come 3rd tonight for the 2nd week running. both times i should really have taken it down. lost a vital flip this time around, never recovered. starts the month off well though.
Nice work Jamie. You were pretty short at one point too.
Makes up for 'dealergate' at the GUKPT, doesn't it? Perhaps you can use some of your winnings to buy a card protector?
Thanks to everyone who posted on here and emailed in- it was another bumper night for messages- which seem to have shot up fourfold in the last few weeks.
The channel and site continue to go from strength to strength and it's all down to you guys. No-one has a community like ours. I'll stop now, before I start welling up...
PS- My fave post of the night was MJX asking if I'd ironed my shirt with a wok. LOL!
i'm gonna give up cause I suck
Hiya Rich & Trevor
Just to say its been a great show tonight gl 2 all that are left in Primo
btw are you both gonna have a go at Mondays Forum DTD or the new Thursday Forum DTD