In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Thanks Olive, I haven't been playing many tournaments, real life interfering with the old pokers, it's not right. So it was nice to cash in two. Butler and I nearly had to have a Bun fight at dawn, to settle who won the prize if we both tied for the PLO8 competition, but Tikay said that he would be willing to donate an extra prize* if we both win, which was very kind of him. We would both get a seat into the UKOPS PLO8 tournament, so fingers crossed that no-one overtakes us. Arfur *Apparently it is Macacgirl's decision if the extra prize is awarded, bun fight could be back on. Posted by 67Bhoys
Hahaha Gl to you both, please let me know if bun fight's still on or not as want to watch as should be fun
GELDY 205000 1 £379.25 + £433.19 Head Prizes 10 snoxx11 0 2 £225.50 + £48.05 Head Prizes 2 MAD_JOCK 0 3 £153.75 + £126.57 Head Prizes 6 while i was at the xmas party lol Posted by GELDY
Been a long long time coming. Thank you all so much for the awesome rail. Very ul Wilton, who thought I was a pro player haha I wish. Darkangel7 200000 1 £69.88 + £51.02 Head Prizes 11 Posted by Darkangel7
Huge congrats Angel - very well played from start to finish xxx
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Huge congrats Angel - very well played from start to finish xxx The HU was epic!!! One of the best I've watched. Gl to all other TPTers tonight too xxx Posted by IrishRose
It was one of the longest Hu matches I've ever played. You said it was mine all along. Ty for having that Faith in me. I kept on losing my stack and at 3 handed I was the shorty gone from being chip leader. Felt sorry for zebedee when I knocked him out. I hate having a large chip stack and thought would have fluffed it. I kept gaining the lead then losing it again. Prefer being shorty felt more comfortable. I think if I hadn't have called when I did it would have gone way past the break. I even blocked out chat. I could see it but decided to focus for a change. Thank you all so much for the rail. Sempt like it was the final all over again.
Been a long long time coming. Thank you all so much for the awesome rail. Very ul Wilton, who thought I was a pro player haha I wish. Darkangel7 200000 1 £69.88 + £51.02 Head Prizes 11 Posted by Darkangel7
Well done to all the TPTers who have cashed Angel when are you going to give me lessons on how to play tournies, wont be playing DTD tonight will be watching Forest on telly. Believe me after watching this lot compared to the European cup side bad beats are easy even the 1 outers on the river. Run golden everyone might play a little cash later.
even at 800/1600 my chip stack was way above average
well playing in DTDs trev
It would have taken a major miss-hap not to take it down with your humungus stack (although I do have the T-Shirt for that one
It's great when almost every hand / pot goes your way - hopefully you can keep it goin while you're on a roll.
Good Luck
well done also to all the other cashers too, (too many to mention)
Glad to see you back on here & cashing.
I have an X'Mas party to attend tonight, so I would imagine I will be pretty merry laters
Thank you all so much for the awesome rail.
Very ul Wilton, who thought I was a pro player haha I wish.
and about flamin time