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Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....



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    edited July 2011
    took down 250 deepstack earlier £100  1st win in awhile good few final tables last fortnight
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    edited July 2011

    Well done dubmaster, keep them coming (as long as we're not in the same compo ;-))
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    edited July 2011

      I won the £250 TSP Lite on Wednesday 29th June
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    edited July 2011

    Waller02 - You've put the curse on me.

    Didn't play mtts for 2 days, played some today and imo played like a tool

    Special request - Waller, can you reverse this curse please, I'm not very good at losing!!
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    edited July 2011
    1mag70 - £80 + 20 League Points
    2   bigandy18 - £50 + 16 League Points3arcas - £30 + 12 League Points4xbeer - £22 + 8 League Points5ticker905 - £18 + 4 League Points

    first this then 1 hour later......

    bigandy18 74000 1  £63 £20.50 Head Prizes 20 League Points 8 Poker Points 4 £7
    SHIPEMBOYS 0 2  £39.38 £7.01 Head Prizes 16 League Points 8 Poker Points 2 
    JamPoker 0 3  £23.62 £15.23 Head Prizes 12 League Points 8 Poker Points 6 
    littlele27 0 4  £17.32 £11.24 Head Prizes 8 League Points 8 Poker Points 4 
    ROBBLYNCH 0 5  £14.18 4 League Points 8 Poker Points 0 
    XXKIPXX 0 6  8 Poker Points 0 

    this one was really sweet due to being down to 70 chips within 3 hands, BINKAGE FTW!!!!!!
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    edited July 2011
    i won a 100 garanteed last night and got a nice £75 for the effort :)
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    edited July 2011
    Just won my first tourney after a lot of final table bursts, happy days. £1.10 deep stack this evening, brilliant feeling.
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    edited July 2011
    great tourny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vgg just took down midnight 400quid pot nice 168.30quid @ first night of holidays happy days
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    edited July 2011
    another tidy little win for the evening. started heads up at a 6 to 1 disadvantage and had won with 10 hands.

    bigandy181760001£78.40 + £19.11 Head Prizes + 30 League Points2£6.65gooner5502£47.60 + £31.17 Head Prizes + 26 League Points9 ritabeater03£33.60 + £2.69 Head Prizes + 22 League Points1 dornoch6904£28 + £6.57 Head Prizes + 18 League Points3 IrishRose05£22.40 + £14.04 Head Prizes + 14 League Points5 MITCH3806£19.60 + £4.69 Head Prizes + 10 League Points2 
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    edited July 2011
    jenny_IYY9540001£1788.75 + £500.25 Head Prizes + 160 League Points10 
    Batkin8802£1073.25 + £124.38 Head Prizes + 152 League Points6 
    Mariusz8003£643.95 + £175.16 Head Prizes + 144 League Points9
    :) Started bad was 450th out of 457 then kept in bottom 20 for a while got a couple of pocket aces in the big bling within about 8 orbits. Lucked out once hitting trips on river and spiked a king on river aswell for tournament life.
    They didn't like my check check check on trip tens on final table but tried to instigate the big bluff as he was loose (In my defence)
    Well played jenny two shortstacks onto final table get heads up!
    Going to run the primo and roller next week and see how it goes!! :)

    Thanks for the rail debdobs
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    edited July 2011
    won a £150 deep stack biggest win so far just joined 2 days

    3barrels3750001£42 + 15 League Pointslaura502£25.50 + 12 League Pointsmrsfitz03£18 + 10 League Points

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    edited July 2011
    Started following Tikay  Tweets and thought i would give sky another go, played here for a couple of weeks  a while ago but left cause not  alot of players in the Tournies (used to thee big fields at stars and Tilt.)

    Any way put £25 on a won the £11 Sky team £1200 thingy bob for £477 ish.  I like SKY all of a sudden :)
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Waller02 - You've put the curse on me. Didn't play mtts for 2 days, played some today and imo played like a tool Special request - Waller, can you reverse this curse please, I'm not very good at losing!!
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    i've had a word with the poker gods mate....they said they'll see what they can do lol
    seriously though, i doubt it will be long before you post on here're too good to have a long drought!!
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    edited July 2011

    Thnx Waller, the poker gods have listened and handed me a small win to keep me chomping at the bit, sort of speak!!

    SUPERSNEDD150001£50 + 10 League Pointspkrking9902 skicowboys03
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Thnx Waller, the poker gods have listened and handed me a small win to keep me chomping at the bit, sort of speak!! SUPERSNEDD 15000 1 £50 + 10 League Points pkrking99 0 2   skicowboys 0 3
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    n1 m8, said it wouldnt be long........1 whole day lol

    shall we call it a 30/20 split?????
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    edited July 2011

    Just played 2 others, didn't win but reasonably happy with 2nd in both

    skicowboys510001£57.50 + 20 League PointsSUPERSNEDD02£34.50 + 16 League Pointsgoodbet03£23 + 12 League Points

    SEAMUS52870001£150 10 Poker PointsSUPERSNEDD02£90 16 League Points 15 Poker Pointscatious03£60 12 League Points 10 Poker Points
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Well done dubmaster, keep them coming (as long as we're not in the same compo ;-))
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
     thank you only seen post 2nite i see your taking a few down gl and see u at the tables
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    edited July 2011

    Just won the 2pm £500 BH - 76 runners

    SUPERSNEDD1520001£106.40 £47.64 Head Prizes 40 League Points 10 Poker Points4 adzey02£64.60 £26.26 Head Prizes 36 League Points 10 Poker Points5 spooner0303£45.60 + £28.59 Head Prizes + 28 League Points5 Pheonix77704£38 + £25.34 Head Prizes + 22 League Points3 quackers2605£30.40 + £16.30 Head Prizes + 18 League Points3 Killswitch06£26.60 + £8.44 Head Prizes + 14 League Points2 aussie0907£22.80 + £31.64 Head Prizes + 10 League Points6 scott_ox08£19 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 6 League Points
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Just won the 2pm £500 BH - 76 runners SUPERSNEDD 152000 1 £106.40 £47.64 Head Prizes 40 League Points 10 Poker Points 4   adzey 0 2 £64.60 £26.26 Head Prizes 36 League Points 10 Poker Points 5   spooner03 0 3 £45.60 + £28.59 Head Prizes + 28 League Points 5   Pheonix777 0 4 £38 + £25.34 Head Prizes + 22 League Points 3   quackers26 0 5 £30.40 + £16.30 Head Prizes + 18 League Points 3   Killswitch 0 6 £26.60 + £8.44 Head Prizes + 14 League Points 2   aussie09 0 7 £22.80 + £31.64 Head Prizes + 10 League Points 6   scott_ox 0 8 £19 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 6 League Points
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    n1 snedd, i'll give it 3 mnths max before ur a tsp member m8

    got a little win myself while im here!

    waller02400001£50 20 League Points 5 Poker PointsFINS02£30 16 League Points 5 Poker Pointsjph19403£20 12 League Points 5 Poker Points
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    edited July 2011

    Thnx Waller - would love nothing more than to get free entry to live tournaments, sounds like great fun.

    Just played in the Priority Club Freeroll.  Feel slightly (only slightly) guilty of being extra super jammy in the last hand against Sam1986.

    Blinds 600/1200, Sam on the button raises to 3000, I shove with A8, obv hoping for him to fold.  He calls with AA, I'm thinking I've been done and then............................flopped Q88.

    Poker - u gotta luv it, binkety bink. and an iPad2 - ding dang do!!

    SUPERSNEDD920001iPad 2sam198602£100 Free BetBrownnDog03£100 Free Betfrancess7704£100 Free BetOzzie0805£100 Free BetStuporman06£100 Free Betwinner560307£100 Free BetStevie_J08£50 Free BetBLADES84909£50 Free BetMrSprings010£50 Free BetCHILLIE011£50 Free BetEBBERDON012£50 Free BetACEGOONER013£50 Free BetSharksbite014£50 Free BetCharlieF29015£50 Free Betstien016£25 Free Betbitesaund017£25 Free BetCowgomoo018£25 Free Betgadgerno1019£25 Free Bet121285020£25 Free Bet
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    edited July 2011
    n1 m8.......if you're not winning cash you're winning a bloomin ipad!!!! wp
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    edited July 2011
    3 hours into a £400 bh, well chuffed, not bad for a 2 quid buy in

    bigandy186900001£86.25 £25.34 Head Prizes 20 League Points 3 Poker Points8£7.07TEXASHOLDE02£51.75 £17.74 Head Prizes 16 League Points 3 Poker Points11 scrapk503£34.50 £7.40 Head Prizes 14 League Points 3 Poker Points5 40andy04£24.15 £12.15 Head Prizes 12 League Points 3 Poker Points10 tony1341305£20.70 £10.01 Head Prizes 10 League Points 3 Poker Points7 PALACEFAN06£17.25 £4.32 Head Prizes 8 League Points 3 Poker Points5 
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    edited July 2011
    Just won the £300 Guaranteed, ended up a good fought battle between the last 5 and hu with kimpet lasted an eternity.  Really enjoyed the hu, my head was starting to hurt with trying to out play Pete, it was a toughie.

    SUPERSNEDD1300001£155 20 League Points 25 Poker Pointskimpet02£93 16 League Points 5 Poker PointsFlashFlush03£62 12 League Points 10 Poker Points-urjoking-048 League Points 15 Poker PointsPgdL054 League Points 10 Poker Points
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    edited July 2011
    Just won the £50 Guaranteed

    SUPERSNEDD440001£75 + 10 League PointsKILLERHAND02£25 + 8 League Points
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    edited July 2011
    It's been a while all....but im back in today's 3pm donkfest.
    splashies960001£96 20 League Points 5 Poker Points
    SLIMKING2602£60 16 League Points 5 Poker Points
    penguin703£36 12 League Points 5 Poker Points
    TopBluffer04£26.40 8 League Points 5 Poker Points
    ladron05£21.60 4 League Points 5 Poker Points
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    edited July 2011
    Ship it!!!!

          bigandy18540001£33.75 + £20.93 Head Prizes + 20 League Points4£4.52jan195602£20.25 + £10.42 Head Prizes + 16 League Points4£3.67Robbo3303£13.50 + £15.01 Head Prizes + 12 League Points7£4.52STRATHX328048 League Points0£3.12woppinuts054 League Points0
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    edited July 2011

    Just a wee £2.30 BH

    SUPERSNEDD340001£8.50 + £9.12 Head Prizes + 10 League Points6 andylad02£5.10 + £3.38 Head Prizes + 8 League Points4 jasmin8303£3.40 + £0.75 Head Prizes + 6 League Points
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Just a wee £2.30 BH SUPERSNEDD 34000 1 £8.50 + £9.12 Head Prizes + 10 League Points 6   andylad 0 2 £5.10 + £3.38 Head Prizes + 8 League Points 4   jasmin83 0 3 £3.40 + £0.75 Head Prizes + 6 League Points
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD
    Do you win a tourney every day ? jeez wp mate.
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    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Brag: I won a Sky Poker Tourney....:
    Just a wee £2.30 BH SUPERSNEDD 34000 1 £8.50 + £9.12 Head Prizes + 10 League Points 6   andylad 0 2 £5.10 + £3.38 Head Prizes + 8 League Points 4   jasmin83 0 3 £3.40 + £0.75 Head Prizes + 6 League Points
    Posted by SUPERSNEDD

    I like how you post this and leave off your 1k+ score in the roller!! 

    Must stick to the rules of the thread, wins only! llol

    Check out this mans skope graph btw, he's on fire !!!
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    edited July 2011
    Tynian1940001£28 + 15 League PointsBMG102£17 + 12 League PointsNigel195503£12 + 10 League Pointsskyblue604£10 + 8 League Pointsreefpod2205£8 + 6 League Pointschemical0906£7 + 4 League PointsZEON4907£6 + 3 League PointsDTWBANDIT08£5 + 2 League Points

    I finally won another tournament, it only took three months.  I took down the £100 GTD Speed yesterday, my best cash yet, a whopping £28.  I hope it doesn't take another three months before i am back here.
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