In Response to Re: THE MICKJENN1 FAN CLUB, JOIN FOR GOOD BANTER AND SUM TIPS HOW 2 PLAY MTTS : hi nutter ive sent an email m8, Posted by mickjenn1
hiya mik--cheers m8--i was on live chat for half an hour--still they had no clue ---say no more--lol--see you at tables--keep up da good work--- cheers again
Having a similar kinda run mick, even being playing a bit of PKR at the moment as they have larger tourns in the daytime...! Hopefully the quality of your tourn tonight will bring back the quality in poker play... as feel my game at the moment is getting worse if anything...
i know where your coming from mack standerd of ply in these tournerys is garbage to u get to the latter plus there blinds go up to fast after 45 min not many chips left if your not getting the cards so u have no choice but to push with any c r a p good look on party poker
In Response to Re: THE MICKJENN1 FAN CLUB, JOIN FOR GOOD BANTER AND SUM TIPS HOW 2 PLAY MTTS : you couldnt handle the pair of us lol Posted by beaujolais
i must also add he offered me 8/1 last longer bet hahaha, did i take it................. did i fxxx, av i gone loopy all of a sudden, cant let u c the rest of the convo 2 many swear words lol mods will not like it lol
TONIGHT... No not the WSOP ....No not the EPT but here ONLY on SKYPOKER You very own !!!!! The Spectacular The Momentous The Fantastic The MICKJENN1...MTT OPEN 7 00 this evening ... The Value is here for your evenings entertainment ..5 Quid ...."Have It" !!! Posted by bennydip2
In Response to Re: THE MICKJENN1 FAN CLUB, JOIN FOR GOOD BANTER AND SUM TIPS HOW 2 PLAY MTTS : Yea had a bad couple of months been on a bit, but switched to a bit of live poker and another site with bigger tornies. Came close to winning a 250k dollar tornie but went out on the bubble lol. ill always be on here with the regulars such as your self cant resist. N1 starting this up you doing well Posted by Dazler
sorry m8 i wanted to play but just got in and realised it started at 7.30:( and really wanted to win that one lol hope there is another. Anyways good luck m8 but if you win people will say its fixed lol
right guys as u no sam trickett was in my tourny tnight and me n him had a last longer bet, hes a massive man utd fan and hates liverpool wiv a passion this is the result of the forfiet ul sam lol
thats just 2 hours of it tmora will be full cant fualt him for stickin 2 his guns tho, bin a great game tnite guys n girls i ended up finishin 29th, same time next week?
mick top top tourney 2 nite m8 class field and proper blind stucture. thx 4 the game 2 all those who played ....... and yes i cashed whoooo 24 . we need more ove this kind ove mtts on sky and it takes a person like u mick 2 get it sorted . well done m8 more plz.
guys u must watch this its crazy i can actually c michael jackson ghost u have 2 look really closely near the end of the song behind shahhens shoulder its crazy
guys u must watch this its crazy i can actually c michael jackson ghost u have 2 look really closely near the end of the song behind shahhens shoulder its crazy michaels ghost spotted as SHAHEEN JAFARGHOLI sings at michael jackson memorial Source: Look behind his shoulder as he builds up to the ending, spooky stuff. Posted by mickjenn1
Thank you
raizer u up for this mtt on sky pal,
yes will register when i get home
Please make sure all 4 fingers are behind the paper ??
When wiping your bottom !!!
bump !!
Nice Tourney Mick - well done.