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Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....



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    edited April 2011
    Great result Tony WD m8
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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney.... : What's this, you appear to have copied and pasted your name in place of the winner of this donkfest. Good work.
    Posted by mmmchips
    Lol, thanks guys, its was epic hu, luckily i think my good looks put him off slightly
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    edited April 2011
    Tony i actually love u, so no need for these private lessons? god damn it!!! :( talk about running bad, ill tweet u in a bit mo fo xx
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    edited April 2011
    OMG i actually won one, no 2nd for me this time innit.

    took down tonights TSP classic. sweet.
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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    OMG i actually won one, no 2nd for me this time innit. took down tonights TSP classic. sweet.
    Posted by hurst05
    Well done Hurst, thought u were a tad unlucky in the Cash TSP tourney, so I guess you deserve this one.
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    edited April 2011
    gooner553060001£103.28 + £77.41 Head Prizes + 40 League Points15 
    bexpass02£60.05 + £17.53 Head Prizes + 36 League Points6 
    ALEX2903£42.08 + £7.03 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3
    Not bad for a nights work ;)
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    edited April 2011
    Just won another lickle tourney, HU - A10 v AJ binked a 10, happy days

    SUPERSNEDD620001£29 + 10 League PointsSpyder_Pig02£17.40 + 8 League PointsGaryQQQ03£11.60 + 6 League PointsTJBaZa25044 League Points
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    edited April 2011
    I'm loving these new tournament structures, I've had a series of final tables over the last few days and just took this one down;

    (I rivered a 2-outer when all-in 5 handed, but I'll take it! Also I had to play most of the the Saturday Survivor Round 5 while HU in this tourney, got through in that too)

    6-00pm £250 Gtd.
    Player NameChipsRankPrizeHeadsValue
    GaryQQQ620001£100 + 20 League Points
    breaksy02£62.50 + 16 League Points
    dodgylgit03£37.50 + 12 League Points
    loopylisa04£27.50 + 8 League Points
    dumdg05£22.50 + 4 League Points
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    edited April 2011
    cheers SNEDD.

    thought i was finally going to take primo down, previous results were 3rd and 5th and i played so well. just missed alot of flops when 3 handed. a nice cash never the less.

    azzyj4480001£3375SUPERNOVA02£1937.50 + 152 League Pointshurst0503£1312.50 + 144 League PointsRowRow2104£1000 + 136 League Pointsscouse151505£875 + 128 League Pointsmag7006£750 + 120 League Points
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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    cheers SNEDD. thought i was finally going to take primo down, previous results were 3rd and 5th and i played so well. just missed alot of flops when 3 handed. a nice cash never the less. azzyj 448000 1 £3375 SUPERNOVA 0 2 £1937.50 + 152 League Points hurst05 0 3 £1312.50 + 144 League Points RowRow21 0 4 £1000 + 136 League Points scouse1515 0 5 £875 + 128 League Points mag70 0 6 £750 + 120 League Points
    Posted by hurst05

    WD m8 and WP

    and to Supernova too WD both.

    I tried to stay up and rail for the last half hour or so but I had the worst headache :(

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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    cheers SNEDD. thought i was finally going to take primo down, previous results were 3rd and 5th and i played so well. just missed alot of flops when 3 handed. a nice cash never the less. azzyj 448000 1 £3375 SUPERNOVA 0 2 £1937.50 + 152 League Points hurst05 0 3 £1312.50 + 144 League Points RowRow21 0 4 £1000 + 136 League Points scouse1515 0 5 £875 + 128 League Points mag70 0 6 £750 + 120 League Points
    Posted by hurst05
    To win would be Minty Bullet, but the cash for final table is always a nice softener.  I've managed a 4th and 6th in the Primo but would love the 1st spot, definitely the one to take down and £1,300 certainly gives you plenty of buy ins to try and rip it up.

    Good luck m8
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    edited April 2011
    I won a small field £50 Gtd Speed tournament yesterday. (47 runners)

      Tynian1670001£32.40 + 10 League Pointswillie02£20.25 + 8 League Pointsmorfeusz0503£12.15 + 6 League Pointscrosscheck04£8.91 + 4 League Pointsstuart4305£7.29
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    edited April 2011

    there u go played 6pm & 7pms today pm was 13th 6pm obv...

    1YOUNG_GUN - £90 + 20 League Points2woods1963 - £56.25 + 16 League Points3embam - £33.75 + 12 League Points4lcfcfan14 - £24.75 + 8 League Points5evsbach - £20.25 + 4 League Points

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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    there u go played 6pm & 7pms today pm was 13th 6pm obv... 1 YOUNG_GUN - £90 + 20 League Points 2 woods1963 - £56.25 + 16 League Points 3 embam - £33.75 + 12 League Points 4 lcfcfan14 - £24.75 + 8 League Points 5 evsbach - £20.25 + 4 League Points
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Nice one mate....I have some good news too :)

    £11 BH @ 9.30pm, 190 runners and.......boom
    splashies3800001£256.50 + £70.54 Head Prizes + 50 League Points5 
    Tspark02£149.15 + £78.56 Head Prizes + 46 League Points9 
    THEPUPPY03£104.50 + £31.76 Head Prizes + 38 League Points5 
    superss04£85.50 + £19.93 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3 
    raymon196905£69.35 + £8.90 Head Prizes + 28 League Points1 
    CARPI06£57 + £61.95 Head Prizes + 24 League Points8
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    edited April 2011
    nice one splashead, tbf reason i havent been posting as much as playing not as many tourneys and missing all the soft ones i kept winning. ones been playing have been the Mains which im not getting the luck and are a bit tougher lol

    Dunno whether will keep posting in here tho as last night i had a thought far too much gloating, fair enough if i won the open or primo, but these other ones are tiddlywinks innit :P

    So until my primo win Gl all...
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    edited April 2011
    A win is a win, (coming from a northampton fan who haven't won for 18 games!) I think you should keep posting them, it's always good to how well people are doing.

    Good luck in the ME quest!
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    edited April 2011

    Young Gun dont give up m8 I enjoy trying to out do you...........which isn't difficult lol ;-)
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    edited April 2011
    Well i did win 1 last night, played TSP Classic-Failed, 10pm £500gtd 53 runners £11

    Won £159, But was bit lucky hu was 25k vs scotty's 75ish and got lucky to take the lead, yeah i run too good ;)

    Cant post actual result as cant find it in finished tournaments??
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    edited April 2011
    Good to see you back, knew you couldn't resist it.
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    edited April 2011
    i wasnt going to but u did say ;)
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    edited April 2011
    Splashead wat happened with tourney u were in last 5 last night? no more searches left surely u took it down?
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    edited April 2011
    Just took another dinky one down

    SUPERSNEDD650001£46.50 + 10 League Pointsequaliser02£27.90 + 8 League Pointstonyglfc03£18.60 + 6 League Points
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    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Splashead wat happened with tourney u were in last 5 last night? no more searches left surely u took it down?
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Nah came 4th for about £115, was outdraw city on that FT. Good result though!
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    edited April 2011
    yeah nice one mate, nice one supersnedd

    I min cashed velo so far and shud cash at least £750 gtd lets hope i take it down
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    edited May 2011

    back on a winning streak i hope just took down 200 deepstack awhile ago 98quid

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    edited May 2011
    3rd in primo 2nd week running. had some luck and won flips on my way to the FT. had bad luck and lost a big flip on the FT. ce la ve

        axeman5040001£3402 + 160 League PointsVILLAINS02£1953 + 152 League Pointshurst0503£1323 + 144 League Pointsoffshoot04£1008 + 136 League Pointsnervesof05£882 + 128 League PointsBenSherman06£756 + 120 League Points
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    edited May 2011
    Unlucky not to take it down Hursty.

    Two 3rds in two weeks is pretty impressive though.
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    edited May 2011
    Had a gd result in the ME last night, came 3rd for around £550.

    Had a day off work today so decided to play the 3pm £200gtd with 42 runners.
    splashies840001£84 + 20 League Points
    martin11102£52.50 + 16 League Points
    VINCE195703£31.50 + 12 League Points
    MASSIE2904£23.10 + 8 League Points
    eskimo21605£18.90 + 4 League Points
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    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Had a gd result in the ME last night, came 3rd for around £550. Had a day off work today so decided to play the 3pm £200gtd with 42 runners. splashies 84000 1 £84 + 20 League Points martin111 0 2 £52.50 + 16 League Points VINCE1957 0 3 £31.50 + 12 League Points MASSIE29 0 4 £23.10 + 8 League Points eskimo216 0 5 £18.90 + 4 League Points
    Posted by splashies
    Don't think you've failed to go deep in a tourny since u owned me on that cash table.

    I'll take 0.1%

    gg wp!
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    edited May 2011
    Wow, that's red hot form Splashies, your Sharkscope graph looks superb. Very well played.
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