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The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)



  • edited September 2011
    Disaster in the Bounty Hunter!

    An early exit. And a huge field. My final score is not going to be pretty...

  • edited September 2011
  • edited September 2011
    Just refusing to let me load tables.

    Had 12k+ stacks in the 2 tournys.

    cant get on!!!
  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Just refusing to let me load tables. Had 12k+ stacks in the 2 tournys. cant get on!!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I've also experienced technical problems / disconnection issues this evening (and have reported them to the relevant people).

    I don't really know what to do about tonight's scores, so I'll get the views of players in the Extender...

    Should everyone get a mulligan for this week? Alternatively, should everyone be allowed to choose their best 3/5 results from this evening's events?

    Please let me know your thoughts. Power to the people!

  • edited September 2011
    In the meantime, as I've busted from all five tournaments, I'm going to play some Omaha...

    Ickham - 10p/20p PLO.

  • edited September 2011

    The results for tonights games and the updated table will be done in the morning by Chris as his tinternet has just gone down.
  • edited September 2011

    I don't think it would be fair to change the rules after the fact, I had connection issues too but I still grinded out some decent results.

    I thought the whole point of this was to reward consistency, surely one mulligan is more than enough.
  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    I don't think it would be fair to change the rules after the fact, I had connection issues too but I still grinded out some decent results. I thought the whole point of this was to reward consistency, surely one mulligan is more than enough.
    Posted by poppy765
    Fair enough, poppy.

    Unless anyone has strong feelings to the contrary, this week's results will stand.

  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    The results for tonights games and the updated table will be done in the morning by Chris as his tinternet has just gone down.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Thanks, Alan.

  • edited September 2011
    ok here at last sorry for keeping everyone in suspenders here is the weekly table first followed by the overall table after week 2
    Name 715D 745D Totty Main Mini

    Score Entries
    POPPY765 73 33 18 26 38

    188 5
    HITMAN_RV 43 53 125 103 59

    383 5
    JOHNCONNOR 51 4 61 149 147

    412 5
    SWORDSYBOY 156 41 127 87 55

    466 5
    OZZIE08 30 43 72 294 73

    512 5
    ALAN1506 38 19 24 401 41

    523 5
    BENDOG40 64 102 16 86 303

    571 5
    CODEX 14 145 115 54 254

    582 5
    DYLAN12 152 44 88 152 175

    611 5
    THEDART 105 85 195 234 6

    625 5
    LYONSBOB06 46 8 69 217 301

    641 5
    DRUMAHAI05 28 30 1 268 363

    690 5
    MADE4GAME 48 67 104 223 295

    737 5
    GREGHOGG 144 114 45 13 436

    752 5
    HAPPYNIGE4 142 188 100 242 96

    768 5
    ELSADOG 123 3 15 380 336

    857 5
    TIKAY1 58 141 93 285 286

    863 5
    J-HARTIGAN 100 29 56 462 218

    865 5
    LUVBWFC 131 187 169 467 50

    1004 5
    SCOUSE_RED 57 175 34 333 484

    1083 5
    EYEMAN 61 165 87 449 410

    1172 5
    SOLACK 69 90 114 455 452

    1180 5
    _MILHOUSE_ 18 57 10

    0 3
    SAMANTHA25 77 34 13

    0 4
    POKERTREV 80 21 81

    0 3

    119 493 290

    0 3

    271 33

    0 2

    0 0
    these scores transfered into the overall monthly comp make it look like this....................
    Name Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 ENTRIES AVG 3 / 4
    POPPY765 391 188

    2 289.5
    JOHNCONNOR 239 412

    2 325.5
    CODEX 533 582

    2 557.5
    THEDART 518 625

    2 571.5
    OZZIE08 655 512

    2 583.5
    HITMAN_RV 807 383

    2 595
    SWORDSYBOY 769 466

    2 617.5
    DRUMAHAI05 681 690

    2 685.5
    DYLAN12 787 611

    2 699
    TIKAY1 565 863

    2 714
    GREGHOGG 684 752

    2 718

    1 435

    1 523

    1 571

    1 626

    1 641
    J-HARTIGAN 668 865

    2 766.5

    1 768
    ELSADOG 701 857

    2 779
    _MILHOUSE_ 789

    1 789
    SAMANTHA25 817

    1 817
    LUVBWFC 646 1004

    2 825
    SOLACK 570 1180

    2 875
    PENGUIN7 879

    1 879

    1 967
    MADE4GAME 1374 737

    2 1055.5

    1 1083
    EYEMAN 1144 1172

    2 1158
    the players highltighted in green are the ones currently in a prize winning position whether or not they have played 1 or 2 wks
  • edited September 2011
    thanks for your hard work chris. the tables are excellent.

    the only issue i have is that both dylan and tikay are above me.... can you check this please :)
  • edited September 2011
    Dam, I forgot I entered this and didn't do the main :( Catch up required :)
  • edited September 2011
    Did I really score (channel) 865 last night?

  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Did I really score (channel) 865 last night? Freaky!
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    not freaky, just embarrassing...:)

    its also nice to see that eyeman has been consistant
  • edited September 2011
    OK, here we go, Week 3...

    Make sure you sign-up to tonight's Forum DTD and then register for all FIVE tournaments.

    Remember: you need three average scores to qualify for this league (in other words, you need to play the five Extender events for three out of the four weeks that the promotion's running).

    So, after tonight, anyone with fewer than two scores will automatically be disqualified.

    I hope that's clear. As ever, please ask if you have any questions.

    Good luck tonight and enjoy the multi-tabling mayhem!

  • edited September 2011
    OK...penultimate week...


  • edited September 2011
    ready to get pwnd
  • edited September 2011
    AM BANG UP FOR THIS JH!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    ready to get pwnd
    Posted by luvBWFC
    lol!! GL COMRADE CARL .................& ALL
  • edited September 2011
    Well, a much more successful session than last week - including a final table appearance.

    That SHOULD help boost my score!

    Thanks in advance to Chris for posting the latest version of the league table.

    Good night all.

  • edited September 2011
    ok here is the week 3 table look at the highlighted section next to Dylan12........he only went and won the jackpot :))))))
    Name 715D 745D Totty Main Mini

    Score Entries
    DRUMAHAI05 5 142 18 14 75

    254 5
    HITMAN_RV 41 44 36 86 164

    371 5
    OZZIE08 16 119 143 66 33

    377 5
    POPPY765 73 25 52 124 107

    381 5
    DYLAN12 96 190 110 1 1

    398 5
    SWORDSYBOY 85 144 50 64 56

    399 5
    J-HARTIGAN 64 4 12 250 238

    568 5
    SUPERSNEDD 118 35 31 142 299

    625 5
    LYONSBOB06 18 99 63 58 391

    629 5
    EYEMAN 33 3 121 402 148

    707 5
    THEDART 132 82 54 359 147

    774 5
    SAMANTHA25 98 123 175 125 261

    782 5
    LUVBWFC 168 96 128 330 87

    809 5
    ELSADOG 150 121 168 132 297

    868 5
    GREGHOGG 124 107 44 177 472

    924 5
    MADE4GAME 61 112 148 401 313

    1035 5
    and this is how the monthly one looks after the above........sorted again by weeks played / avg don't forget it's 3 / 4 so still all to play for

    as ever Green is a winning pos. at present, and, those in red cannot now qualify ;(
    Name Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 ENTRIES AVG 3 / 4
    POPPY765 391 188 381
    3 320
    OZZIE08 655 512 377
    3 514.67
    HITMAN_RV 807 383 371
    3 520.33
    DRUMAHAI05 681 690 254
    3 541.67
    SWORDSYBOY 769 466 399
    3 544.67
    DYLAN12 787 611 398
    3 598.67
    THEDART 518 625 774
    3 639
    J-HARTIGAN 668 865 568
    3 700.33
    GREGHOGG 684 752 924
    3 786.67
    ELSADOG 701 857 868
    3 808.67
    LUVBWFC 646 1004 809
    3 819.67
    EYEMAN 1144 1172 707
    3 1007.67
    MADE4GAME 1374 737 1035
    3 1048.67
    JOHNCONNOR 239 412

    2 325.5
    2 530
    CODEX 533 582

    2 557.5
    641 629
    2 635
    TIKAY1 565 863

    2 714
    SAMANTHA25 817
    2 799.5
    SOLACK 570 1180

    2 875

    1 523

    1 571

    1 626

    1 768
    _MILHOUSE_ 789

    1 789
    PENGUIN7 879

    1 879

    1 967

    1 1083
  • edited September 2011
    OK, it's the final week of the Extender...

    Have you played every event for the last three weeks? Well, tonight's an opportunity to improve your score and potentially move into a prize-winning position.

    Only played two out of the last three weeks? You MUST play tonight, otherwise your score will not be recognised.

    Remember: everyone who finishes above me in the league table will receive FREE entry to next Monday's Forum DTD. And the overall winner will receive FREE entry to the 8pm main event every night next week (Monday-Sunday).

    Good luck, all!

  • edited September 2011

    I will try & play this tonight, James.
  • edited September 2011

    I will play all 3 aswelli have done for the last few weeks.

  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    I will play all 3 aswelli have done for the last few weeks.
    Posted by cleaverjim
    Not sure if you're in the right thread, Jim.

    Just to clarify: it's too late to enter the Extender now! This is the final week of a four-week competition.

  • edited September 2011
  • edited September 2011
    there's quite a few still in with the chance of the free enrty next week and all to play for
  • edited September 2011
    Can I still win?

    Theoretically ofc
  • edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: The Forum DTD Extender! (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Can I still win? Theoretically ofc
    Posted by SoLack
    No, you can't win outright - even if you won all five tournaments tonight! could move into the "green section" of the leaderboard which would see you earn free entry to next week's Forum DTD events :-)

  • edited September 2011
    i cant play the bh tonight james

    i also cant chat... Gregmonk is back for 6 months
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