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In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT
Sorry for the delay in getting ITW # 2 started, but I hope it will have been worth waiting for.
After the success of Wacko in ITW # 1, the follow-up will be a tough ask, but I think OFFSHOOT - aka "Jon", will be perfect, & he has readily agreed to give it a bash. We really want a wide range of ITW subjects, & OFFSHOOT is a very different animal, at a different stage of his poker journey, to Wacko.
Some background on OFFSHOOT.
He, wait - that's for YOU to ask.
Enjoy, & many thanks to OFFSHOOT for agreeing to do this.
Let's go.
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Where do you live, Jon?
You give the impression of being about 50 years old. Higher, or lower?
Any players you prefer to avoid in the cash games?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
Whats your best tournament result on skypoker/online and live
Why choice the alias "offshoot"
Whats your favourite cash-game level?
Who was your childhood crush/sweetheart?
Is in your opinion tikay older than the queen??
What is your favourite starting hand?? and is there any premium/marginal starting-hand that you try not to play or particularly have bad success with??
Does the "Chat Box" effect your game in any way?
Do you have any lucky charms with you when you play Live or online poker?
Im 28 years old, i guess thats old in the poker world nowadays so maybe thats why i give the impression of being 50.
Some of the biggest adjustments ive made to my game have come after playing in really tough games where ive been crushed so i would say once youre really comfortable at a certain level and can afford to take a shot its not so bad to sit in a game where you maybe dont have an edge once in a while. Just not all the time.
Room 101 - The Daily Mail, In fact all the tabloids, but mainly the Daily Mail, makes my blood boil, Cant think of anything else at the moment.
Ive never seriously thought about quitting, i mean with every downswing comes the thought 'what if i cant start winning again' but really ive never gave it serious thought, mainly because i dont know what i'd do if i quit. Working harder at poker always seems like the best option.
What Stakes did u start playing online?
How many times have u gone busto on ur poker account? eg. had to start again
Again interested whether u started from cash or MTT/STT? what would be your best advice for the transition from tourneys to cash?
Many Thanks
John(with a 'H'
How many tables do you play comfortably when multi tabling?
How long are your sessions?
Do you support a football team if so which?
Gl mate
Offshoot is just a random word. No real meaning.
favourite cash game level? dunno, i play 100nl and 200nl the most though. I remember a couple of years ago the 500nl game used to run everyday on here, those were the days, if only i knew then what i know now, unfortunately i wasnt very good then and those games dont run anymore.
Tikay older than the queen? most definitely, the first ever postage stamp had a picture of Tikay on it instead of the Queen i think.
favourite starting hand is probably 22 or 53, Easier to get paid off when you hit.
i never play ace rag. I remember when i first started playing poker i read somewhere that people lose more money with weak aces than any other starting hands so i just never played them. You usually end up winning small pots and losing bigger ones.
".....i never play ace rag. I remember when i first started playing poker i read somewhere that people lose more money with weak aces than any other starting hands so i just never played them. You usually end up winning small pots and losing bigger ones......"
i dont have any lucky charms, but kind of on the subject. I will make sure i tidy up my desk and its surroundings before i play in a ritual-like fashion, i fell like it gets me in the right frame of mind to sit down and concentrate and take it seriously. It would be easy just to sit down in my boxers and in the surrounding mess and just grind but i think that lazy attitude can seep into your game. If your in a nice clean enviroment and sit down in a proper chair(no laptop on the couch) your gonna play better cos youre taking it more seriously.
Whos your best mate on here?
how many hours roughly do u spend playing a weel?
Im not sure but i would say the players get decent around 50nl, Even at 50nl though theres still a lot of bad players, its the same with 100nl but the difference is the regs are better. Once you get to 200nl the tables become full of regs with 1 or 2 weak players. I would say probably the biggest jump is from 50nl to 100nl though. My viewpoint maybe a bit off though as i havent played 50nl regualrly for a while.
Put cheese on toast, add salami, put in the microwave for 30 seconds. Amazing.
I do remember though on one of the other site they have those jackpot sitngos where you have to win 5 in a row for $15k, i won 4 in a row then got beat in the 5th HU QQ vs A7 or something, felt like smashing the computer up but used the $200 consolation prize to start playing a bit of cash and started playing cash pretty much all the time from then on.
I would say sitngos are probably quite a good way to build your roll at the microstakes though if you take the time to learn basic strategy.
I pretty much play on Sky all the time now but have played on most of the major sites at one point or another, nowadays its usually when theres no games running on sky or im tilted.
Ps Im sure Rich wont mention this during the next live show will you Rich?? Hint Hint
I have to say though those were some dark times. Over time you learn to cope with downswings and bad beats but back then i had zero tilt control and it took a log time to get over losing that much. Probably the perfect example of how not to build a bankroll. Also a perfect example of someone wiith zero 'natural ability' for poker i guess. I had zero tilt control, no BRM skills, terrible at math and i lost consistently for years. Im a strong believer that anything is possible though if you set your mind on it and work hard enough.
Transitioning from tourney to cash you have to accept that a successfull tournament strategy is probably not gonna be the right way to win at cash. In tournaments youre constantly trying to risk the least amount of chips and pick up the blinds etc. and play smallball while waiting for a big hand where as in cash youre looking to get max value from every hand.
In cash you are gonna be put in the exact same situations as your opponents over and over. If you only get 2 streets of value with tptk and everytime they have tptk they get 3 streets of value from you youre not gonna be making much money in the long run. So dont be scared to get the money in when you have a big hand or dont expect other people to build pots for you.
This is really fascinating. A tale is emerging of a bloke who was useless at poker, & useless at Bankroll Management. As such, skinto was inevitable.
And yet, somehow, out of that mess, he sorted himself out, turned it all round, & now makes a nice little living by sitting at home & playing a game, & a (relatively) high-stakes game at that.
Tell us more about that transition, how you got from A to B?
your sitting in a cash game theres a player constantly raising into you your card dead,is there a point you fight back with a2c or do you jusr re-raise straight away with a2c anyway just to let them know you wont be bullied
thx m8 sean..
When multitabling i would say over time my thought process just got up to speed with how many tables im playing. I had the same thought process when 5 or 6 tabling as i do now when playing 12+tables i just am able to process all the information quicker. What position im in, what the action has been, who's to act after me etc. Sometimes i make mistakes i wouldnt 4 tabling but on the whole i think i play the same.
I find it helps to think through a lot of 'what ifs' aswell like if he calls my bet on the flop am i gonna bet turn, what if he raises? a lot of the time they will fold and its easy but its good to have a plan for the hand if you get put in awkward spots because you can be thinking about this stuff while your making all the standard decisions on the other tables.
Notes are handy for randoms but i dont take notes on regs usually.
I try and play at least 2 hours a day, i usually get to about 3 hours and then i start making more mistakes so usually quit. Im gonna start trying to play at least 5 hours a day but i dont like playing during the day when there arent many tables running. Last month was the highest Cash4Points total ive ever got, 36k, and i played 84 hours last month. Im gonna try and start getting that every month(not this one though).
I support man u.
What book were you reading in Oz?
How much did it help you?
Do you eat porridge now you live in Scotland?