In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Team game this week? Posted by Matt237
No Matt it should have been last week but I had no response from Sky after I sent a message. I'll message well in advance of the next due date to try and make sure it appears.
Hi guys, im not really sure if you count these in the team winnings pot as its not a tournament just a sat, but i wasnt going to be able to play the main event and won the entry to the sat for free so had to try and make money by regging for the semi then de regging if i won.. and i did
LT16433513Entry to £1Mil UKPC Semi. + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £48, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
not playing a lot tonight but wil hopefully see you all for the DTD games tommorow
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O.
What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me)
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O. What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me) Posted by FlyingDagg
First of all......sick exit hand !!!!!!!!! I would say that obviously it is bad etiquette, but unfortunately it is something that is going to happen occasionally when people are railing their friends/'family' (yeh....really!!!). He had obviously suffered at your hands before Dale....ha ha ha. The best thing to do would be to use it to your advantage as best you can and try and take it as a compliment.
Great cashes everyone by the way..........I think rspca got his 10th(-ish) seat to the UKPC.......!!!!!!
Really WELL DONE and a GREAT addition to the team. Sadly I didnt cash in the 20K Roller having managed to Sat. in for £5.30 but played for 2hours and enjoyed the night, even though I lent Grace a lot of my chips.........
Hi flyingdagg reading u post this is my opion the guy was bang out of order and is defo bd ethique. just take it as a complaiment that he calling u a dangous player and dont let it bother u. in poker we come across all types of people as in life. and some people have no manners or sense of respect for themself or the situation there are in. many times i have had arugaments when i had a better hand then there and been orfered outside etc this is not as rampant as it just to be but still happans.
ps i hered u local casino is bolton mine to if u play poker there we probaly no each other.
hi guys gd sunday night again. ukpc satalight already have seat so got 1k cash 7 in 9.oopm hunter for 158 2nd in 10.30 for 497 7th in mini roller 95.40 Total profit =1400 on night. Hi flyingdagg reading u post this is my opion the guy was bang out of order and is defo bd ethique. just take it as a complaiment that he calling u a dangous player and dont let it bother u. in poker we come across all types of people as in life. and some people have no manners or sense of respect for themself or the situation there are in. many times i have had arugaments when i had a better hand then there and been orfered outside etc this is not as rampant as it just to be but still happans. ps i hered u local casino is bolton mine to if u play poker there we probaly no each other. Posted by rspca12
I did take it as a compliment but what peeved me was that there were 2 new players on the FT and I felt I could use it to my advantage. When he made the comment it was saying to everyone at the table don't tangle with FlyingDagg unless you have a strong hand. That's how I looked at it anyway.
I've only played at G Casino Bolton 3 or 4 times I'm far from a regular live player. Benalman (Duncan Howarth) is regular there I'm sure you will know him.
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O. What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me) Posted by FlyingDagg
Hi Dale
Different ways of looking at it I guess.
Maybe his comment could have helped you?
It may have put the 2 new players off tangling with you and have given you the chance to raise wider
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O. What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me) Posted by FlyingDagg
Dangerous like Phil Ivey, or dangerous like not wearing a seatbelt?
Innocuous comment, doesn't effect the game at all unless you let it. Surprised such a nothing comment riled you so much. You probably made it worse by saying he was out of order, that suggests you're rumbled by the remark and others at the table might/should have noticed this.
Should've just ignored or said ''yes I am quite dangerous''.
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O. What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me) Posted by FlyingDagg
i've no problem with it, i'm happy for others to be scared of me. and given you're on the FT i'd expect the default position should be to regard the others as dangerous until proved otherwise.
also happy if called a fish as that really confuses people.
only if they were to give actually reads would i get upset
but if you don't like it fine to let him know. next time he'll prob keep quiet unless he is a troll. hi outlaws.
Bad etiquette? I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O. What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me) Posted by FlyingDagg
Wouldn't bother me in the slightest dagg. I would take it as a compliment and infact it could actually help your play at that table rather than hinder it in my opinion.
It can take quite a while to build up a good table image so we can use these comments to our advantage.
Most probably a very innocent comment in any case.
Best of Luck to ALL TPTers playing the Monday Forum DTD Tonight.
Didn't have any silver polish so had to use a bit of Brasso to clean my TITAN sword ready for action (needed a good rub down cause it's not seen much action lately) but I will hopefully be putting it to good effect tonight by slaying a few Dragons.
As for them pesky with their heads I say (being an Outlaw is surely an punishable offence? and I will be doing my best to ensure justice is served with my trusty TITAN Sword.
Look out for those SlipperySquadettes....they ain't too bad for a bunch of girls and they do look pretty in Pink
TITAN Swords & Shields at the ready - Good Luck TITANS
For what it's worth I did take it as a compliment but I was unable to take advantage of the situation as I was decimated a hand or 2 later by my QQ beaten by flopped set of J's then went out to that Royal. The sole reason I said he was out of order was that I believe if you not involved in the game you don't say anything.
For what it's worth I did take it as a compliment but I was unable to take advantage of the situation as I was decimated a hand or 2 later by my QQ beaten by flopped set of J's then went out to that Royal. The sole reason I said he was out of order was that I believe if you not involved in the game you don't say anything. Good luck all in DTD tonight Posted by FlyingDagg
Sounds like he was being sarcastic tbh, if he laughed then told you to do one when you objected.
hi guys n gals...week of work so gona try put some hrs in on the tables so im afraid you will be seeing a lot of me this week!! Played 3 bh today and if it wasn't for getting donked out 1 of them ak v 95!! then would of ftb all of them so good start to the wk
2.00 £11 £600 bh ... all set to double up when grace08 aq spiked a q on the river v my 1010 all in pre ; ) nh
LmfaoAllin05£29.06 + £11.60 Head Prizes2
2.30 £5 £500 bh
LmfaoAllin05£20.16 + £8.53 Head Prizes2 4.30 £5 £500 bh
LmfaoAllin012£6.86 + £11.28 Head Prizes6 Also sated into the 10.30 £55 speedy other night, it was the last 1 and was doing well so bought in just after it started as didn't know how much longer it was gona go on and as it was a speed event didn't want to miss any it happened there was a big hand seconds after I bought in and I finished in 1st to qualify, I presumed I would be credited the £55 as this is what usually happens however I have just been through my history so I could paste it here for the weekly total and it just said lmfaoallin 1st entry into £55 £2000 bh??? thought this was strange as I have never experienced any problems like this before, I was wondering if any1 else has?
Any how good luck to every1 taking part in the DTD tonite GO TEAM TPT!!!!!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Sounds like he was being sarcastic tbh, if he laughed then told you to do one when you objected. See y'all tonight on the tables Posted by hhyftrftdr
plus 4 heads in the main, cant open lobby for some reason, think it was about £50. was running along nicely until got tangled up with the chip leader and my nut flush got done by quads!!! nh
LmfaoAllin015£18.23 + £15.59 Head Prizes3
Rose if you are selling a % for the UKPC, can I take 2%.
LT16433513Entry to £1Mil UKPC Semi. + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £48, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
not playing a lot tonight but wil hopefully see you all for the DTD games tommorow
GRAND TOTAL £19045.36
2014 £155,108.92
I would like other players views on this. I was on the FT of the 7-15 deepie when a player on the rail who obviously knew my game said in chat "watch out for FlyingDagg hes dangerous". He wasn't a name I recognised and he said he was railing his mum but the comment was there for all the table to see. I told him that I thought he was out of order and he basically laughed and told me to F.O.
What do others think of this? (not the FO comment that doesn't bother me)
Rose to win UKPC:)
I'll send it over 2 mor Rose
I would say that obviously it is bad etiquette, but unfortunately it is something that is going to happen occasionally when people are railing their friends/'family' (yeh....really!!!). He had obviously suffered at your hands before Dale....ha ha ha. The best thing to do would be to use it to your advantage as best you can and try and take it as a compliment.
I've only played at G Casino Bolton 3 or 4 times I'm far from a regular live player. Benalman (Duncan Howarth) is regular there I'm sure you will know him.
Innocuous comment, doesn't effect the game at all unless you let it. Surprised such a nothing comment riled you so much. You probably made it worse by saying he was out of order, that suggests you're rumbled by the remark and others at the table might/should have noticed this.
Should've just ignored or said ''yes I am quite dangerous''.
Hi Jac
It can take quite a while to build up a good table image so we can use these comments to our advantage.
Most probably a very innocent comment in any case.
Didn't have any silver polish so had to use a bit of Brasso to clean my TITAN sword ready for action (needed a good rub down cause it's not seen much action lately) but I will hopefully be putting it to good effect tonight by slaying a few Dragons.
As for them pesky with their heads I say (being an Outlaw is surely an punishable offence?
Look out for those Slippery Squadettes....they ain't too bad for a bunch of girls and they do look pretty in Pink
TITAN Swords & Shields at the ready - Good Luck TITANS
See you on the final tables.
The sole reason I said he was out of order was that I believe if you not involved in the game you don't say anything.
Good luck all in DTD tonight
See y'all tonight on the tables
Played 3 bh today and if it wasn't for getting donked out 1 of them ak v 95!! then would of ftb all of them so good start to the wk
2.00 £11 £600 bh ... all set to double up when grace08 aq spiked a q on the river v my 1010 all in pre ; ) nh
LmfaoAllin05£29.06 + £11.60 Head Prizes2
2.30 £5 £500 bh
LmfaoAllin05£20.16 + £8.53 Head Prizes2
4.30 £5 £500 bh
LmfaoAllin012£6.86 + £11.28 Head Prizes6
Also sated into the 10.30 £55 speedy other night, it was the last 1 and was doing well so bought in just after it started as didn't know how much longer it was gona go on and as it was a speed event didn't want to miss any it happened there was a big hand seconds after I bought in and I finished in 1st to qualify, I presumed I would be credited the £55 as this is what usually happens however I have just been through my history so I could paste it here for the weekly total and it just said lmfaoallin 1st entry into £55 £2000 bh??? thought this was strange as I have never experienced any problems like this before, I was wondering if any1 else has?
Any how good luck to every1 taking part in the DTD tonite GO TEAM TPT!!!!!
And lol Trev loved your post, good man
LmfaoAllin09£13.20 + £13.59 Head Prizes2
plus 4 heads in the main, cant open lobby for some reason, think it was about £50. was running along nicely until got tangled up with the chip leader and my nut flush got done by quads!!! nh