team Sky.


    and I thought that would be a booby prize.

    Of course they will come too late to save us!!!!! 

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Never fear team the cavalry are coming. Apparently the New Poker League prize is entry into our team . Yes if you win you become a member  of Team Sky. LOL and I thought that would be a booby prize. Of course they will come too late to save us!!!!! 
    Posted by vaigret
    wow father that sounds good even more no shows lol
    and do not forget all everyone yes everyone who registers for and plays in this week's tourny will get entry into monday's £250 freeroll.
    so come on team sky get in there and play your guts out for the team its worth it this week.
    but most of all remember the word team
  • edited October 2010
    our motto for sunday nights game

  • edited October 2010
    Hi silver8ack

    LOL the prizes are to another Team Sky, they should have fun come the end of October!!!

    Come on Team we can win tomoz , as practice and to get your individual tendencies out of the way play in the Fantasy Football freeroll at 18.00 on Sunday.

    Then by 8.30 tune yourself into team play, remember no knicking teammates blinds and we will win.

    Then you can return as an individual in the Monday freeroll

    God bless you all

    Father Vaigret  
  • edited October 2010
    hi vaigret i have left u a pm plz read.

    gl all tonight and as father said the team must work together and get them points
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    our motto for sunday nights game
    Posted by silver8ack
    AND....just where would u like your REDMEAT inserted sir?

    LOL !!  REDHitman
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY : AND....just where would u like your REDMEAT inserted sir? LOL !!  REDHitman
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    well htiman from what i here you would like this!

    but me and the team prefer this

    and very R   A    Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  • edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010

    ps, Brave Warrior Foe silver8ack........................................

           ya cute lil' REDHAT!!!!       X
  • edited October 2010
    that's there just to confuse your team mate's or no show as it seem's at the mo
  • edited October 2010
    come on team sky lets up our game starting 2nite
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