Well done on all your cashes, looks like it was a great year (for some anyway:) but for me it wasn't the best year I have ever had, infact I think it was probably the worst.
I have lots to work on though, so i'm quite happy to keep plugging away & hopefully turn this mahooosive downswing around at some point this year and get back to playing a good solid game.
WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! After seat bubbling the UKPC semi for £144 I had a good run in the final and hung on for another seat £1,100 winnings. Thanks for the support from Rose and Misty and Donna in particular hope you all get a seat (or another seat Misty) next week. Cheers Pommy for the sage advice which I nearly failed to heed (was very nearly my full house v StayorGo quads, phew) Sorry to hear a few of you have been suffering with the Trolls - hope you can just ignore them. Sad people. Have a great week TPT. Mattp Posted by mattprawn
Ha, well played mate, yes its a good job Stay or Go didn't, set mine. That would have been disastrous.
Well done all, well done pommy. Right qualified for qtrs of ukpc tonight from little satty Qualified for 2k b.h from a satty coming back from virtually nothing to binking it. Now trying to win a seat to semi of 10k b.h later tonight. Wish me luck cos I gonna need it. Posted by Darkangel7
AAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... I'm so sorrryyyyyyyyyyyyy Angel. I really did hate myself for Ko'ing you ......and I sadly KO'd MattyP and his KKings with A 10 too ....sorry mate. (At least SKY knows there is no collusion !!!!!)
Your chips did help me greatly from being 'The Shorty' and as you know I managed to get a seat to Sunday's Final so THANK YOU sooooo much......and many thanks for the rail afterwards too.
Some BRILLIANT Cashes from the TPTers....Great Start to the NEW YEAR...... and I managed to bag 2 seats to tonights Semi, so my first cash of the Year is £52 to the total too.
Well done Misty. Doesn't matter the best hand won. Hope you run golden Sunday night again and manage to cash. Not going to try to get there now. Too much stress. So may see you there maybe not.
For all those that cashed tonight well done. For all those that were near don't give up it will happen.
Well done Misty. Doesn't matter the best hand won. Hope you run golden Sunday night again and manage to cash. Not going to try to get there now. Too much stress. So may see you there maybe not. For all those that cashed tonight well done. For all those that were near don't give up it will happen. Run golden all and run deep. Posted by Darkangel7
Hi Angel
Saw your post on the main forum, but thought I'd prefer to post my thoughts here instead. I'm not really a technical player, so will save my thoughts for the team pages...
Hi Angel
You'll know most of this stuff already and by reading your post on the main forum maybe your concerns around the bubble may just be a matter of confidence. Please treat this with a pinch of salt, Misty is the satellite King at the moment, but I do benefit from having watched you play a lot...
Huge difference between play at or around the bubble in a standard MTT and a satellite. I know you just missed out on a seat in the UKPC semi this evening, so some thoughts on the satellite scenario.
1) Look at relative stack size, very important with how people will play. a) Big stack will not want to get involved with you if you have any kind of stack that will damage his position. Exploit that. b) However, don't mess with the Big stack if he can take you out without damage to himself., part of his "job" is to finish off the small stacks. If you get a big premium hand though Exploit this to get a double up if you need it. c) Small stack will be looking for a chance to double through, so likely to be shoving wide. Exploit that if you can afford to. d) Beware playing into a limp by a small stack (they will be looking to shove and may be inducing) UNLESS you are prepared to see it through by calling a shove later. e) Medium stacks won't want to play many hands unless they have premium hands. Exploit that by shoving into them in position with a fairly wide range.
2) Don't be afraid to lose (as many of the above tactics require a risk), weak betting will just get exploited by someone else. Better than getting blinded out.
3) Use your bet size for information. Limping is a nightmare as you have no idea where you are and will then need to hit. A nice 3 BB bet will be enough to see off villain in most hands, but if called you are approaching next round with caution. Also gives you a second of option of using your perceived strength to steal post flop as a Plan B.
4) Keep out of trouble with a big stack, but be aggressive enough to stop people regularly stealing blinds.
5) Position becomes even more important late on with big blinds. Don't play from the early position except with a big premium hand - my general rule is if I'm not prepared to shove to any raise then I shouldn't be playing the hand.
Anyhow - I think you do most of the stuff above.
Bit of a rambling note, but hopefully there is something in there that you may find useful. Alternatively feel free to ignore me and ask Misty how he does it!
final tabling DTD 2. a diversion of fous onto main and mini made m do silly mistakes esulting in early exits in DTD1 and 3. didn't cash out in the main and just won 2 HP worth of cash in mini.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Angel Saw your post on the main forum, but thought I'd prefer to post my thoughts here instead. I'm not really a technical player, so will save my thoughts for the team pages... Hi Angel You'll know most of this stuff already and by reading your post on the main forum maybe your concerns around the bubble may just be a matter of confidence. Please treat this with a pinch of salt, Misty is the satellite King at the moment, but I do benefit from having watched you play a lot... Huge difference between play at or around the bubble in a standard MTT and a satellite. I know you just missed out on a seat in the UKPC semi this evening, so some thoughts on the satellite scenario. 1) Look at relative stack size, very important with how people will play. a) Big stack will not want to get involved with you if you have any kind of stack that will damage his position. Exploit that. b) However, don't mess with the Big stack if he can take you out without damage to himself., part of his "job" is to finish off the small stacks. If you get a big premium hand though Exploit this to get a double up if you need it. c) Small stack will be looking for a chance to double through, so likely to be shoving wide. Exploit that if you can afford to. d) Beware playing into a limp by a small stack (they will be looking to shove and may be inducing) UNLESS you are prepared to see it through by calling a shove later. e) Medium stacks won't want to play many hands unless they have premium hands. Exploit that by shoving into them in position with a fairly wide range. 2) Don't be afraid to lose (as many of the above tactics require a risk), weak betting will just get exploited by someone else. Better than getting blinded out. 3) Use your bet size for information. Limping is a nightmare as you have no idea where you are and will then need to hit. A nice 3 BB bet will be enough to see off villain in most hands, but if called you are approaching next round with caution. Also gives you a second of option of using your perceived strength to steal post flop as a Plan B. 4) Keep out of trouble with a big stack, but be aggressive enough to stop people regularly stealing blinds. 5) Position becomes even more important late on with big blinds. Don't play from the early position except with a big premium hand - my general rule is if I'm not prepared to shove to any raise then I shouldn't be playing the hand. Anyhow - I think you do most of the stuff above. Bit of a rambling note, but hopefully there is something in there that you may find useful. Alternatively feel free to ignore me and ask Misty how he does it! All the best Mattp Posted by mattprawn
Won £10 in the £1000 FR, should get my eyes tested thought I had a flush draw with my straight draw in TPT invitational when I threw all my chips in oops.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Oh - I wasn't aware of this soz. Maybe I sent them an email whilst I was worse for the drink over x'mas I'll go check now. Posted by POKERTREV
I just checked.
I didn't request it for the 6th of Jan but maybe they set it up automatically over the crimbo period.
I'll wait for his email & let you know if it will run again next week or not.
I prefer Trev's idea Angel. I can then erase last night's debacle from the official records. Knew I shouldn't believe Misty when he told me that 68o was the new AA.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I prefer Trev's idea Angel. I can then erase last night's debacle from the official records. Knew I shouldn't believe Misty when he told me that 68o was the new AA. Posted by mattprawn
It works with 'The Misty Magic' Matt.....(:D}......hee hee !!!!!!
WELL DONE to those that have cashed......or got their seats for Finals. Great performance from Roseeeeeee tonight in UKPC semi.....and probably even better in getting to semi from 2BB's. Unlucky MattyP in semi in just missing out. I was going really well early doors 3rd or 4th place, but had this hand and I would like some advice/help or at least people's thoughts pleeeeease.
MattBates Small blind 15.00 15.00 2545.00 matt87 Big blind 30.00 45.00 1607.50 Your hole cards A A plentytime Raise 60.00 105.00 3000.00 MISTY4ME Raise 150.00 255.00 5392.50 MaxJ Fold MattBates Fold matt87 Call 120.00 375.00 1487.50 plentytime Call 90.00 465.00 2910.00 Flop 4 Q 2 matt87 Check plentytime Check MISTY4ME Bet 232.50 697.50 5160.00 matt87 Fold plentytime Call 232.50 930.00 2677.50 Turn 2 plentytime All-in 2677.50 3607.50 0.00 MISTY4ME Fold plentytime Muck plentytime Win 930.00 930.00 plentytime Return 2677.50 0.00 3607.50 I know having looked at it I only lost 380 chips......but I so wanted to call his shove......but it would have halved my chipstack. I played safe coz thought he had slow played QQ ....or something suited with a 2, or even 22. Just wondered what others would do.
Well done on all your cashes, looks like it was a great year (for some anyway:) but for me it wasn't the best year I have ever had, infact I think it was probably the worst.
I have lots to work on though, so i'm quite happy to keep plugging away & hopefully turn this mahooosive downswing around at some point this year and get back to playing a good solid game.
New Year....New Start
Best of Luck all.
Right qualified for qtrs of ukpc tonight from little satty
Qualified for 2k b.h from a satty coming back from virtually nothing to binking it.
Now trying to win a seat to semi of 10k b.h later tonight. Wish me luck cos I gonna need it.
Bubbled the FT of the main. Played ok, but just couldn't find any cards in the last hour. Thanks for support in this Misty & Chilling.
mattprawn07£214.32 + £91.97 Head Prizes4
Misty - vwp in the UKPC semi. On fire mate. Vul to Angel who was crushing it - keep that going Donna and it will come. Nice results TPT.
Saw your post on the main forum, but thought I'd prefer to post my thoughts here instead. I'm not really a technical player, so will save my thoughts for the team pages...
Hi Angel
You'll know most of this stuff already and by reading your post on the main forum maybe your concerns around the bubble may just be a matter of confidence. Please treat this with a pinch of salt, Misty is the satellite King at the moment, but I do benefit from having watched you play a lot...
Huge difference between play at or around the bubble in a standard MTT and a satellite. I know you just missed out on a seat in the UKPC semi this evening, so some thoughts on the satellite scenario.
1) Look at relative stack size, very important with how people will play.
a) Big stack will not want to get involved with you if you have any kind of stack that will damage his position. Exploit that.
b) However, don't mess with the Big stack if he can take you out without damage to himself., part of his "job" is to finish off the small stacks. If you get a big premium hand though Exploit this to get a double up if you need it.
c) Small stack will be looking for a chance to double through, so likely to be shoving wide. Exploit that if you can afford to.
d) Beware playing into a limp by a small stack (they will be looking to shove and may be inducing) UNLESS you are prepared to see it through by calling a shove later.
e) Medium stacks won't want to play many hands unless they have premium hands. Exploit that by shoving into them in position with a fairly wide range.
2) Don't be afraid to lose (as many of the above tactics require a risk), weak betting will just get exploited by someone else. Better than getting blinded out.
3) Use your bet size for information. Limping is a nightmare as you have no idea where you are and will then need to hit. A nice 3 BB bet will be enough to see off villain in most hands, but if called you are approaching next round with caution. Also gives you a second of option of using your perceived strength to steal post flop as a Plan B.
4) Keep out of trouble with a big stack, but be aggressive enough to stop people regularly stealing blinds.
5) Position becomes even more important late on with big blinds. Don't play from the early position except with a big premium hand - my general rule is if I'm not prepared to shove to any raise then I shouldn't be playing the hand.
Anyhow - I think you do most of the stuff above.
Bit of a rambling note, but hopefully there is something in there that you may find useful. Alternatively feel free to ignore me and ask Misty how he does it!
All the best
Best of luck at the tables all - Run Well
See you later at TPT Invitational
The TPT Private Tourney will hopefully be held on Wed 13th Jan. This was delayed due to the holidays.
I am just waiting for confirmation.
Maybe I sent them an email whilst I was worse for the drink over x'mas
I'll go check now.
I didn't request it for the 6th of Jan but maybe they set it up automatically over the crimbo period.
I'll wait for his email & let you know if it will run again next week or not.
WELL DONE to those that have cashed......or got their seats for Finals. Great performance from Roseeeeeee tonight in UKPC semi.....and probably even better in getting to semi from 2BB's. Unlucky MattyP in semi in just missing out. I was going really well early doors 3rd or 4th place, but had this hand and I would like some advice/help or at least people's thoughts pleeeeease.
MattBates Small blind 15.00 15.00 2545.00 matt87 Big blind 30.00 45.00 1607.50 Your hole cards A A plentytime Raise 60.00 105.00 3000.00 MISTY4ME Raise 150.00 255.00 5392.50 MaxJ Fold MattBates Fold matt87 Call 120.00 375.00 1487.50 plentytime Call 90.00 465.00 2910.00 Flop 4 Q 2 matt87 Check plentytime Check MISTY4ME Bet 232.50 697.50 5160.00 matt87 Fold plentytime Call 232.50 930.00 2677.50 Turn 2 plentytime All-in 2677.50 3607.50 0.00 MISTY4ME Fold plentytime Muck plentytime Win 930.00 930.00 plentytime Return 2677.50 0.00 3607.50
I know having looked at it I only lost 380 chips......but I so wanted to call his shove......but it would have halved my chipstack. I played safe coz thought he had slow played QQ ....or something suited with a 2, or even 22. Just wondered what others would do.
Ty for the rail chris, hope you run golden