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  • edited November 2010
    Hey `guys,

    I have an online guild in a major well known Game. ```All my guys wanted me to run a raid tonight so i was doing that whilst talking to them over ventrilo and playing poker on my other computer... ~I must do thids more often as it seems to work..

    Nice meeting you all and loking forward to seeing you next time around


  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY : some players just do not know what a team is
    Posted by mrhappy38

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Hey `guys, I have an online guild in a major well known Game. ```All my guys wanted me to run a raid tonight so i was doing that whilst talking to them over ventrilo and playing poker on my other computer... ~I must do thids more often as it seems to work.. Nice meeting you all and loking forward to seeing you next time around Regards
    Posted by Magicalman
    well done with the win....
  • edited November 2010

    PS... Don't expect me to get to the final table again.. that was a once off occurrence
  • edited November 2010
    this is totally amazing :)

    all i can say is thank you to everyone i know if i had enough belief in you all we would eventually have a team we can be proud of.

    we won guys and i for one want to say how proud i am of you all and thank you for playing such a good game together.

    some of you how r still having problems with team players if you can not get through to them then site hold tight till you know you have the nuts then take them out. but lets hope we do not have to do that to much as team play counts as it has showen tonight.

    father it has been a plesure working with you and the rest of the guys thank you for all your hard work :)

    team sky have arrived

    ps thanks to all sky mod players for there efforts to night and supporting the team :)
  • edited November 2010
    well done team sky,excellent team play,
  • edited November 2010
     well done all sorry i couldn't help today but like most stories i'm hearing on here tonight we still have team-mates wanting to play for themselves, from now on if we see them players i will take them out and i won't feel bad if anyone else takes them out.
     we have a good team here with a good chat too so i'm not going to let players that want to play for themselves get anything.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
      well done all sorry i couldn't help today but like most stories i'm hearing on here tonight we still have team-mates wanting to play for themselves, from now on if we see them players i will take them out and i won't feel bad if anyone else takes them out.  we have a good team here with a good chat too so i'm not going to let players that want to play for themselves get anything.  
    Posted by wild69
    +1  wild totally agree
    thanks for the support tonight tooo :)
  • edited November 2010
    I had to put at least one sky member in his place.... it's going to happen, so the best advice is like wot silver said try to take them out, if they are not going to play a team game then teach them a lesson.....
  • edited November 2010

    Hellasher you are right you did finish 13 and i gave you those points in my official sheet.

    Sorry to have it wrong on the thread.

    Sorry your team lost. i think!!!

    Well done magicalman.

    Wild- the trouble is most of these non team players get big stacks and bully all and sundry so it is difficult to get them out and make sure you get points for the team. Also you can bet they then dont reach the points in the end. 

    God bless all Team Sky team players.
    We will prevail in the end 

  • edited November 2010
    very true father i do agree but all i am say ing is that agianst these people you should play your own game and not think of them as part of the team.
    i think lol
  • edited November 2010

     well done all some great team work tonight very positive ,

     i believe a lot of players are confused as to the reasons to play as a team ,

     can father vaig or silver plzz explain in simple terms why its best to do so !


  • edited November 2010

    I have been reading the last few threads so may i share my thoughts which may help understand why some dont play as a team.

    This is my first real game with Sky. Admittedly I was involved in last month's game but only played in one and was knocked out early.

    If the rest are like me i don't think they realise about the ongoing forum or the threads. They also wont realise to insert "Team Sky" in their profile. 

    Well, by now you will all realise that i have only realised this tonight, in fact, it was when silver mentioned about the sky players left and I asked him how he knew.. (what a nab I am !!)

    May I suggest that if you come across a player who is in the team and doesn't have "TEAM SKY" in their profile then assume they just aren't aware. If you bring them up to speed then they will feel welcome and part of the team and, no doubt, perform better.

    Only my thoughts but hope they help!
  • edited November 2010
    well said denis lol

    the reason we play as a team in this comp is to get as many players into the top 30 positions . this is so we can achieve max possible points. so as we get the win once we have got the win from there on it is every man for himself ( the wins will always be on my table or the main table of players for everyone to c.) these are usually posted by team members such as vaigrat and wild and mrhappy to name a few.

    we need the points first so as we can get through to the next round and we go on to win this comp which we will do then we all benefit from a £500 freeroll just for team players so it is free money all round just for a little cooperation.

    i think that's about right.
    plz feel free to correct me anybody :)
  • edited November 2010
    Well, to be fair a lot of the players are the same as in the last competition... so there isn't really any excuses for not team play. Only the new players really have an excuse as they probably may not know how things work. Luckily though the majority of us are playing as a team. That majority has prevailed and won so I don't think we need to worry about the rest aslong as the current team players carry on :)
  • edited November 2010

    Agree Silver8ack.

    Dennis  too tired to give a masterclass at mo. might be able to sometime but hopefully skipper can do it.
    However main idea of Team Poker is to keep as many of your team in the game whereas normal poker you want to build your pot over everything else. 
    At early tables you look to get rid of opponents and keep your team in, ie dont nick their blinds etc. 
    If as like tonite 4 team sky and two aways just fold and share aways. You all come out of a table with nice stacks and loads of players have gone. Tonite for instance by the time our table disrupted we were all in top 200. Pity that play messed up by a team mate who if he had joined in we could have folded round for another period and all emerged into opposition territory around the top 90 or so.

    In effect the more people from your team who can stay in means you have more chance of winning . Simples really and to a certain extent chip stack size doesnt matter as much.

    Moral of story

    White BIG STACK feeds lots of SKY piranhas       

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Well, to be fair a lot of the players are the same as in the last competition... so there isn't really any excuses for not team play. Only the new players really have an excuse as they probably may not know how things work. Luckily though the majority of us are playing as a team. That majority has prevailed and won so I don't think we need to worry about the rest aslong as the current team players carry on :)
    Posted by Razbo
    i wish somebody would explain it to our team!iv been tellin then before day one!!brick wall seems to come to mind!!!!
  • edited November 2010
    true razbo and i am sure that with the team players that we have and any future players we can convert will win this cup and bring it back to our club house to site proudly on our shelf.

    were father will pray as we kneel down before the holy cup of sky

    blessed are thy sky
  • edited November 2010

    Well done again for tonite

    Agree with your comments and we must keep trying to convert people.
    In the main on this thread we are talking about people who dont want to be converted.  I say str8 away who is Team sky  on the table, welcome them and encourage them to play for the team. Most do and that is why we are improving but others just play for themselves. 

    I will keep trying to convert and leave Silver8ack to eat the non beleivers. missionary work is so much fun LOL

    God bless you my son

    Father Vaigret
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Hellasher you are right you did finish 13 and i gave you those points in my official sheet. Sorry to have it wrong on the thread. Sorry your team lost. i think!!! Well done magicalman. Wild- the trouble is most of these non team players get big stacks and bully all and sundry so it is difficult to get them out and make sure you get points for the team. Also you can bet they then dont reach the points in the end.  God bless all Team Sky team players.   We will prevail in the end 
    Posted by vaigret
    I'm from Team Yellow and it seems all the teams have rogue members. There was one particular team member on my table who kept targeting our players non-stop even after I warned him what he was doing. My biggest regret was not taking him out on numerous occasions in the hope he would see sense but he couldn't give a damn. I don't think he knocked a single opposition player out....but plenty of ours....what a peanut.
    Is it no wonder there seems to be a lot of these kind of sour posts going around and I feel really sorry for all the team captains as they have worked tirelessly trying to take on board the importance of team-work and to help each other out when possible.
    I posted this here just to let you know you're not the only team suffering in your next game,... Billy
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY : I'm from Team Yellow and it seems all the teams have rogue members. There was one particular team member on my table who kept targeting our players non-stop even after I warned him what he was doing. My biggest regret was not taking him out on numerous occasions in the hope he would see sense but he couldn't give a damn. I don't think he knocked a single opposition player out....but plenty of ours....what a peanut. Is it no wonder there seems to be a lot of these kind of sour posts going around and I feel really sorry for all the team captains as they have worked tirelessly trying to take on board the importance of team-work  and to help each other out when possible. I posted this here just to let you know you're not the only team suffering in your next game,... Billy
    Posted by billyboots
    nice to know .thanks
  • edited November 2010

    Thanks for your comments and yes these are the players i am talking about.

    I dont mind players who haven't played Team poker before and dont know the nuances of it and who then try their best to take it on board.

    The ones I cant stand are the ones who deliberately play against their team and who you know will mess it up when the going gets tough.

    Father Vaigret
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    Billy Thanks for your comments and yes these are the players i am talking about. I dont mind players who haven't played Team poker before and dont know the nuances of it and who then try their best to take it on board. The ones I cant stand are the ones who deliberately play against their team and who you know will mess it up when the going gets tough. Father Vaigret  
    Posted by vaigret
    Thank you Father.....I know how many posts you have submitted on this particular subject and a fair few other passionate team-captains and's because you all want the best for everyone.
    It's been gr8 for person's like myself ( ie: play for small stakes etc but never meet anyone in live play only on-line) to get involved with the SKY this respect, it has been v. successful......Billy  
  • edited November 2010

    My first game for Team Sky, as last time couldn't connect. I enjoyed the game but found it annoying early doors as only 1 or 2 players at my table and not a clue if they were in my team or not.

    I would like to apologize to Jonno as I found him on my table early on and we were the only 2! He kept raising me and I eventually pushed with a slightly bigger stack. He had aces I turned a straight. He was Team Sky I didn't know.

    I have changed my address to Team Sky, why don't we all do this.



    ps Fantastic interaction with other players including opposing players.


    Good Times
  • edited November 2010
    Must admit the banter between the other players was great fun even after being knocked out by my own team m8, But thats poker he had the best hand but he also took the father out at the same time!! (Father called my AK with A7 lol) I believe a pr of 10's won it?


    Where do you find out which team 1 overall

    Cheers Jo
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: TEAM SKY:
    I have been reading the last few threads so may i share my thoughts which may help understand why some dont play as a team. This is my first real game with Sky. Admittedly I was involved in last month's game but only played in one and was knocked out early. If the rest are like me i don't think they realise about the ongoing forum or the threads. They also wont realise to insert "Team Sky" in their profile.  Well, by now you will all realise that i have only realised this tonight, in fact, it was when silver mentioned about the sky players left and I asked him how he knew.. (what a nab I am !!) May I suggest that if you come across a player who is in the team and doesn't have "TEAM SKY" in their profile then assume they just aren't aware. If you bring them up to speed then they will feel welcome and part of the team and, no doubt, perform better. Only my thoughts but hope they help!
    Posted by Magicalman
    i do agree with that but i don't have Team Sky in my name cos for some reason it won't let me and i know others that are the same so if you can't put Team Sky in your name you MUST tell ppl on your table you are Team Sky and then play as a team.
  • edited November 2010
     ok we are all still going on about non-team players GUYS WE WON yes we do have them so do other teams but we are getting better and the non team players are the ones that don't read this page.
     Lets all start thinking ++++++++  we have a good team here now that know how to play together if we see the FEW non team players we try and get them to join the team if not we don't need them.
     Just remember it's semi-finals time 2 wins away from the cup all think happy thoughts, and Father will pray for us.
  • edited November 2010

    Well said Wild

    "Positive vibes Moriarty"

    As you so rightly say people who come to this thread are the ones who want to take this comp seriously , the untrained and great unwashed will never see the light.

    I have my confessional open for all sinners and I have already chastised myself for my silly call last night. I had a complete abberation as Scoundrel quite rightly highlights. 50 lashes enjoyed immensely.

    God bless all Team Sky players in the week ahead and onward christian soldiers to next tuesday.

    Father Vaigret  

  • edited November 2010
    I just gotta laugh at Vaigret and his "lets play as a team, and don`t raise or call against team members"........he called my all in with silly cards(in the team event).....lmao
  • edited November 2010


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