Good luck tonight everyone, my last night on the tables before I move away so may be inactive for a little while. Will still be updating my diary/facebook/twitter though.
Good luck tonight everyone, my last night on the tables before I move away so may be inactive for a little while. Will still be updating my diary/facebook/twitter though. Posted by Matt237
Cheers Matt - all the best for Uni, have a great time
wd all some nice cashes,little one from the orfy tonight ty for the rail all.been a long time for a cash on here due to some badbeats and runbad but I wont bore you with them (months) so not been about matt with the move
Good luck tonight everyone, my last night on the tables before I move away so may be inactive for a little while. Will still be updating my diary/facebook/twitter though. Posted by Matt237
Massive GOOD LUCK at Uni Matt
.......defo think I need a rest from this site.............absolutely doing my head in at the moment......just constantly see worst hand in flips keep winning and not just against me.
At least its nearly Jump Racing time. Hopefully TIGGY WIGGY will win today at Newmarket(got my £5 SKY FREE BET on her)and the other saving grace is I'm in 'The HOOPS' this week.... (:D} ..........So hopefully got something to come.....thanks LAUNDER and the other Big Hitters.
Will probably just play some sats and Deepys this weekend and have a rest from October til UKPC qualifiers are back on. (except for TPT game of course......)
Think I need to study a lot more, get back to watching Ch 861 too, and read a few books.
Good Luck to you all, and see you on the tables soon
Well today's a new day, and coz i was up at 7am.....did a bit of studying both Poker and Horses.
Its definitely worth getting up early coz the EARLY BIRD catches the first sats for the Main, these are worth going in coz you get GREAT VALUE......£3.60 Direct with 2 seats guarenteed and only 8-10 runners. If anyone is on site they're every half hour too.....and I qualified from the first one .....HAPPY DAYS !!!!!!!!!!
I agree with JONNY and think BALTY BOYS (25/1)............each way in Newmarket 3.50pm
I also like BRONZE ANGEL (16/1)..........e/w in same race
and if you like big outsiders QUICK WIT (40/1) ........e/w in same race(well there is 35 runners)
I'm hoping TIGGY WIGGY.....3.15pm will win again with my SKY FREE £5 bet on
and over the jumps GOODBYE DANCER .....Market Rasen 1.45pm
ROMAN FLIGHT e/w.........Market Rasen 2.15pm
ASTRACAD.............Market Rasen 2.50pm
GOOD LUCK to everyone today (and ME) and remember your LUCK will turn, as it has for me, It just HURTS bashing your head against that BRICK WALL 'til it does......(:D}
......MAY the CASH be with you ALL......(and ME too.........LOL)
How have you all been, I've been a away a while thought I would visit and see how u are all doing.
reason I've been away is I've been saving up with the wife and little one too buy our first house and those stages are now coming to a close I soon will be able too start playing again.
so if you don't hear from me, its not that I'm not interested or playing anymore... just family first,
house has been picked and bidded' for and move in date for DEC 12th, so in before crimbo!!
apart from that, mainly if I've fancied a game its been live and normal casino tournament play but no wins too brag about.
Just a very quick post with a nice little result for me tonight in the Main B/H, thanks so much for the rail MattP....... managed to see me thru to TOP 10, and just to say WELL DONE to CRAIG, JONNY and KEITH on your cashes too. Hope you won a few quid on TIGGY WIGGY and BRONZE ANGEL as well KEITH and QUICK WIT only just missed out too.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Mr Red King FlyingDagg is not online this week but please check your inbox as I've sent you the details. Same goes for any other TPTers who might fancy the Tuesday fun games too. Rose Well done an all your cashes this week - specially Grace again - fab result!! Looking forward to the Ofry tonight - hope it's a TPT FT lol xxx Posted by IrishRose
Hi Rose, Tried your ID and Password, but Stars says incorrect.
mini roller what a joke everytime same outcome oppo getting there with the worst hand sick
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancectbn Small blind 125.00 125.00 17500.00 Ozzy1000 Big blind 250.00 375.00 8975.00 Your hole cards 7 K macapaca Fold Don_Logan Fold HEJ88 Fold steelrod Raise 500.00 875.00 4120.00 ctbn Call 375.00 1250.00 17125.00 Ozzy1000 Raise 750.00 2000.00 8225.00 steelrod Call 500.00 2500.00 3620.00 ctbn Call 500.00 3000.00 16625.00 Flop A A K ctbn Check Ozzy1000 Bet 1500.00 4500.00 6725.00 steelrod All-in 3620.00 8120.00 0.00 ctbn Fold Ozzy1000 Call 2120.00 10240.00 4605.00 Ozzy1000 Show 8 8 steelrod Show 7 K Turn 5 River 8 Ozzy1000 Win Full House, 8s and Aces 10240.00 14845.00 gl all
forgot 2 say I was free rolling from this gl misty4me who got in from a freeroll 2 steelrod83997.508£2,000 Mini RollerMISTY4ME75748.759£2,000 Mini Roller
hi all tpt guys and gals its been a while since ive played much here with work and family commitments so nor=t sure if im still a TPT player, but ive been able to play this weekend and had a couple of binks so if I am these can be included I got heads up in mini last night but lost it after this chance to win it
and tonight I got 10th in the 3k b/h for roughly 100 so decent weekend, hope all tpters are doing well and hopefully I can get back on this site and team in the next couple of months as I think work times are going to change for the better gl at the tables everyone KATHRYN123102887.42 £110.46 Head Prizes4£61.80The_Hux78756.33 £159.39 Head Prizes6£78.11akvh67357.99 £181.07 Head Prizes7£85.33Nutter593248622.76 £92.88 Head Prizes4£55.95Hornet8023337.50 £100.79 Head Prizes4£58.58nslater11223038 £18.75 Head Prizes1£31.25chicknMelt07£113.95 + £43.36 Head Prizes2 TommyD08£92.45 + £37.50 Head Prizes2 lyonsbob0609£70.95 + £77.34 Head Prizes3 engy010£70.95 + £23.44 Head Prizes1 winner5603011£53.75
Hi Hendrik Bankroll permitting.............. If I thought there was a chance I was gonna qualify, I would buy in directly and de-reg afterwords. This way you will be refunded the full amount. Bankroll not permitting................. I would blind away for a bit and then just shove every hand with trash. No communication or agreement should ever be made in the chatbox EVER. Good luck at the tables. Nice cashes all - especially Grace in the main - sorry I missed you FT but i'm usually out on thursdays (Out of the tourney or out at the pub Good Luck ALL. Posted by POKERTREV
Thanks Trev and thanks for your reply as well Mattprawn. Good to know for the future, I could have bought in.
As it goes the very helpful people at Sky allowed me to dereg from last nights semi and re enter next weeks one....happy days and considering the nick I arrived back from the Ryder Cup in, it was essential...ha ha ha
Hi all I'm back So while I'm here thankyou Rose for helping out and here's a link for our team game on Wednesday. All players are free to invite guests, password slowdive as usual.
hi all tpt guys and gals its been a while since ive played much here with work and family commitments so nor=t sure if im still a TPT player, but ive been able to play this weekend and had a couple of binks so if I am these can be included I got heads up in mini last night but lost it after this chance to win it engy Small blind 5000.00 5000.00 609151.96 NURSEY80 Big blind 10000.00 15000.00 337848.04 Your hole cards 10 10 engy Raise 15000.00 30000.00 594151.96 NURSEY80 Raise 20000.00 50000.00 317848.04 engy Raise 90000.00 140000.00 504151.96 NURSEY80 All-in 317848.04 457848.04 0.00 engy Raise 475696.08 933544.12 28455.88 engy Unmatched bet 237848.04 695696.08 266303.92 engy Show 10 10 NURSEY80 Show 9 9 Flop 7 A 9 Turn 2 River 6 NURSEY80 Win Three 9s 695696.08 695696.08 Posted by engy
Hi Engy good to see you back. Trevor still has you on the team list so yes you are still TPT. Please feel free to post any cashes
THIS WEEKS MTT TOTAL £2021.87 GRAND TOTAL £121,456.45 2013 £161,766.23 Posted by FlyingDagg
Sorry dagg I have been a bit laxydazickle in the posting of my cashes department........although they havent been very big ones of late, however, my wife assures me that size doesn't matter
Best of luck to ALL TPTers playing the forum DTD games tonight.
My plan is to last as long as possible (another thing my wife keeps harping on about
IMPORTANT - In game instructions Take out all of those Pink Furry Fluffy things - (also known as THS) Slay ALL Dragons on sight or Clip Their Wings Don't mess around with the Knights of the round table Outcast ALL the Outlaws (John Wayne or Clint Eastwood style) Don't let Phoenix rise from the flames Send those Aliens to Area51 Take the TITANS to VICTORY
gl all on the tables
my main MTTs are going to be semi, mini, deep and 2kBH as well as the DTD, FOSP and orford.
Hi all.
How have you all been, I've been a away a while thought I would visit and see how u are all doing.
reason I've been away is I've been saving up with the wife and little one too buy our first house and those stages are now coming to a close I soon will be able too start playing again.
so if you don't hear from me, its not that I'm not interested or playing anymore... just family first,
house has been picked and bidded' for and move in date for DEC 12th, so in before crimbo!!
apart from that, mainly if I've fancied a game its been live and normal casino tournament play but no wins too brag about.
hope you are all well and hope too be back soon.
run good all.
so that's my super roller entry fee paid
mini roller what a joke everytime same outcome oppo getting there with the worst hand sick
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancectbn Small blind 125.00 125.00 17500.00 Ozzy1000 Big blind 250.00 375.00 8975.00 Your hole cards 7 K macapaca Fold Don_Logan Fold HEJ88 Fold steelrod Raise 500.00 875.00 4120.00 ctbn Call 375.00 1250.00 17125.00 Ozzy1000 Raise 750.00 2000.00 8225.00 steelrod Call 500.00 2500.00 3620.00 ctbn Call 500.00 3000.00 16625.00 Flop A A K ctbn Check Ozzy1000 Bet 1500.00 4500.00 6725.00 steelrod All-in 3620.00 8120.00 0.00 ctbn Fold Ozzy1000 Call 2120.00 10240.00 4605.00 Ozzy1000 Show 8 8 steelrod Show 7 K Turn 5 River 8 Ozzy1000 Win Full House, 8s and Aces 10240.00 14845.00
gl all
forgot 2 say I was free rolling from this gl misty4me who got in from a freeroll 2
steelrod83997.508£2,000 Mini RollerMISTY4ME75748.759£2,000 Mini Roller
and tonight I got 10th in the 3k b/h for roughly 100 so decent weekend, hope all tpters are doing well and hopefully I can get back on this site and team in the next couple of months as I think work times are going to change for the better
gl at the tables everyone
KATHRYN123102887.42 £110.46 Head Prizes4£61.80The_Hux78756.33 £159.39 Head Prizes6£78.11akvh67357.99 £181.07 Head Prizes7£85.33Nutter593248622.76 £92.88 Head Prizes4£55.95Hornet8023337.50 £100.79 Head Prizes4£58.58nslater11223038 £18.75 Head Prizes1£31.25chicknMelt07£113.95 + £43.36 Head Prizes2 TommyD08£92.45 + £37.50 Head Prizes2 lyonsbob0609£70.95 + £77.34 Head Prizes3 engy010£70.95 + £23.44 Head Prizes1 winner5603011£53.75
So while I'm here thankyou Rose for helping out and here's a link for our team game on Wednesday. All players are free to invite guests, password slowdive as usual.
Good luck team in DTD tonight.
TPT gamelink
GRAND TOTAL £121,456.45
2013 £161,766.23
I have been a bit laxydazickle in the posting of my cashes department........although they havent been very big ones of late, however, my wife assures me that size doesn't matter
Best of luck to ALL TPTers playing the forum DTD games tonight.
My plan is to last as long as possible (another thing my wife keeps harping on about
IMPORTANT - In game instructions
Take out all of those Pink Furry Fluffy things - (also known as THS)
Slay ALL Dragons on sight or Clip Their Wings
Don't mess around with the Knights of the round table
Outcast ALL the Outlaws (John Wayne or Clint Eastwood style)
Don't let Phoenix rise from the flames
Send those Aliens to Area51
The last part is obviously the easiest bit