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Manchester utd,liverpool,the all blacks and the springboks
These are all great teams,working hard for each other all in it together all sharing in each others success and sharing the rewards of that success.
poker however is not a team game so why do we have so many pretend teams on this site,what is the point of it all???
it is very nauseating and boring the hell out of me
are we all very sad and lonely individuals who need pretend online friends to fill a void???
does it make us feel wanted and accepted ???
Please explain because i dont know. Poker is a greedy individual game where you try to beat the hell out of every other player at the table.your winnings are your winnings and your losses likewise, if one of you won the sunday roller do you share it with all the other members of the team,i think not your not the hendon mob so stop all this nonsense and get back to being greedy selfish poker players.the way nature intended!!!!!!
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all we are diong is trying to have a little bit of fun which extends to live SPT events, i'm sorry if you find it not to your taste but that's the beauty of the forums ...........we all have our opinions
Any chance you can lay off the "hahahahahahaha's" when one of us goes bust though?
Much appreciated ;o))
You don't seem so sure to me Bobby Dazler ;o)))))
In short, it's not for everyone but there's no need to be insulting people about it. I gather there was a bit of drama recently but seems like it was an individual player rather than the team so whatevs.
Poker is full of little crews at all levels that help each other out in different ways, if they choose to put an actual name on it so be it. So long as they're not soft playing who cares?
Poker is full of little crews at all levels that help each other out in different ways, if they choose to put an actual name on it so be it. So long as they're not soft playing who cares?
I'm a Recreational Player, i was invited to join TKP & i'm glad i did as it has helped improve my Poker, we get to socialise at SPT EVENTS i've been to 2 so far Newcastle & Leeds both weekends were Excellent as i had never played live before and was also good to meet the Forum Community always nice to put a Name to a Face.
Poker to me is to have Fun, make a bit of Cash, rail my Team Mates if they are running deep in a Tourney,have a bit of Banter Especially on a Monday Night as i run a Forum DTD which gives Teams & Individuals a chance to have a great night for £5-50 playing the game we love
At the end of the Day it's about choice & do what makes you happy
historically they are a great team,please lets not be so short sighted as to just look at recent history,i am not a liverpool fan,but there team of the 70s/80s was the epitome of a fantastic team,which is why i used them as an example!!!!
i am not sure that direct insults are necessary are they???
A troll is someone who posts inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
Fair Assessment I Believe....
Now while you bring up insults:
"are we all very sad and lonely individuals who need pretend online friends to fill a void???"
Although you phrase it in a veiled question, Is this not an insult to anyone who is in a team on this forum???
I can assure you that at no point since joining my team has ANY member filled my void. We have a strict NO VOID FILLING policy at TPT and should there be as much as a sniff at my void then appropriate action would be taken.
TPT - TAKE IT AS RED (but not voids)
I believe this site is much worse off for having all this team stuff, new players should be encouraged to join the forum and commuincate on it,but when you go to the front page of said forum,vurtually every single post is about team this,team that,some threads have about 450 posts,who is really going to read through that.
Should there not at least be a seprate section for these team results threads as they are suffocating everything else and perhaps putting off new players to contribute!!!
Sky Poker started the ball rolling with the creation of TEAM SKY POKER
Ask anybody at an SPT event if they think TKP (orange uniform) and TSP (blue hoodies) are bad for the event?
If you watch the top tips feature on channel 865, many top pros advocate the discussion of hands with others and the help of friends to establish your game.
As for having sad lives with "online" friends - lol TKP all know each other in person, many of whom were friends before Sky Poker!
In Response to Re: FAO TKP,THS AND TPT,AND ANY OTHER TEAMS I HAVE FORGOTTEN.: They speak the truth, i've not seen on argument yet anywhere. There's some friendly banter and that's about it.
You even see plenty of teams railing other teams players.