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Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....



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    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Wow, that's red hot form Splashies, your Sharkscope graph looks superb. Very well played.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Thank you mate its been a good few weeks :)
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    edited May 2011
    took down the 750 10.30 bh tourny really good game 135 quid plus 95 in heads

    happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    edited May 2011
    Well done dub...

    Has anyone won anything in the last week. Come on, lets revive this thread!
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    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Well done dub... Has anyone won anything in the last week. Come on, lets revive this thread!
    Posted by splashies
    I can't win flips at the moment, let alone tournaments. Hopefully other forum members are having success. Come on guys, cheer me up with some success stories.
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    edited May 2011
    DOHHHHHHH2340001£324 + 50 League Pointsgixxerk402£188.40 + 46 League PointsDDEN03£132 + 38 League PointsTAURUS6704£108 + 32 League PointsLJ_Elson7205£87.60 + 28 League Pointsboggo06£72 + 24 League Points
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    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    DOHHHHHHH 234000 1 £324 + 50 League Points gixxerk4 0 2 £188.40 + 46 League Points DDEN 0 3 £132 + 38 League Points TAURUS67 0 4 £108 + 32 League Points LJ_Elson72 0 5 £87.60 + 28 League Points boggo 0 6 £72 + 24 League Points
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    whoahh what's this? TSP Classic?

    Very pleased to see you back in the winners enclosure! wp.
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    edited May 2011
    Having lucked my way to 3rd in yesterday afternoon's 2.20 Deep Stack, I have managed to win it this afternoon.

    As a relative newbie I'm very chuffed.

    Brag over.  Thank you.
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    edited May 2011
    DOHHHHHHH2540001£342.90 + 50 League Pointsbubuvale02£199.39 + 46 League Pointsnaseem03£139.70 + 38 League Pointsstokefc04£114.30 + 32 League Pointskosb1405£92.71 + 28 League Pointssemaj0806£76.20 + 24 League Pointssammy55007£63.50 + 20 League PointsIGUANAKID08£50.80 + 16 League Pointsspideryd1709£38.10 + 12 League PointsSPARKEY999010£25.40 + 8 League PointsUDDER034011£12.70 + 4 League Pointsskn18012£12.70 + 4 League Pointsratbag013£12.70 + 4 League Pointsborderfox014£12.70 + 4 League Pointssalty22015£12.70 + 4 League Pointssimonnatur016£12.70 + 4 League PointsTheDart017£12.70 + 4 League Pointsscarce018£12.70 + 4 League Pointsbubbles10019£12.70groarke020£12.70
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    edited May 2011
    ez game innit WP dohhhh keep up the good work dont have day of today play the main and TID
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    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    DOHHHHHHH 254000 1 £342.90 + 50 League Points bubuvale 0 2 £199.39 + 46 League Points naseem 0 3 £139.70 + 38 League Points stokefc 0 4 £114.30 + 32 League Points
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    VERY, VERY, VERY well done ! 
    I watched TSP last night for the last couple of hours and when I joined & looked in the lobby you were about iirc 24/27!!!  You made some astonishing (for me anyway) moves to get from there & on the final table. 
    I learned a lot!  

    Also, well done all the other players for making the FT.

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    edited May 2011

    Just got back from my jollies in Corfu for a week and couldn't wait to get back on the poker tables after doing sweet fa apart from laze around a pool and bar and seem to have brought back the midas touch.

    Let's hope this doesn't put the dreaded curse on it......;-)

    27 May - £500 Guaranteed at 22:00

    skn181440001£201.60 + 40 League PointsSUPERSNEDD02£122.40 + 36 League Pointsfunnyguy03£86.40 + 28 League PointsMAXMAX12304£72 + 22 League Pointsmmandyy05£57.60 + 18 League PointsBrowny56306£50.40 + 14 League Pointslee10007£43.20 + 10 League Pointsbackler1008£36 + 6 League Pointsweezy8909£28.80jawzindawz010£21.60

    28 May - £500 BH at 20:45

    SUPERSNEDD1500001£87.50 + £32.26 Head Prizes + 30 League Points4 CROQUET02£53.12 + £14.80 Head Prizes + 26 League Points6 sonicboom103£37.50 + £18.15 Head Prizes + 22 League Points7 Pvt_GUY04£31.25 + £14 Head Prizes + 18 League Points5 Jag72705£25 + £6.68 Head Prizes + 14 League Points3 angelofthe06£21.88 + £11.84 Head Prizes + 10 League Points5 DawesyBoy07£18.75 + 8 League Points0 pmcnally08£15.62 + £21.09 Head Prizes + 6 League Points9 tia96909£12.50 + £3.76 Head Prizes2 92boi010£9.38 + £3.76 Head Prizes2
    28 May - £300 Guaranteed at 20:50

    SUPERSNEDD1010001£150 + 20 League Pointssnapcall02£90 + 16 League Pointssuzy66603£60 + 12 League Points

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    edited May 2011
    Wow, good work Supersnedd, that's the next holiday paid for! It's amazing how often players run super hot after an enforced break from the tables.
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    edited May 2011
    Monday nights Take on Tikay, in the forum DTD. £2.20 buy-in.
    splashies3225001£69.66 + 20 League Points
    Ploppy3302£40.51 + 16 League Points
    Spikelad03£28.38 + 14 League Points
    Quietman04£23.22 + 12 League Points
    Donald305£18.83 + 10 League Points
    realroma0806£15.48 + 8 League Points
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    edited June 2011

    Just won a £250 BH

    SUPERSNEDD1200001£45 + £30.08 Head Prizes + 30 League Points5 bongkerz2202£30 + £21.56 Head Prizes + 26 League Points9 karlluke03£21 + £14.99 Head Prizes + 22 League Points6 mouse167604£15 + £5.64 Head Prizes + 18 League Points3 XXKIPXX05£12 + £8.08 Head Prizes + 14 League Points3 moses12306£10.50 + £1.88 Head Prizes + 10 League Points1 Burt9007£9 + £7.52 Head Prizes + 8 League Points4 ziggyalive08£7.50 + £5.64 Head Prizes + 6 League Points3
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    edited June 2011
    Tonights £5.50 7pm £250Gtd

    splashies960001£100 + 20 League PointsChipsOTool02£62.50 + 16 League PointsHeavy2203£37.50 + 12 League PointsJosef_Gree04£27.50 + 8 League PointsEBBERDON05£22.50 + 4 League Points
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    edited June 2011

    Running well at the moment, just won the 8.50pm £300 Gtd

    SUPERSNEDD1410001£134 + 20 League Pointshenners1002£83.75 + 16 League PointsPgdL03£50.25 + 12 League PointsEOINSON04£36.85 + 8 League Pointsskicowboys05£30.15 + 4 League Points
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    edited June 2011
    some nice results! good to see u running well supersnedd
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    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    some nice results! good to see u running well supersnedd
    Posted by waller02
    Cheers mate, we haven't spoke in a while.

    How's it going on either dyms or mtts, I know you were undecided about which discipline to concentrate on?
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    edited June 2011
    These are only small ones, but after a barren month in May I'll happily take 'em;
    GaryQQQ940001£18.80 + £12.24 Head Prizes + 10 League Points7 
    power198302£11.75 + £5.85 Head Prizes + 8 League Points4 
    inverted03£7.05 + £0.94 Head Prizes + 6 League Points1 
    Albrecht0104£5.17 + £4.99 Head Prizes + 4 League Points6 
    mancity1105£4.23 + £1.22 Head Prizes + 2 League Points1 
    LIP36606£3.19 Head Prizes
    GaryQQQ400001£10 + £8.93 Head Prizes + 10 League Points5 
    stealth45502£6 + 8 League Points0 
    dj_fixate03£4 + £0.75 Head Prizes + 6 League Points1 
    Grace04£2.82 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3 
    BJOH515105£3.75 Head Prizes + 2 League Points5 
    kumara1306 0
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    edited June 2011
    nice one gary it is nice to break a barren spell no matter how much it is

    keep up the good work mate
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    edited June 2011

    Just won the 8:20pm £100 Guaranteed 

    SUPERSNEDD600001£70 + 20 League Pointsmanx_boy02£42 + 16 League Pointshutchi03£28 + 12 League Points
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    edited June 2011
    not a bad start to today after having a bad day yesterday
    gooner55760001£38 £34.90 Head Prizes 20 League Points 8 Poker Points7£10.58
    Martin43602£23.75 £12.18 Head Prizes 16 League Points 8 Poker Points5 
    farkstar03£14.25 £1.88 Head Prizes 12 League Points 8 Poker Points1 
    rev2604£10.45 £12.20 Head Prizes 8 League Points 8 Poker Points6 
    ebo11105£8.55 4 League Points 8 Poker Points0 
    cyall06£3.76 Head Prizes 8 Poker Points2 
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    edited June 2011
    Another little win hopefully it continues ;)
    gooner55800001£36 + £12.15 Head Prizes + 10 League Points4 
    Popeye74702£22.50 + £5.46 Head Prizes + 8 League Points3 
    EASYFIX03£13.50 + £7.38 Head Prizes + 6 League Points4 
    My7hus04£9.90 + 4 League Points0 
    Bandit194905£8.10 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 2 League Points1 
    nugget196806£7.33 Head Prizes6
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    edited June 2011

    Well done Gooner

    I won the 11:30 BH but thought at one point I had no chance.

    6 left, 5 got paid and I had knocked nobody out.

    Blinds were 300/600, I was utg with 930 chips, and I trebled up and then hit just about every board.

    SUPERSNEDD680001£34 + £24.94 Head Prizes + 20 League Points5 vodkashot66602£21.25 + £4.22 Head Prizes + 16 League Points2 redrom703£12.75 + £8.45 Head Prizes + 12 League Points4 fizzy3204£9.35 + £4.92 Head Prizes + 8 League Points2 BIGROG05£7.65 + £6.56 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3
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    edited June 2011
    Ty m8 u didnt do too bad urself coming back like that vwd nice cash! ;)
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    edited June 2011
    Took down tonights Survivor final.  Unlucky to lyonsbob06 who was an excellent headsup opponent.  Also well done to harbin, eatmyset  and spudgun, the last two I believe have both cashed in previous Survivor games.

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    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Took down tonights Survivor final.  Unlucky to lyonsbob06 who was an excellent headsup opponent.  Also well done to harbin, eatmyset  and spudgun, the last two I believe have both cashed in previous Survivor games. Kiwini4u 68000 1 £870.40 lyonsbob06 0 2 £544 harbin1970 0 3 £326.40 eatmyset 0 4 £239.36 spudgun720 0 5 £195.84
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    Very nice result. At which point in the week did you enter?
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    edited June 2011

    DOHHHHHHH700001£80 + 20 League PointsTENOFSPADE02£50 + 16 League Pointsshearer06003£30 + 12 League Pointso_hara0804£22 + 8 League PointsGaryQQQ05£18 + 4 League Points
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    edited June 2011

    Won the League Stars tourney on Sunday night, although anywhere in the top 5 would have done.  £220 worth of free entry to the £8k Sunday Roller will do very nicely ;-)

    SUPERSNEDD5550001Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerdrumahai0502Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerdantb1003Entry to £8k Sunday Rollernagrom04Entry to £8k Sunday Rollergooner5505Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerphelan0506Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerWacko9007Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerCHILLIE08Entry to £5,000 Sky Rollermrg709Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerBOYDID010Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerLiberachi7011Entry to £5,000 Sky Rollercassa012Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerBULLYBOY10013Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerFORDYCE014Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerHarrycat33015Entry to £5,000 Sky Roller
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    edited June 2011

    20:50 £300 Guaranteed tonight

    SUPERSNEDD1000001£150 + 20 League Pointsequaliser02£90 + 16 League Pointspin-it03£60 + 12 League Points

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