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It is with regret that today,Elsa and I have taken a decision to remove from the team a player that has behaved inappropriately.
We awaited a retraction and apology for the comments made but none was forthcoming. There is no room in team51 for members with views of that kind.
Therefore the membership is terminated forthwith.
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Offically leaving thread. I've got a new motto: 'If it's not fun, it don't fill my bun.' Might take off.
Yes i'm offended, do you think it's easy getting custard pies thrown in your face all day ??????!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!
.......and don't get me started on wearing these stupid shoes and trying to drive a car when the doors keep falling off and the engine explodes.
: )
Good decision Area51.
I've never seen derogatory remarks made towards downs syndrome sufferers and the mentally disabled on here before.
I took a decision to exclude the team member for the offensive remarks and it will stand.
Listen lets get something straight OK I chose some bad wording, which rightly offended some / a player on here, HOWEVER I did not post a thread insulting anybody with a mental illness or downs.
I did use the word downs to describe ppls decision making ability, that I accept, but I did NOT mean it in any way to mean I dislike or discriminate against anybody.
Other people on here use the term 'tard all the time which has the same derogitory meaning as anything I came out with.
I have apologised but wont continue to do so like Ive commited crime of the century nor will I put up with people stretching what has been said.
As for the team issue............AR SED????
You've still said it and it's still offensive and totally unnecessary.