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HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!



  • edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    CHARGE!!!!!  HitHorse to F5 pls
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Right, time to get the king on the move here. Kd7 please Bob....
  • edited March 2011
    HitCastle to D1 pls..................CHECK!   lol
  • edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    HitCastle to D1 pls.................. CHECK!    lol
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    King does the shimmy to c7...


  • edited March 2011
    hmmm... hitman could be well on his way to evening this up, you know...
  • edited March 2011
    This is becoming sadly addictive to watch!! and i can't remember ever really being a fan of chess? Come on hitman please make another move tonight !! its been a slow have been following all todays moves.Don't know if either of you think it only a matter of time before the other player falls into a dastardly trap you've set for them???? Cheers and good luck both, Dave.
  • edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    This is becoming sadly addictive to watch!! and i can't remember ever really being a fan of chess? Come on hitman please make another move tonight !! its been a slow have been following all todays moves.Don't know if either of you think it only a matter of time before the other player falls into a dastardly trap you've set for them???? Cheers and good luck both, Dave.
    Posted by Any2Suited
    LOL, Patience Pilgrims, have been thinkin bout mi next move for two hours lol !! Am nearly there and for a lil' chessDonk think i've fought back well, so didna wanna slip up now !! 

    Gotta get a move on cause am goin to Amsterdam fri am for the week-end so i'll be in no fit state out there!!

    rite just gimme 5 mins more !!!
  • edited March 2011
    ok may seem defensive, but just positionin to spring the final attack!!

    Don't know the etiquette of announcing, but am gonna 'Castle' K to G1 & HitCastle2 to F1,
    think thats ok can someone let me know if it's not, know havena moved either piece!!
  • edited March 2011
    Hmmm, those pawn islands are looking mighty tasty eh Dave?

    Pawns, nom, nom nom.
  • edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    ok may seem defensive, but just positionin to spring the final attack!! Don't know the etiquette of announcing, but am gonna 'Castle' K to G1 & HitCastle2 to F1,   think thats ok can someone let me know if it's not, know havena moved either piece!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    spring!!! it will soon be fricking winter again, get it sorted and go for the jugular.
  • edited March 2011
    Nah, I am reasonably comfortable with this position ;) Look, I'm even giving Hitman some ideas in this diagram... :p

    Rf8 is my move Mr Hitman.
  • edited March 2011
    Thanks for the suggestion Dave, you are so helpful, may take that next time..but for now..

    Hitcastle2 from F1 to E1 Please
  • edited March 2011

    No worries Dave, have a bit of Nh6...
  • edited March 2011
    WOW!! Of mi 21 options I Choose.....wait for it..........................

    HitCastle1 from D1 to D6 !!  NOW THAT HURT MI BRAIN !!
  • edited March 2011
    Putting up a good fight now Hitman! I thought I was going to be able to roll you over after you dropped that pawn but you're digging in. Making me think is a right pain!

    OK, I'll take on f5

  • edited March 2011
    Poor HitHorse, we loved him so !!

    HitCastle1 takes knight E6
  • edited March 2011
    Come on Dave ....either dave who posts a move at 3.20 and then no more action for the knight!
  • edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    Come on Dave ....either dave who posts a move at 3.20 and then no more action for the knight!
    Posted by Any2Suited
    It seems SkyDave does'nt rise from his coffin till well after midday !!! LOL, been waitin since 6.30 am here!!
  • edited March 2011
    SKYDAVE!!  Am flyin to Amsterdam at 6.30am tomorrow!!

    Not back on site till Mon, prob not 'compus mentus' till thurs lol !!

    Hitpup is suggestin a 'ChessChop' as been so close, then you can get on playin someone else if ya like!!

    He says it would be fittin for the 'Inaugural Sky Chess Championship' to end 'honours even' between the two Daves LOL !!

    But as I am such a competitive animal, rather lose with honour than draw !!LOL

    As you set the challenge, I will leave that decision in your hands, long as you dont mind waitin for mi nex move till maybe Tues!!
  • edited April 2011
    Morning checkmates! 

    Apologies for the lack of moves yesterday - Thursdays are pretty hectic for the folks of Sky Poker (and beyond), so we were flat out with real work. I know, I know....

    I'll get a move on the board (so to speak) today so Hitman has something to think about on his return from Amsterdam, if he can think straight.

    Oh, and ChessChop is utterly denied. Pfft, etc. This is a game for the ages, damnit! 
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    SKYDAVE!!  Am flyin to Amsterdam at 6.30am tomorrow!! Not back on site till Mon, prob not 'compus mentus' till thurs lol !! Hitpup is suggestin a 'ChessChop' as been so close, then you can get on playin someone else if ya like!! He says it would be fittin for the 'Inaugural Sky Chess Championship' to end 'honours even' between the two Daves LOL !! But as I am such a competitive animal, rather lose with honour than draw !!LOL As you set the challenge, I will leave that decision in your hands, long as you dont mind waitin for mi nex move till maybe Tues!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Get in one of them Dutch internet cafe`s!!!! sample some of their wares & you will soon have this wrapped up or you will just be sat there for the whole weekend staring at the screen wondering what the flop am i doing here while the chess board comes to life.
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    Morning checkmates!  Apologies for the lack of moves yesterday - Thursdays are pretty hectic for the folks of Sky Poker (and beyond), so we were flat out with real work. I know, I know.... I'll get a move on the board (so to speak) today so Hitman has something to think about on his return from Amsterdam, if he can think straight. Oh, and ChessChop is utterly denied. Pfft, etc. This is a game for the ages, damnit! 
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    Be honest Dave, the boss found out that you spent your days playing chess instead of working:))
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside! : Be honest Dave, the boss found out that you spent your days playing chess instead of working:))
    Posted by Kiwini4u

    Shh, he might be reading :)

    Yesterday was crazy busy, honestly. 13 hour work day, all of it stressful. How I would have loved to have had a cold pint and a copy of Harrington on Cash to read instead!

  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside! : Shh, he might be reading :) Yesterday was crazy busy, honestly. 13 hour work day, all of it stressful. How I would have loved to have had a cold pint and a copy of Harrington on Cash to read instead!
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    WOW thats more hours than I do all week:))
    Part Part time for the win
  • edited April 2011
    Come on, someone make a move!!
  • edited April 2011


    Am back from Amsterdam, have spent all mi SkySports DS winnins, brass rubbin lol, NO MOVE FROM DAVE WTF!!! I must have him under pressure!!

    Goin to Al's Bar now to see if any money left over counter, cause am skint lol
  • edited April 2011
    Hey Hitman,

    Game has been temporarily paused due to mucho work with the Sky Poker TV folks on the new show. Photos. Lots of them. All due in good time, of course. 

    Epic show, by the way - possibly more epic than this chess game. Move to follow soon-ish. :)
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    Hey Hitman, Game has been temporarily paused due to mucho work with the Sky Poker TV folks on the new show. Photos. Lots of them. All due in good time, of course.  Epic show, by the way - possibly more epic than this chess game. Move to follow soon-ish. :)
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    Excuses, excuses!!! CLOCK LOLOL

    Have come 4th in the 200DS, been to Dam, drunk 80 bottles Becks, & been to a great wine-tasting in Mayfair, since ur last move!! O yeah still managed to run a business & keep HitWife happy LOLOLOL as well
  • edited April 2011
    There you go! h5. Sticking a pawn in your eye, as the poker kids say...
  • edited April 2011
    At Last !!

    ok, HitHorse to D4 pls

    ps This New Show Sounds pretty good!! More Live stuff then ??
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: HitmanRV v Sky Dave - Chess Battle Epic inside!:
    At Last !! ok, HitHorse to D4 pls ps This New Show Sounds pretty good!! More Live stuff then ??
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Knight takes knight Hitman and - if you're playing pawn takes knight -  then Rf7. That'd look like this:

    As for the show, it was a recording of a live cash game. Some big players, some big pots. I was impressed by what I saw (while doing the pics) so I think it'll make a corker of a show once Sky Claire and co. work their magic with the footage :)
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